The Diamond Casino is the first heist in GTA 5 Online. It features multiple entry points and targets and requires to be a lot of careful planning and teamwork correctly. To carry the heist finale, you will finish optional prep missions. One of that missions includes the Scope Heist. If you are wondering how to complete it, stick with our guide, and we will show you that.
Diamond Casino Heist Scope Guide | All Access Points – GTA Online
Access Points

The first Access Point will be in the main entrance casino door.

The second door is right of the casino.

The following door is located down the stairs behind the bar.

Next door is located right next to the pool.

The keypad door 1 can be found by jumping off the ledge of the swimming pool and head left.

The second keypad door is located a little forward from the first keypad door. You will find the second door with a security guard right next to it.

Then, head to the roof beside the helipad to find another keypad door.

The other keypad door is besides the helipad.

The following access point is the side door located left from the casino.

The garage door is located at the right side of the casino.

Across the casino there is a sewer tunnel. Head there, and take a picture of the gate.
So, those are all the Access Points in Heist Scope in GTA Online. Now that you know, head back into the game and find it all. Many thanks to Gamers Heroes from YouTube for providing information. You can check the video here: GTA Online Diamond Casino Heist Scope Guide (All Access Points)
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