How To Defeat Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader – Elden Ring

Elijah Hernandez
2 Min Read

There are plenty of boss fights in Elden Ring (230 boss fights to be exact), and you can expect to die at least 10 times to each of them, as it is the Souls way. Fighting these bosses can take hours upon hours of losing, raging, and pleading before your luck kicks in and you win the fight. Either that, or the game finally takes pity on you. In this guide, we will be showing you how to fight Alecto, the fast and agile Black Knife ringleader.

Elden Ring – How To Defeat Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader

Alecto Strategy

Alecto is a high level boss that can move fast and hit hard at the same time. Her attacks not only do an insane amount of damage, but it also can sap some of your health away, making her already high damage even more deadly. She can also perform grab attacks that makes her quickly close the gap between you and grab you. Once she does, she will stab you several times before letting you go.

The best way to defeat Alecto is through melee. As scary as she is, she is still the size of a regular person (or as normal as a person in Elden Ring can be). Attacking with melee attacks can stagger and even break her poise. You can even parry her to break her guard and inflict a critical attack. However, don’t counter all of her attacks, as some of them cannot be countered or even blocked.

If you are a range fighter, it is possible to beat her, but it is much more harder to do so compared to using melee weapons. As Alecto is incredibly fast and mobile, hitting her can be very difficult as she can easily dodge any of your attacks.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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