You may have come across the Petrified NPC in the Forsaken Fen in Lords of the Fallen 2. If you’re wondering what to do with her or how to cure her, I got you covered. In this guide, I’ll show you all the methods you can do to cure the NPC, as well as the NPC’s exact location. Now, be careful around the NPC, as you might end up destroying her. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!
How To Cure The Petrified NPC
In order to cure the Petrified NPC, you’ll have to throw any healing item or cast any ally-healing spell on her.
Now, for that, you can use the Empyrean Grenade too, which I’ll show you how to acquire on this guide as well. But if you already have access to the prerequisites, feel free to skip the following section.
NOTE: Be careful and do not attack or jump on the Petrified NPC, as you’ll end up destroying her.
You may also see an item you can loot behind her, which you’ll eventually get after curing her.
How to Get Empyrean Grenade
In order to get the Empyrean Grenade, you’ll need to make your way to the Sanctuary of Baptism, located within the Skyrest Bridge area, specifically in the Vestige of Chabui.
From the vestige, look to your right and you’ll spot a ladder. Ascend it, and then proceed to yet another ladder to reach the top.

After reaching the top, head straight and direct your attention to the right. Here, you’ll see a wooden beam, which you’ll need to cross.

Afterwards, head straight and at the end of the path, you’ll see a couple boxes. You’ll have to destroy them, which will then reveal a cage area.

In order to get through the cage, you’ll have to use your lantern. Inside the cage, you’ll see the Empyrean Grenade right next to a corpse. Pick it up to proceed.

Petrified NPC Location
Now, once you have the requirements, make your way to the Vestige of Valade located in the Forsaken Fen.
While facing the Vestige of Valade, turn around and then pivot to your right. Follow the trail, which is covered by wooden planks.
You’ll know you’re on the right path when you come across an NPC named Byron, as shown in the image.

Continue along this path until you reach a short bridge.

Upon crossing the bridge, you’ll enter into a more expansive area. In this space, take a left turn.

As you progress, hug the wall and go through two successive torch-lit pathways. After the second one, proceed directly forward.

Just keep heading straight and you’ll arrive at a broad area. You must go through by passing beneath the tree trunk bridge as shown in the image below.

After going through the tree trunk, you’ll then have to go left.

Just keep looking to your left, and you’ll see a small cave, as shown in the image.

Come closer and you’ll see that it’s blocked by branches of some sort. Simply destroy them to open up the way.

Inside the cave, you’ll see the Petrified NPC. Now, in order to cure her, you’ll have to use either of the two methods mentioned prerequisites before, which are:
- Throw any healing item on the NPC, like the Empyrean Grenade.
- Cast any ally-healing spell on the NPC.
Afterwards, talk with her to engage on a dialogue. As your reward, she’ll give you the Pendant of Induration. But that’s not all!

After successfully curing the NPC, you’ll have to rest at any Vestige and return to the NPC’s location. Then, you’ll be able to get the item behind her, which is the Wilmarc’s Catalyst. There you have it!
Now, you may have heard of the secret Dark Crusader class in the game. In case you’re interested in unlocking it, you might want to check out this guide on How to Unlock the Dark Crusader Class in Lords of The Fallen 2 as well!

And that’s how you cure the Petrified NPC in Lords of The Fallen 2. What should I cover next? If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
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