Melee Pit Scalding Spear | Horizon Forbidden West

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

There are multiple Melee Pits in the Horizon Forbidden West. One of the Melee Pits you will encounter is the Scalding Spear. This guide will show you how you can unlock the Melee Pit and its challenges.

Scalding Spear Melee Pit – Horizon Forbidden West

The Scalding Spear is on the central part of the map as seen in the photo below.

Go to the Melee Pit and talk to the Master to unlock all of its challenges. Lirokkeh is the Melee Pit master for the Scalding Spear. You can also practice and train your melee skills in the training pit.

For now, there are two challenges called Warrior’s Wrath and Aerial Punisher that you need to complete in order to unlock the Pit Master Challenge.

This challenge will bring you up against Lirokkeh, the Pit Master. Start the challenge and focus on using your spear after he finishes an attack.

You can also use your Aerial Punisher for extra damage and to create an opening in between his attacks. Lirokkeh will focus on attacking you but you can combo him using the techniques you learned in the Warrior’s Wrath once you get an opening.

After Lirokkeh yields, you will complete the Scalding Spear Melee Pit. You will get the Desert Clan Mark as a reward, which is essential for the Enduring questline.

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Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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