How To Equip Banners & Standards In Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord

Martin Dojranliev
1 Min Read

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord is an action/strategy RPG game where players need to craft, trade, and raise an army. With the army, you will fight with your troops in massive battles that have deep skill-based combat. To increase your damage, you need to equip Banners or Standards. If you are wondering how to do that, stick with our guide, and we will show you.

Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord – How To Equip Banners & Standards

Heroes will bring the banners and have them carried by the soldiers. There are banners with different colors to equip. So, to equip them, the first thing you need to do is to open up the inventory and search for the banner there.

Once you find your banner there, you need to drag it and drop it in the slot where itā€™s pointed in the image above.

Once you do that, the banner will be equipped, and it will positively affect you. That is all you need to know about how to equip banners or standards in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord.

ALSO READ: Bannerlord: How To Control Units Armies on Console Guide | Mount & Blade 2

Martin Dojranliev has been writing for many years. He loves to write about the gaming industry, especially fps games. He is an expert gamer in CSGO. He has won tournaments in Gevgelija, Macedonia, and online tournaments, and he has 1000+ hours on the game. Martin specializes in skills to be the best and to win the game. Last year Martin finished one year course in 3D Game Design. When Martin is taking a break from writing, he loves to play games in his free time.
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