As part of the new Agents of Sabotage update for GTA V Online, fans have new missions to look forward to. One such mission is The Brute Force file that has a really explosive finale with you breaching the heavily fortified Fort Zancudo.
This mission can get a bit challenging at certain points, especially in regards to entering the right password letters. If you’re stuck here, not to worry, we have you covered. We’ll go through the entire mission from start to end. Let’s get into it!
Locate the Loading Bay Guide
At the start of this mission, you’ll need to make your way to Fort Zancudo. This is pretty straightforward as you can just follow the marker and get there. From here, just show the pass to the guard and he’ll let you in.
When you’re inside the hangar, you’ll need to locate the loading bay. Now here is where things will start to get a bit tricky. You have two options when you make your way to the loading bay.
You can either go stealthy, or gun blazing.
For stealth, the easiest way to get past is to keep your eyes on the minimap. Your goal is to stay out of the cones of vision. So, just try to stay behind the guards and you’ll be good.

Of course, stealth is difficult and it’s highly likely that you might eventually get spotted. In this case, you’ll need to shoot down the enemies and clear the area.
Be careful here as there is a Juggernaut with a minigun that you’ll need to face off. We recommend bringing your own minigun so that you can easily gun him down.

After you’ve cleared the area, you’ll come across a panel in front of the loading bay. You will need to hack this panel by entering the right five lettered password.

Now this password can differ for everyone. Our best tip here is to arrange the letters in a way that they form a word. Here are some possible combinations we’ve seen reported by players:
Of course, this will depend on the combination of letters you get.

Once you enter the right password, enter the loading bay and you’ll get to enter the Scarab. This is a large tank with a laser beam turret and a kinetic pulse that will knock back vehicles. You will need to wait a bit for the Scarab to be overridden before you can drive it.
Be aware that enemies will start spawning in. You can ignore them too if you just want to get done with the mission.
After that, shoot your way out of the loading bay and you’ll find yourself outside. From here, all you need to do is drive the vehicle back to the Garment Factory and you’ll have successfully completed the mission.

That’s everything you need to know about locating the loading bay and completing The Brute Force file in Agents of Sabotage for GTA V Online. Besides the code and stealth part, most of the mission is pretty straightforward.
There is another file that has a difficult mission in Agents of Sabotage. Check out our mobile tracking mission guide to see how you can get past it!