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Hoth And Cold: Activate 3 Signal Towers To Reveal Luke’s Location | LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga

Finding signal towers in midst of a snow storm, should be easy right? -Not so much.

But have no fear, for it is I ready to help and guide you through this cold vast land to the rescue of Luke. The empire is on your tail and C-3PO and R2-D2 are exploring Echo Base in Hoth. Han Solo, which you play as, is looking for Luke and in order to find him, you need to activate and recalibrate these 3 Signal Towers. Be sure to keep opening your map and compass, for it is a huge and vast snow covered land, but you can find the towers in these couple of steps:

LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga – Hoth And Cold: Activate 3 Signal Towers To Reveal Luke’s Location

1.The First Signal Tower

General Rieekan says that many creatures great and small reside in this place, so heads up because the first enemy you will find yourself battling is a Scout Droid in this location.

After destroying him, you will find a cannon that you will need to take control of. You pull the lever to recharge it, and after a while you can mount it.

When you have mounted it, turn it around slowly slowly, and don’t let the little explosions scare you, it’s perfectly safe. You will use this charged gun to point at the bridge and shoot it in order for it to fall down and provide you a safe passage.

The next step is lowering the other half of the bridge which you can do by aiming your gun, and shooting at the wires holding it up.Be careful of the gap inbetween! Jump with caution.

Once you pass the bridge, you will be greeted with one more droid. Once the coast is clear, pull over this box next to the tower to be able to climb it Assassin’s Creed style.

Climbing the tower should be pretty simple. Just time the spinning correctly and use the jump button to go up. There is one more bar at the end that you need to jump on, just in case you don’t see it.

At the top, take control of the tower and aim it with using the sound. The faster and louder it beeps, the closer you are to target. Also when it gets brighter it means you are close.

That is one tower found and you closer to finding Luke. Signal is still weak, so let’s go looking for the second one.

2.The Second Signal Tower

A zip line with open up to you. You can use it to travel quickly to ground level and mount up. The next location you need to go is here. There are also small pointers that guide you.

Take care of the droid and pull the lever for opening the gate.

Once inside, move on up the stairs. Now you will need to get to the other side over the broken walkway. Get this box at the end, and just push it forward to break it down below.

Now jump down, and here you will see a lot of broken parts. Use them to build yourself a ladder in order to climb up. But before that, close the gate the same way you opened it earlier.

Now climb up the ladder, and go ahead to cross over the gate that you just closed.

You can also follow those small arrows in front of you. Get to the end of the road, and there will be a drone stealing the gadget you need and breaking stuff. Use the broken materials to build a magnet.

With this magnet you will pull the drone to you. Grab the gadget and plug it in the tower.

Another tower to climb. This one is trickier but it is the same thing. Get to the highest point and use the radar to aim using the sound and colour of the beacon.

Second tower is done. That scary roar you hear means you have to hurry up.

3.The Third Signal Tower

Trusty zipline appears again. Use it to get to your mount. Proceed moving to this location.

Use your mount to move faster and get to the top of that little hill. Here you need to mount up on that gun and just blast away every target available.

There is a zipline on your left. Use it to lower yourself and proceed moving towards the tower. Now you need to climb up the last tower which is little bit shaky. Power the tower using the beacon as before.

Those are all 3 towers active. Now to find Luke.

4.Follow The Signal To Find Luke

Use your friendly zipline and mount up. Head towards this location.

Oh yes, I wanted to keep that white monster as a surprise. Good luck finding Luke!

ALSO READ: The Battle Of The Jedi All Minikits Location | LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga


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