The newest grand strategy game is out from Paradox Interactive and it’s the long-awaited sequel to Victoria 2, aptly named Victoria 3. The game features new and old mechanics alike, the amazing graphics and visuals, a modern Ui and much more. Take control of a country and juggle all of their needs from political uprisings, to domestic goods supply and demand. This game is as complex as the previous title and it’s not a surprise that it has a high learning curve, it’s just natural for the genre. In this guide we’ll show you ways on how to lower Radicals in your country!
Victoria 3 | How To Lower Radicals
In Victoria 3 you can get radicals in your country from a variety of ways, from changing your government without an election to just changing the production of a building and letting people get fired. Sometimes too many radicals can be bad so you need a way to lower them so that you can stabilize your country. Here are the different ways to lower radicals in the game.
Standard of Living

If you raise the Standard of Living in your country, you’ll lower the radicals in said country. Remember that taxation also effects how much the standard of living increases or decreases the radicals. Generally increasing it will lower radicals in your country, just don’t go lowering it because it’ll make them even more mad!
Political Movements

Sometimes people will demand some political change or movement to be made, when that happens it will show on the righ side, and depending on the movement it will either decrease or increase the radicals. Always check by looking at the Radicalism and Support of the movement. You have to balance out and see if going through with that law is good for your country or not.
Prevent Discrimination

Discrimination can also increase Radicals in your country, especially pops that are not part of your main culture group. Usually when pops are not of your culture or religion, they’ll get lesser rights. To fix this you can pass different citizenship laws to alleviate discrimination like Multiculturalism.
Congratulations you now know how to lower radicals in your country in Victoria 3. Now go out there and try to remove them! Many thanks to TheGraveOne for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How to Lower Radicals in Victoria 3!!! – YouTube
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