When you’re given a main objective it’s scientifically proven that in a matter of minutes, you’ll easily forget about it and do something else that you shouldn’t be doing until later. That would be the exact case for Smalland when you get to the Overland and start gathering resources left and right, you might as well take what you can right?
One of the early resources you’ll be needing would be Nectar, and if you’ve been having a tough time trying to find it outside then this guide is just for you! Just watch out for the bees, they’re not your friend this time around.
Smalland – How To Get Nectar
To get your hands on some of that Nectar you need to find red flowers scattered around the map, aside from that you also need to have your axe on hand to be able to harvest the resource.
Give it a good whack and you’ll get one unit of the item per flower along with some petals and seeds.

Whenever you experience a shortage of nectar you can always visit the locations highlighted on the map to find an abundance of them, you’ll know you’re close to a group of flowers when you start hearing buzzing noises.
Yes, bees will be involved in your hunt for nectar, where else are they going to get their nutrients? Don’t worry, they don’t swarm every flower on site, just stay away from them while you’re under-equipped and pray to the small gods they won’t notice you taking what’s rightfully theirs.
If you’re out and about, you might run into some fiber as well, another resource you’ll be needing to craft bandages. You’ll need a lot of those if you plan to play aggressively!
ALSO READ: How To Heal in Smalland