Grounded is an awesome open world game in which your character is shrunk down and you have to survive out there against various types of enemies that are bigger than you. You get the game on PC and consoles like Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 4 & 5. But if you prefer to play on the go then it is also available on Nintendo Switch.
The game provides you with different tiers of weapons and armor which can help you in survival. This guide will give you the best tier list for Tier 1 Armor. Keep reading to find out more!
Best Tier 1 Armor Tier List
Getting straight to the point, this tier list is divided into 4 categories with “S” being the best and the “C” being the worst. You can find the tier list below.
Tier List

S Tier
- Acorn Armor Set
- This armor set belongs to the heavy class so it will give you 30% damage reduction and 25% extra stamina.
- Your Max HP will also be increased by 10 (piece effect).
- With this armor, creatures will favor you over other aggressive sources by 10% (sleek effect).
- With the complete set, your stun gauge is increased by 15 when you are blocking attacks.
- Red Strategist Armor Set
- Being a medium class armor set, it will give you 20% damage reduction and 15% extra stamina.
- With this armor, friendly creatures will favor you over other aggressive sources by 20% (piece effect).
- Friendly creatures that you summon will reflect 25% of damage dealt to them back to the attacker. However, the damage reflected back will scale according to the attacker’s Max HP (sleek effect).
- With the complete set, your attacks will have a 10% chance to summon a friendly Red Soldier Ant that will die after 12 seconds.
- Aphid Slippers
- When you are wearing this lower body armor piece, Aphids will ignore you (sleek effect).
- And your movement speed will be increased by 20% which will make traversing the backyard easier.
- But in combat, your movement speed will be decreased by 20%.
A Tier
- Grub Armor Set
- This armor set belongs to the medium class so it will give you 20% damage reduction and 15% extra stamina.
- Your damage will be increased by 5% when dealing damage to Tier 1 creatures (piece effect).
- And your stamina regeneration will also be increased by 20% (sleek effect).
- With the complete set, the time taken for your stamina to regenerate will be decreased by 10%.
- Red Ant Armor Set
- This armor set belongs to the light class so it will give you 10% damage reduction and 5% extra stamina.
- You will be able to carry 3 Grass Planks and Weed Stems at once (piece effect).
- Your grass harvesting speed will also be increased by 25% (sleek effect).
- With the complete set, Red Soldier Ants will ignore you until you attack them or steal an egg. Red Worker Ants will also ignore and won’t get curious.
- Fin Flops+
- With this lower body armor piece, your swim speed will be increased drastically.
- And your stamina cost will be decreased by 10% (sleek effect).
B Tier
- Eyepatch
- This head armor piece will increase your attack damage by 10% and also reduce the amount of damage you receive by 25%.
- And creatures will favor you less by 10% over other aggressive sources (sleek effect).
- Gas Mask
- With this head armor piece, you will be immune to gas damage.
- And you will also receive 20% resistance to explosive damage (sleek effect).
- Gill Tube
- When you have this head armor piece equipped, your oxygen under water will become doubled.
- And your stamina regeneration is increased by 20% (sleek effect).
- Fin Flops
- With this lower body armor piece, your swim speed will be increased by 30%.
- And your sprinting will cost 10% less stamina (sleek effect).
C Tier
- Clover Armor Set
- Being a light class armor set, it will give you 10% damage reduction and 5% extra stamina.
- You will take 5% less damage from Tier 1 creatures (piece effect).
- And you will also regenerate 0.35% of your Max HP every 5 seconds (sleek effect).
- With the complete set, your thirst drains 25% slower.
- Mite Hat
- This head armor piece will increase your stamina regeneration by 15%.
- Your stamina’s regeneration delay is also decreased by 5% (sleek effect).
And this is it for this tier list. If you are interested in the tier lists of Tier 2 and Tier 3 armors, then we have that available as well. You can check it out here: