
How to Unlock Flying Mounts in Hogwarts Legacy

Learn how to get a cool mount that will fly over Hogwarts!

Having a cool flying mount that will take you up and above Hogwarts and the world of Harry Potter is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Obtaining one however isn’t the easiest task.

In this guide, we shall show you what needs to be done to unlock a flying mount in Hogwarts Legacy. Let’s get started.

Hogwarts Legacy – How to Unlock Flying Mounts

To be able to unlock the Flying Mounts in Hogwarts Legacy you are going to need to play through the main story and reach the point where you will start the quest called The High Keep.

You are going to meet with Natty just in front of Hogwarts and it will start out the quest.

Step 1: Climb The Battlements

You need to be quiet and head on over through the backsides and climb on top of the battlements. Just proceed to move along the arrows that you see in the picture above and keep on jumping.

When you get inside you need to use Revelio and then Repulso on the gate’s lever to be able to open up the gate.

Pick up the box with Wingardium Leviosa and then place the box under the hole in the wall. Now just climb up on top of the box and get on the second floor.

This is where you shall need to place it.

Step 2: Enter The GateHouse

You will find a door that is locked. Simply go around the tower and from the other side where you can use Wingardium Leviosa and pick up the chest. Now move it and just go back to open the door that you couldn’t open before.

You will then get to the large gate. Simply use Revelio and just use Accio to pull down the lever on the center of the gate. Also, make sure to do Repulso on the lever so that the gate has where to fall down.

After that is done, you’re just going to be following Natty for a while.

Step 3: Get To The Roof

You are going to want to climb on this wooden barricade after you have followed Natty for a while. Simply walk on up and you’ll come across a box.

When you see the box behind the broken door you want, just use Repulso on it. This will make it fall down and you can use it to your advantage.

Just pull the box now with the Wingardium Leviosa spell and place it just where the stairs have been broken off.

You can do Levioso so that the box will remain floating for a while. Run up the stairs as shown with the arrows above and jump over to the other ledge.

Step 4: Guards & Lockpick

You are going to see a whole lot of guards once you get up on that ledge. Simply go invisible and then use your sneak attack to kill them all. Once they’re all down you can use the lockpick skill to open up the locked door.

Keep on going up the path now and you’ll encounter some Poacher Rangers now too. Just go full-blasting combat and defeat them all.

There’s also another set of lock picks that you can open to be able to progress through the quest. After that just keep on walking up the stairs and where the waypoint leads you.

Step 5: On The Roof

This is the part with the actual flying. It is very simple, just make sure that you fly close enough to Nanni and you don’t lose sight of her.

After you have completed the quest, you are going to unlock flying mounts. Congratulations!

We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you need to do in order to make this possible. Have fun flying around!

ALSO READ: How to Unlock Wingardium Leviosa Spell – Hogwarts Legacy


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