The new update has brought the 2099 Nueva york to InVision’s Web-Verse. Everyone’s excited to explore the new place, but it appears that some people are lost in the sauce. The new map is featuring great details, new suits and bunch of new cool stuff, so don’t miss out!
Keep reading for some tips especially for new players on what to expect in 2099 Nueva York.
How To Get To 2099 NUEVA YORK
You can get to the new 2099 NUEVA YORK via the Rift Watch. It’s on your upper left screen and you only need to unlock that. It costs $5,000 to get one, so you might have to grind the Web Points for quite a bit. Keep reading further for tips on grinding for the dollars needed in this Roblox game.

Once you get your watch, you can now transfer to another universe, Earth-928, and arrive in 2099 Nueva York. Get ready for quite a cool transfer cutscene as you go through the rift! Upon arrival, you’ll be greeted with a Menu screen with several options from getting new Quests and suits.

Below are some previews of the new cool spidersuit you can get here. And also the gorgeous futuristic design of the modern city. Also available in this new city is the Time Trial mode that will unlock the new Spiderverse 2099 suit.

How To Grind Web Points In InVision’s Web-Verse
Now the biggest struggle here is getting the Web Points. InVision’s Web-Verse can be pretty grindy and there isn’t a quick, fast method to making a lot of money. But there are some tips you can follow.
There are currently two known main methods: crime missions and pizza deliveries. You can save your time by getting the crime mission and then go for pizza delivery while waiting for the criminals to spawn. This way, you can save your time from waiting until the Crime in Progress pops up.

Now, the next issue is server density. Get yourself a private server so you can monopolize the crime scenes for yourself. That’s because if you only deal a small amount of damage or kill only a few, you won’t get any points.
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