With the recent release of the Agents of Sabotage update for GTA Online, the game has gotten all sorts of new content including but not limited to some outfits and vehicle upgrades. In this guide, we will be going over the new upgrades for the Terrorbyte and how to actually apply them to yours.
How to Upgrade the Terrorbyte in GTA Online Agents of Sabotage (Off Radar, Collectible Scanner, Etc.)
Before anything else, you will first need to buy the Garment Factory property through Maze Bank. This will cost you just a bit over two million dollars, and this is what will unlock the ability to install new mods to your Terrorbyte.
Once you own this property, park the Terrorbyte in it so that you can start adding all the juicy new stuff. There, when you open the modify interface, you should see a new category called Bureau Tech.
Select this and then you will see all of the new features that can be added to the vehicle. To save you some time, here is a list of the possible upgrades and how much they cost for each:
- Collectible Scanner ($1,290,000) – This will let you see collectibles on the minimap, as indicated by white dots. This has no sound cue, though, so you will need to pay close attention to the minimap if you are using this to search for stuff.
- Silent Running ($425,000) – With this upgrade, your Terrorbyte will not appear on the radar if you are not moving. You will still be visible once you start to move.
- Missile Lock-On Jammer ($425,000) – With this, the Terrorbyte will now be much harder to hit with rockets as long as you remain mobile. Keeping it stationary will still let people get free hits on you, of course.
- Master Control Terminal ($500,000) – This will add a Master Control Terminal to the back of your Terrorbyte, allowing you to manage your businesses on the go.

As you can see, this makes the Terrorbyte such an insanely powerful vehicle, and possibly even one of the best ones to use in the current update. While you are here, check out our guide on the new police vehicles added in Agents of Sabotage so you can try something else out whenever you get bored of using the Terrorbyte!