GTA 5 Online has a new update in the form of the Agents of Sabotage update. We have brand new missions to complete that can give us all sorts of new rewards. But did you know that there are some unique cosmetics that you can also obtain from completing tier challenges?
In this guide, we’ll show you what steps you need to follow to get each of the rewards in GTA 5 Online. This includes the Terrorbyte FIB Livery, Pave’s Hat and Tank Top Outfit. Without further delay, let’s get into it!
How to Unlock NEW Terrorbyte FIB Livery, Pavel’s Hat & Tank Top Outfit
It’s important to keep in mind that all these new cosmetic rewards are only available for next gen consoles i.e. PS5 and Xbox Series X and S. Also, currently, there is a glitch which causes the rewards between some tiers to be swapped.
Hopefully, this issue will get addressed soon. To keep track of these rewards, you can check your Career Progress or use Rockstar’s website. Now, let’s see how you can get each of these items.
Tier 1 – Pavel’s Garrison Cap
Completing the Tier 1 challenge will give you access to Pavel’s Garrison Cap. Here are the requirements you need to fulfill to complete this challenge:
- Acquire the Garment Factory
- Purchasable for around 2 million dollars
- Meet with Pavel
- He will be inside the Garment Factory
- Complete a File
- Accessible within the Garment Factory.

This challenge is pretty straightforward as you’ll do most of these at the start anyway when starting Agents of Sabotage.
To be able to complete a file, you can choose between multiple files on your phone or computer at your property. You can think of files as mini heists where you have to do three preps and the finale.
We believe that you can only do 1 file per week, and it will reset the next week. However, some players have been able to do them multiple times so we’re not sure if it’s a bug or not. Once that’s done, you will be able to get the cap.

Tier 2 – Terrorbyte Livery
Next up, we have the Tier 2 reward that gives you the Terrorbyte Livery with the word FIB. To complete the challenge, here are the requirements:
- Complete 5 Files
- Complete 2 Files without losing a life
- Earn $25,000 in additional Garment Factory earnings.

We’ve already gone over the files system so you’ll just need to run them for the rewards.
As for the additional earnings, these are the ones that are accessible via the safe next to your personal quarters in the Garment Factory. You can get these earnings by doing files, so make sure to go to the safe after.

Tier 3 – Pavel’s Tank Top
For the Tier 3 reward, things will start to amp up in difficulty just a little bit. Here are the requirements to get Pavel’s Tank Top:
- Complete all the Files
- Complete the Priority File 2 weeks in a row
- Complete all mission challenges for a File.

If you’re confused about priority files, these are the files in the list that have the red Priority File marked on them. You get additional bonus money for completing these as well.

As for the challenges, each of the files will have three challenges you can complete. To know whether you got them all, you’ll want these challenges to be marked in the tick box at the end.

Tier 4 – Vapid Firebolt ASP
Finally, we have the highest challenge of them all in the form of Tier 4. With Tier 4, you get access to the Vapid Firebolt ASP vehicle, $250,000 and 10,000 RP. Here’s what you need to do:
- Unlock 9 platinum awards for Agents of Sabotage
- Complete 25 Files
- Earn all mission challenges for all Files
- Earn $100,000 in additional Garment Factory settings.

To keep track of awards, simply scroll down on the site and you’ll see a list of awards alongside what you need to do for them.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the cosmetic rewards in GTA 5 online. Some of these are really cool and you get them for simply playing the new update. So, we strongly suggest you redeem them!
Did you know that you can also install mods on the Terrorbyte? Check out our how to upgrade the terrorbyte guide to find out more!