There’s a new Victoria game out there and it’s the aptly named Victoria 3. Paradox Interactive has just released this newest addition to the grand strategy genre and it’s as complex as ever! Take control of a nation in the Victorian era where you control all the aspects of a country through laws and politics, military, diplomacy and technology. You can play as Japan and try to open up the country to trade by removing the Shogunate, play as America and manifest your destiny, or play as Britain and be the colonial power of that age. Speaking of colonial power, in this guide we’ll teach you how to colonize in Victoria 3!
Victoria 3: How to Colonize
The Victorian Era is a time of great change for a lot of countries. It was the time of growth for America, taking the lands to the west coast from Mexico. Great Britain held the largest colonial empire in existence and it still grew. Prussia was uniting every German state into one country and the Industrial revolution was happening everywhere in the world!
There was also colonization and the scramble for Africa and this is how you colonize in the game.

First you need to have Colonization unlocked in the research tab. It’s one of the earlier researchable Technologies in the game.

Once you’ve researched Colonization you’ll then need to go to your country’s laws and try passing either of the two colonial laws. Colonial Resettlement increases the migration attraction of the colonies you make while Colonial Exploitation gives a bonus to Throughput in unincorporated states.

Once you have passed the laws you can then go to the diplomatic lens on the bottom of the screen, go to the regional action tab and declare an interest on the area you want to colonize. After waiting a while for the interest to set up, you can then establish a colony there.
Congratulations you now know how to colonize in Victoria 3, now go out there and try to scramble for Africa! Remember that you can only colonize places that you have access to, so as Japan you can’t really colonize Africa at the start. You can also increase colonial growth through Institutions.