LEGO 2K Drive is an open world driving game that is similar to Forza and Need For Speed. You know what that means? Collectibles. From collecting chopped down weeds, to collecting experimental car batteries, you can find a lot of stuff out in the open LEGO world. In this guide, however, I will be focusing on the Experimental Batteries that are scattered all over Big Butte Country. If you need help finding these lost batteries, then this guide will help you out.
All 15 Experimental Batteries Locations
In Mount Infin8, there is a large crater in Fastro Labs with a battery in the middle of it.

There is also another battery behind Fastro Labs, right where the scientists are.

On the top floor of the second building in Fastro Labs, there is a battery near some car lifts.

In front of the large silo in Fastro Labs, there is a battery in the parking lot.

Behind the building with one floor in Fastro Labs, there is a battery.

Moving to Hyper Loops, but still in Mount Infin8, there is a building here that has a battery on the side of it.

Not far from the last battery in Hyper Loops, there is a battery in an animal pen.

In Hyper Loops, right next to a minigame, you can find a battery under a windmill.

In the same area, there is a cornfield with a UFO in the middle. Right next to the UFO is a battery.

Near the farm, there is a ramp. Above the ramp is a battery. Get enough speed to jump up and get the battery.

After jumping off the ramp, look around until you see a large satellite dish. There will be a battery under it.

This one is tricky to get as it is very high up in the air. You need both speed and the ability to jump up to reach it. But you can find it near the last battery that was under the satellite dish.

This next battery can be found in the same area. Similar to the one in the farm, you will need to jump over a ramp to get this battery.

Back in Fastro Labs, you will need to ramp up from this location and get some speed to reach the battery in the sky.

The last battery can be found behind a building here in the Countryside.

That’s all of the battery locations in LEGO 2K Drive. Did you manage to get all of them? Let us know in the comments below.
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