DAZN will have loads of options for you to watch if you are a fan of the sports. You can watch your favorite sports titles and types and eventually if you get bored or maybe not happy with the overall content or prize maybe, you can always cancel your DAZN subscription.
In this guide, we are going to show you everything that you need to know about how to do so in many different ways. Let’s get started.
DAZN – How to Cancel Dazn Subscription in Different Ways
APP Cancel Subscription For DAZN

First of all, you will need to head on over to your DAZN application. Once you have opened the application you will of course need to be entering your username and password, meaning that you need to be logged in to be able to actually cancel your DAZN subscription.
With that being said, you need to be on the main page of the DAZN. From the main menu, all that you will have to do is go to the three lines in the top left corner next to Home.
Once you open that you will get to a window and from here you will open up My Account. Once you get here, you will straight up see a Subscription tab as the first option that you can press. You need to click on it and you’ll get to another screen.

Once you press it you will see everything about how much you are actually paying and since when you have been paying as well as when the next payment will be. When you scroll all the way to the bottom you are going to find Cancel Subscription.
Website Cancel Subscription For DAZN

For this one, you simply need to get to the DAZN website. We are going to provide you a link so that you can do so much easily:
Once you get here you are going to go inside your Account Settings once again just as shown in the previous method. From there you will go to the Subscription once again and here you will find the same Cancel Subscription as before. Press on it just the same and you’ll be done with DAZN.
So just press that highlighted button and you will confirm your choice. After this is done, you will successfully complete the DAZN Subscription. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do in order to get the DAZN Subcripction canceled. Good luck doing it yourself!
ALSO READ: How to Cancel Kindle Unlimited Subscription in 2 Ways