
Hogwarts Legacy: Jackdaw’s Rest Quest Guide

Finish this quest and unlock the Talent Points!

Jackdaw’s Rest is a very big quest in the main story that will not only give you a whole lot of background and lore of Hogwarts and the world but also unlock very needed things for your character like the talent points.

In this guide, we shall show you how you are able to complete it with ease. Let’s get started.

Jackdaw’s Rest Quite Guide – Hogwarts Legacy

You will come across the Jackdaw’s Rest quest as you are going through the main story of the game. This is a quest that is numbered 17 or 18 in the quests you’ll be going through. It is a very valuable quest to pass because you will unlock the talent perk points after you’ve finished it.

Map Location

This is where you need to come on the map to be able to find the Jackdaw’s Rest quest starting place. As you can see, it will be just to the north of Hogwarts and the west of Hogsmeade. Be careful when coming here because you might encounter some enemies along the way.

Step 1: Follow Jackdaw

First of all, you need to follow the ghost of Jackdaw. It will take you to many important places that are needed to pass through this quest.

As you follow him you are going to come across a pathway that will take you inside a cave. You need to enter this cave so that you can find Jackdaw’s resting place.

The cave will be just along the path as you leave Jackdaw behind. It is not the one next to him. When you find the water well just whisper the words and the password into it and you’ll get the gate to open. You will get some goblins spawning so make sure to defeat them all.

Step 2: Inside Jackdaw’s Tomb

As you enter the cave you will notice that there is a locked gate. To open this gate you simply need to cast a spell in these 3 locations, or the marks on the wall.

Once you hit them in the same short time the gate will open.

Once inside the cave, you will see a lot of spiders. Make sure to defeat them all as well as keep using Incendio to get through all of the cobwebs that will act as blockades on your road.

Step 3: Second Door

You will come across another set of doors as you progress through the cave system and defeat the spiders.

You will need to hit them just as you did in the previous door, just this time, the one-mark target will be on the far left. Once you hit them all, the door will open.

Step 4: Get Through The Platform

If you come across some sort of platform like the one shown above, you just need to use the spell Accio and get them pulled toward you. As you do that, you are going to jump on them and then proceed to use Accio on the other side of the cave to move to the other side.

There will be a couple of them that you’ll pass through in this stage of the quest, but they are all the same.

Step 5: Boss Spider

After those platforms, you will come across a boss spider. All that you need to know about it is that it is very fast and hard-hitting.

The best tip for you to defeat this boss is to keep on the move and use the pushback spells. After it’s done, move to the bridge and hit the next set of marks.

Step 6: Pass The Bridge

Once the boss is down, you will need to strike these 3 marks.

One is on the right side, on one the left side of the bridge, while the last one is under it just where the arrows are pointing at.

Step 7: Pensieve Sentinel Fight

A lot of angry knights will be coming your way when passing through the bridge.

The key here is to use all the spells that you have in order to defeat them all. When they are about to jump, make sure that you move your position so that they don’t deal too much damage.

Once they are down, a portal will open up for you. Use Revelio and you will be able to pass through it. Just keep on going through the water and follow the waypoint because it will lead you to where you need to go.

That’s all that you need to do in order to pass Jackdaw’s Rest Quest. We hope that this guide has helped you out in this matter. Have fun unlocking talent points!

ALSO READ: How to Unlock Talent and Get Talent Points – Hogwarts Legacy


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