The Military Tycoon new progression reset is putting back the level of all your vehicles back to 0, forcing a player to think of a trick to do AFK leveling. Unfortunately, that probably wasn’t what you had in mind when you were excited for the update to drop. But let’s cut short that sadness with some tricks to help with your grind to level up your vehicles, at least for your flying ones.
Credits to spookyseason for the AFK leveling trick in Military Tycoon for flying vehicles.
How To Level Up Vehicles While AFK
The new update reset your vehicles’ levels to 0. While this AFK grinding doesn’t work on ground and sea vehicles, it will work on flying ones. Particularly, only planes that aren’t helicopters or uses the rotary blades to be lifted.
NOTE: You’ll need to use an auto-clicker to avoid being kicked from the game for inactivity.

These planes gain EXPs in two ways with killing others being the main method. While you’re flying around, you’ll also raise your EXPs, albeit slower. So we’re going to make use of this fact and go on an unlimited grinding (do note that if you’re AFK, other players can kill you!).
Put your throttle down to 60% to slow down the speed. Then fly straight back into the garage so this holds back your plane from flying out of bounds. The game will kill your plane if you fly too far, so just fly within your garage.

One way to avoid other players blowing you up is to join a private server or smaller server. You might have to come check time to time because you’ll lose EXPs if you die while flying.
Naturally, grinding on your own guarantees more EXPs, but grinding 24/7 is not an option for most people. Especially when you want to just get back your EXPs so you can do what you could before the update.
And that’s how you can AFK leveling flying vehicles in Military Tycoon.
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