Hogwarts Legacy: Moth Tomb Puzzle Solution | The Helm of Urktot

David Mickov
5 Min Read

Finding the helm of Urktot will turn out to be quite a difficult task. You shall need to go across very unique puzzles with the help of flying moths. In this guide, we shall be your helping hand and show you everything you need to know about how to pass this puzzle with a solution. Let’s get started and start using some moths to our advantage!

Moth Tomb Puzzle Solution | The Help of Urktot – Hogwarts Legacy

Map Location

This is where you are able to find the Moth Tomb Puzzle which will give you a lot of rewards and good loot.

Step 1 – Open The Gates

You will come across a locked gate. You cannot open it whatever you try to do with it. Instead, you shall need to take a left on where you can see the gate and locate the Moth jar location as seen in the picture above.

Once you get here, simply walk next to the moths and then move back to the gate behind you. This will get it opened. Now you shall continue going through the road and come to another set of gates.

When you get here, you can see on the minimap where will the moths be. Simply walk on over to all of them and bring them all to the gate. You shall need to have a total of 3. For the last one you will use a breaching spell to break the gate and pick up the moths there.

Step 2 – Defeat The Enemies

Once you get through the gate you will come across a lot of enemies. This is a simple step, just defeat all of them in combat and don’t die.

Step 3 – Open The Gate With The Elevator

You will come across a room with a certain structure in the middle. Pick up one of the moths and place it inside it. Now step up on to the elevator and proceed to strike the structure a couple of times. This will lift you up to a small room where you can find one more set of moths.

Now just pick all 3 of the moths here, even the ones from the structure, and insert them on the gate. This will get it opened. Once you get through the gate you will see an object hanging from the ceiling.

You need to hit it as shown above in the picture and then just jump down in the hole. When you get to the bottom be ready for fighting a lot of enemies.

Step 4 – Another Gate With Elevator

Once all of the enemies are defeated, you shall pick up one of the moths with Lumos spell and insert it into the structure in the middle. Once you do so, get up on the elevator and proceed to strike it multiple times until it takes you up.

Place the moths in the gate that you will find on the second. Now just jump down to the ground floor and place one moth in the structure shown here. It will raise up to the second floor as well. Use the elevator to climb up once again and pick up the moth.

Pick it up and insert it into the gate to get it opened on the second floor. Once you get through the gate just pick up the helmet and get out through the small hole in the wall. Just talk to Logdok on the outside now and you will need to chase some thieves.

We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do to complete the Moth Tomb Puzzle successfully. Have fun doing it yourself!

Step 5 – Catch The Thieves

Once you get out just start flying to the waypoint shown on the map. Find the thieves, defeat them in combat, and pick up the item that you need. Now just go back to Logdok and you shall complete the Moth Tomb Puzzle. Congratulations!

ALSO READ: Hogwarts Legacy: Cache in the Castle Guide

This bearded looking fellow on our left is David and he is a 26 year old passionate gamer. He has been an active member of the gaming community from a very young age, specifically from 2003 when he first played Warcraft 3 and discovered tachycardia from how enjoyable and relaxing it was. Gaming for him has been, and still is a way of life style. He loves delving deep into whatever it is he is playing, losing himself into countless of hours discovering everything there is that created that video game. He learns about the backstories, about the development, the creators, fan theories and boy oh boy he's open for discussions about what makes a game great and what doesn't. He can play everything from small Indie games , to big triple A titles. His theory about games is this : small details make big games. So that is why whatever it is that he is playing, he is the guy who discovers 99% of the maps with every little side quest or trophy to be found. That is why his favourite genre is RPG. Having the big explorable created world at your fingertips, where everything from a scary bloodsucking demon to a friendly talking goat can be found and interacted with, as well as immersing yourself into the roleplay game you are playing, is fascinating for him. He is a laid back type of gamer, after a rich history of getting his ass kicked in competitive games. He is very passionate about writing blogs and articles about games, as it is soothing and meditating for him.
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