
Hogwarts Legacy: Ultimate Spells & Curses Guide

Lots of spells to choose from!

After a long wait, fans of the Harry Potter franchise rejoice as Hogwarts Legacy is released for those who bought certain editions, with more soon to follow! The game features a customizable character as you play as a student in Hogwarts at the time before the books and movies. You get to follow your own story as well as solve your own mysteries in the game while meeting interesting characters along the way. The game also has some iconic places in Hogwarts for you to find and see! Not to mention the game actually has great and fluid combat with spells and in this article we’ll list out all the spells you can get in the game!

Ultimate Spells and Curses Guide For Hogwarts Legacy

There are a lot of spells in the books and the movies of the Harry Potter franchise, and some of them you can find in Hogwarts Legacy. There’s also spells that are unique to the game, and even though some of them have cool names, you can tell where they just gave up on thinking of names for them. Here are all the spells in the game.


  • Basic Cast – Basically your basic attack, can’t get any more basic than that. String attacks together and damage your enemy.
  • Revelio – Highlights nearby interactable items from hidden objects, puzzle items and loot.
  • Protego – Your protection spell, time it right and you can even damage the enemy back!
  • Stupefy – Any fan of the franchise should know this, it’s your basic stun follow-up spell.
  • Ancient Magic Throw – Use your magic to throw things at enemies, from rocks to barrels.
  • Ancient Magic – Your special move that needs to be charged up to even use it.
  • Alohomora – It’s a spell that summons a lockpicking minigame, horrific!
  • Patrificus Totalus – Sneaky Insta-kill spell, useful when taking down henchmen and trash mobs from stealth.


  • Arresto Momentum – Slows the enemy down for you to attack it!
  • Glacius – Freezes enemy, great when followed up by another attack.
  • Levioso – Levitates objects and enemies, used for puzzles and crowd control.
  • Transformation – They just gave up on naming this one huh? Transforms enemies into objects and puzzle items into different forms.


  • Accio – Pulls an object and instatly throws it or pulls an enemy for you to follow-up with another attack.
  • Depulso – Instead of pulling you push them back!
  • Descendo – Slams enemies or objects to the ground, better if they’re floating already!
  • Flipendo – Flips enemies in the air for a while, used for objects as well to flip them for puzzles.


  • Confringo – You can’t fool me, this is just a Firebolt spell!
  • Diffindo – A slashing ranged attack.
  • Expelliarmus – Disarms weapons and wands from enemies.
  • Bombarda – Explosion magic, if you want someone or something to explode!
  • Incendio – Light a target on fire, be it enemy or object!


  • Disillusionment – An invisibility spell with a fancy name.
  • Lumos – A light spell with a fancy name.
  • Reparo – A repair spell with a… you get it. Repairs objects from broken bridges to broken buildings.
  • Wingardium Leviosa – Everyone knows this spell, levitates an object, useful for puzzles.


  • Conjuring Spell – Conjure items, usually furniture for your place.
  • Altering Spell – Alters placed items like furniture and decorations.
  • Evanesco – Recalls a piece of furniture.

Unforgivable Curse

  • Avada Kedavra – You want something dead right now? Use this!
  • Crucio – How about wanting someone to suffer more before dying, then this one spell is for you!
  • Imperio – Make an enemy your friend and force them to fight their own friends!

Congratulations you now know most of the spells in Hogwarts Legacy. A lot of these spells you either unlock through the main quests or side quests like the curses. Many thanks to PowerPyx for showing everyone the spells, if you need more information on the spells then go check their video out here: Hogwarts Legacy – All Spells Showcase & Unforgivable Curses – YouTube

ALSO READ: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Change Difficulty


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