
Grounded 1.4: Best New Game Plus Effects Tier List

Over 100 effects now. Let’s talk about all of them!

Grounded 1.4: Best New Game Plus Effects Tier List

Buckle up, the New Game Plus (NG+) tier list for Grounded 1.4 is here. Different effects will be useful in different situations, so you want to make sure you’re grinding for the right ones. With so many to talk about (literally, over 100 of them), let’s not waste any more time and get into the tier list.

Best New Game Plus Effects Tier List

There are currently 112 New Game Plus Effects in the game. As mentioned above, every single Effect provides different benefits or buffs, which means some will certainly be better or more useful than others. I’m going to share my personal thoughts on which Effects I think are best through a tier list. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Grounded 1.4 NG+ Effects Tier List


  • Arcane Archer. Elemental arrows pair well with this as it’ll reduce their elemental resistance for 50% for 10 seconds. A multiplayer team will always benefit from this.
  • Bow Attack Best. It gives 50% damage boost on bows, the highest number you can get for damage boost.
  • Damage Resist. Reduces damage intake by 50%. No explanation needed, it’s very good in improving your survivability in a lot of situations.
  • Defense Event Attack. You deal 100% more damage during mixers and raids. Three of this allows you to one-tap a lot of the enemies as they rain upon you.
  • Fresh Attack Up Best. It gives 50% daamge boost for Fresh attacks, the highest number you can get for damage boost.
  • Sour Attack Up Best. It gives 50% daamge boost for Sour attacks, the highest number you can get for damage boost.
  • Spicy Attack Up Best. It gives 50% daamge boost for Spicy attacks, the highest number you can get for damage boost.
  • Salty Attack Up Best. It gives 50% daamge boost for Salty attacks, the highest number you can get for damage boost.
  • Implant Weakness Fresh. You only need a single implant to allow the whole team benefit from it. Reduces resistance by 50% and all member will deal 50% more damage.
  • Implant Weakness Sour. You only need a single implant to allow the whole team benefit from it. Reduces resistance by 50% and all member will deal 50% more damage.
  • Implant Weakness Spicy. You only need a single implant to allow the whole team benefit from it. Reduces resistance by 50% and all member will deal 50% more damage.
  • Implant Weakness Salty. You only need a single implant to allow the whole team benefit from it. Reduces resistance by 50% and all member will deal 50% more damage.
  • Life Steal. It’s very good on weapons that deals a lot of damage for that massive heal. This is good if you’re struggling to survive in rounds.
  • Loot Luck. Extra 10% loot drop and it stacks. More loot means less grinding!
  • Summon Thorns. One of the best effects to go up against virtually any enemy. It’s very good to pair with summoner build. Check out this guide for the best build for this version!
  • The Quickness. Permanent 25% movement speed increase, very good to get around very fast.


  • Boss Damage. The 30% damage boost is great against boost, but unfortunately, you will have problems if you’re not against anything not boss. But still great for dedicated weapons to use on.
  • Bow Attack Major. Gives 25% damage boost on your bow for a decent damage boost.
  • Crit Damage Up Best. The best version that gives you a good 60% damage boost. Pair it up with the Major version for another 40% and up it to 100% crit damage boost.
  • Critical Hit Chance. Increases your chances by 5%, the most important in the crit build.
  • Fresh Attack Up Major. Gives 25% damage boost for your Fresh attacks for a decent damage boost.
  • Sour Attack Up Major. Gives 25% damage boost for your Sour attacks for a decent damage boost.
  • Spicy Attack Up Major. Gives 25% damage boost for your Spicy attacks for a decent damage boost.
  • Salty Attack Up Major. Gives 25% damage boost for your Salty attacks for a decent damage boost.
Acid Staff in action.


  • Blast Wave. There’s a good potential with summoner build where you can spam Blast Wave on your equipment.
  • Broodmother Damage. Boss damage is good, but with current New Game Plus state, you’re going to be running into a lot of Broomother fights. Hence why this is in higher tier compared to other species specific effects.
  • Infected Broonmother Damage. Boss damage boost is always nice, which you can always switch to when you know what you’re going up to.
  • Mantis Damage. Boss damage boost is always nice, which you can always switch to when you know what you’re going up to.
  • Wasp Queen Damage. Boss damage boost is always nice, which you can always switch to when you know what you’re going up to.
  • Crit Damage Up Major. Major buff can be decent with the right crit buff to maximize that crit damage.
  • Crit Daze. This effect runs with specific builds, like the dagger with crit, which you can pair with damage up as well. This slows the enemy, virtually permanently if you keep landing crit hits.
  • Dust Guard. This prevents the dust effect proc on you when you’re walking through them.
  • Fall Defense. You become actually immune from fall damage. No more worrying about Fall Damage.
  • Finale Fury. Increased attack speed will give you slightly more freedom of parrying and landing your combos faster.
  • Finally Goo. Another decent damage boost while reducing the enemy’s attack speed. It’s been nerfed, but still decent.
  • Gas Guard. While you can technically just tank the gas, but if you’re struggling against the haze, you can just use this which is easier than the gas mask.
  • Parry Heal. Heals yourself when you parry, although Life Steal is better as this is better on enemies that attacks more so you can parry.
  • Samurai. This specific effect is perfect for you nerds who love to unsheath your double-wielded katana on your enemies. The speed boosts paired with good parrying skills will make you invincible here.
  • Sizzle Immunity. Good for early games, although sizzle doesn’t deal much damage in later game.
  • Spicy Mage. A total of 75% attack speed boost if you don’t get hit, very OP.
  • Starcrusher. Only works with the Salt Morning Star, reduces 50% of their resistance to non-elemental attacks for 5 sec.
  • Summn Damage. Great for summoner build as you can double your summon’s damage.
  • Vampirism. It is similar to Parry Heal, but is specifically good against the small minions. It is specifically bad against big bosses.


  • Ant Damage. Good effects for only ants, but other than that it won’t be helping much.
  • Arrow Refund. On tier 3, you have a 30% chance of saving more arrows while you’re using them. But on higher tier battles, you don’t really need this when you can just craft a lot of the arrows.
  • Black Widow. Deals 30% more on Black Widows, but it doesn’t have any use outside of that.
  • Bow Attack Minor. It gives 10% bow damage boost, not good enough compared to its better versions.
  • Crit Damage Up Minor. This is a minor buff, similar to its better versions. So you’d want the best version on the right build.
  • Cutman. Gives bleed effect, but it’s not dealing enough damage against the new high HP enemies.
  • Effortless Arrows. Reduces exhaustion and recovery majorly, good for beginners in archer build. But once you get high damage effects, go for those.
  • Explosive Resist. Good to reduce explosion damage, albeit it’s currently bugged and doesn’t work. But since you can parry explosions now, you’re better off getting another effect and learn how to block them.
  • Finale Bleed. Similar to Cutman, it’s not dealing as much as you want in the NG+ since they all have high HP.
  • Finale Block Surge. IBM fights where you reduce your block gauge a lot might be where you can run this.
  • Finale Crit Surge. Every 3rd hit increases 2%, not as good as the other increase crit chance permanently.
  • Finale Damage. Every 3rd hit deals 25% more damage, anything major or best will perform better than this.
  • Fresh Attack Up Minor. It gives 10% Fresh damage boost, not good enough compared to its better versions.
  • Sour Attack Up Minor. It gives 10% Sour damage boost, not good enough compared to its better versions.
  • Spicy Attack Up Minor. It gives 10% Spicy damage boost, not good enough compared to its better versions.
  • Salty Attack Up Minor. It gives 10% Salty damage boost, not good enough compared to its better versions.
  • Hauling Strength. Not the best way to increase your hauling strength.
  • Mad Scientist. It is a gamble between which buffs you get, but after early game, the mad scientist effect becomes less prominent.
  • Perfect Block. One can perhaps use it if they’re having trouble learning how to block or parry as it increases 5ms, but not really that good.
  • Quickcharge. Okay-ish for charge attack build for 40% boost.
  • Summon Attack Speed. This boosts your summon’s damage output.
  • Summon Crit. Increases his critical chances which means more damage.
  • Trickle Regen. If you don’t have Parry Heal or Life Steal, this is the lesser alternative for that extra health.
  • Wizard’s Defense. It has some use if you learn how to parry with a staff, but it’s hard to execute.


  • Aphkid. Unless you’re going to steal for Speed Droplet Trinket, there’s nothing else this can do.
  • Attack Stamina. Unless you’re legitimately struggling with stamina, there’s no way you’ll ever need this effect.
  • Black Ant Damage. Similar to Ant Damage, but it only on black variants.
  • Blocking Strength. This gives you blocking strength and nothing else.
  • Block Stun. The stuns aren’t as strong and as long as you want.
  • Exhaustion Recovery. There’s little to worry about on your stamina consumption in NG+.
  • Finale Stamina Surge. Not good even for the stamina boost.
  • Food Regeneration. Not good by NG+ higher levels, the food drain is very slow.
  • Fresh Attack. 15 damage boost isn’t worth it.
  • Sour Attack. 15 damage boost isn’t worth it.
  • Spicy Attack. 15 damage boost isn’t worth it.
  • Salty Attack. 15 damage boost isn’t worth it.
  • Fresh Mage. Again, stamina boost is terrible.
  • Friendly Fire Damage Down. This isn’t worth it even for multiplayer where you can use Battle Buddies.
  • Friendly Fire Defense Up. This isn’t worth it even for multiplayer where you can use Battle Buddies.
  • Fury. Fists are very bad now, so doesn’t matter what effect you put on it, it’s still bad.
  • Hunger Rate. There’s no reason to use this.
  • Hyperstamina. You never need to worry about stamina, so this is not necessary.
  • Increased Healing. Get Milk Molars to heal your team for way, way more boosts than this effect.
  • Invincible Attack. Effects are too minuscule to ever matter.
  • Invincible Shielding. Effects are too minuscule to ever matter.
  • Major Threat. Increases aggro more.
  • Minor Threat. Increases aggro.
  • Max Health. Health can be very well boosted with Milk Molars.
  • Max Stamina. Again, stamina is not an issue.
  • Orb Weaver Damage. You don’t need to really boost on the easy creatures.
  • Wolf Spider Damage. You don’t need to really boost on the easy creatures.
  • Poison Resist. Poison cannot kill you in the game where you have very high HP especially if you have Mithridatism.
  • Ranged Cut. Only 30% chance of causing bleeding which barely deal any damage.
  • Red Ant Damage. Ant Damage is just straight up better than a specific ant damage.
  • Reflect Damage Best. Avoid taking damage, that’s a better course of action.
  • Reflect Damage Major. Avoid taking damage, that’s a better course of action.
  • Reflect Damage Minor. Avoid taking damage, that’s a better course of action.
  • Sour Mage. Specifically good for charged attack, sour staff users.
  • Sprint Distance. Another stamina effect you don’t have to bother using.
  • Stun. Gives you three stuns that are too short, not enough.
  • Summon Aggro. Doesn’t matter where the aggro goes, if survivability is the issue here, there are better effects.
  • Summon Bleed. Another effect that does way too little damage.
  • Summon Poison. Another effect that does way too little damage.
  • Summon Stun. Deals too few stuns.
  • Tenderfoot Defense. Increases defense against tier 1 creatures But they’re alreaad weak, so it doesn’t matter.
  • Tenderfoot Offense. Increases damage against tier 1 creatures But they’re alreaad weak, so it doesn’t matter.
  • Thirst Rate. Just like Hunger Rate, it doesn’t really help with anything but reducing your thirst.
  • Unaramed Damage. Fists are nerfed so they’re now not worth investing in.
  • Victory Feast. You don’t need extra food stats with such low drain.

That concludes the tier list for effects in Grounded 1.4. Make sure to check out our weapons tier list next right here to get yourself ready for your next fight!


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