In Gotham Knights, solving puzzles is a core aspect of progression. Some of the puzzles are very easy to solve, while some of the players have a hard time solving them. The Shadow Bird Puzzle is one of the earliest puzzles that you need to solve. Today’s guide will show you how to solve the Shadow Bird Puzzle.
Gotham Knights – How To Solve The Shadow Bird Puzzle Guide
Even if the puzzle is in the early game, it is still challenging to complete. To solve the puzzle, you will need to activate the spotlight and adjust the ancient table’s sculptures. The bird has four parts, and there is a pattern to rotate the right way.
The first thing to do is to rotate the Talons press once, then turn the Beak and press twice. For Wing 1 (the third sculpture), press three times, and for the last one, Wing 2 (the last sculpture), press three to four times.
By doing that, you will solve the puzzle. Then, it will trigger a cutscene where the wall will split in half, and it will have a path to continue the story.
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