With Overwatch 2 slowly creeping in and with the news of the first game being shut down before the launch of the second, players are wondering how they can merge their accounts into Overwatch 2. There are some players out there who have console accounts and want to merge them with their battle net accounts to keep their progress. Blizzard gave players a chance to do this by announcing cross-progression for Overwatch 2. Now you can merge your accounts into your main battle net account and in this article, we’ll show you how it works.
Explained: How Overwatch 2 Cross-Progression Works
Overwatch players who have gotten a lot of progress in the accounts like ranks and cosmetics may wonder how it’ll work with Overwatch 2.
Well, if you’re console account and battle net account is linked to the same email then it should be easy for the player to link them both.
That’s because if you share the same email for both accounts, it should automatically merge the two together, but for those players where it didn’t happen or don’t use the same email then you’ll need to put in a bit more effort.

To get started you’ll need to login to your external account in either Xbox, switch or playstation. Then you should get an external link in the form of a QR code that you can then scan with your phone. Once you get into the website through the QR code you’ll then be given a set of numbers on your console’s screen.

The website will then ask for the number on your screen and all you need to do is enter the number. After that, the next time you login to overwatch you’ll then be asked to confirm the account merge.
Merging accounts will carry over your rank, ALL of your cosmetic items like skins, gold guns and sprays will be carried over.
Credits will also be merged into one big credit wallet and all loot boxes will be automatically opened since Overwatch 2 won’t have them.
So, the next time you connect to any of your consoles that you’ve successfully merged, it will now use the collective data of all merged accounts!
Congratulations you now know the gist of how cross-progression works for Overwatch 2, now go get those accounts merged before the game fully releases!
Many thanks to BRO YOU WACK for showing everyone how to merge your accounts, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How Overwatch 2 CROSS PROGRESSION Works (Get Your Old Skins Back!)
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