The Ben 10-inspired Roblox game, Omini X, is arguably one of the most popular Ben 10-themed games in the platform. It features lots of content, features, mechanics and more. That includes raids, which lets you participate gauntlets and bossfights, so you can showcase your skills as well as get awesome rewards. If you’re interested in finding out how to defeat every raid in the game, here’s a guide that will provide you with locations, pre-requisites, and of course, tips on how to beat them!
How To Complete All Raids Guide
So far, there’s a total of 7 raids that you can partake in Omini X. Each have different mechanics, mobs and rewards. If you’re interested in knowing how to beat every single one of them, I’ve provided a Table of Contents below, so you can easily navigate to whichever you need help with.
Ultimatrix Raid
The Ultimatrix gives you access to 3 new Ultimate aliens: Swampfire, Humungousaur, and Echo Echo. They all come with new designs as well as new moves!
Basically, in order to acquire the Ultimatrix, you must collect two parts which are the Bracelet and the Core. You must go to two different locations, as well as participate in the Ultimatrix Raid to get the complete version. I’ll be providing tips below on how to easily complete the raid.
Step-By-Step on getting the Ultimatrix
The first requirement is to reach Level 500 which is necessary for specifically one of the steps. For that, you might be interested in the fastest way to level up in Omini X. Once you’ve acquired the required level, below are the steps on where you need to go to get the Ultimatrix:
- We begin with procuring the Ultimatrix Bracelet. To get it, you need to run along the road near the shoreline and stop at the train track, you can also fly your way towards the location.

- Next is the Ultimatrix Core. You need to go in the general direction as shown below and fly to the outerworld. This is going to quite the long fly but you’ll eventually reach another planet.

- Go behind the Omnitrix building (as shown below) and find the entrance. Grab the Ultimatrix Core here once you’re ready because it will start the Ultimatrix Raid that you have to win.
- TIP: If you lose the raid, you’ll lose 20 levels. So, it’s good to have more than Level 500 when trying to take on the raid.

Tips & Tricks on Winning Ultimatrix Raid
Now, for the mechanics of the Ultimatrix Raid, it has x10 waves, and lasts about 30/40 minutes. Waves 8 and 10 are the hardest, as the enemies are the fastest here.
You can’t use the hoverboard. That’s why I recommend that you equip yourself with an extremely fast alien with two attacks. Some good examples are:
- Rath: X: 50 damage, C: 90 damage
- Blitzwolf: X: 40-45 damage (I forgot exact value), C: I forgot exact damage too.
- Feedback: Z: 100 damage, X: 100 damage, C: 90 damage
After winning it, you’ll get the Ultimatrix. It’s important that you go /save, so you don’t lose your progress. Now, it’s time to rock the new aliens and show them off to your friends!

Dagon Raid
Please remember that you must be at level 950 to be able to do the Dagon Raid. This mission will last for a week and after completing the raid you can be able to earn some sword as a reward.
Dagon Raid Location
Go to the desert area and you can find a bridge there that separates the river in half.

On the right-side, look on the bottom part, you will see a little cave there. Go check it out.

Inside the cave there is a vault. Go near to the vault and click Enter the Dagon Raid, a countdown will begin. And you will be teleported to the battleground.

How to Kill Dagon
Once teleported to the battleground, we begin the Dagon raid by choosing the ultimate Goop.

After transforming into goop, proceed by killing the enemies using the radioactive clouds.

In the meantime small enemies will appear at first which are easy to kill.

But when Dagon suddenly appears, go on top of its head. In this way, Dagon won’t do any harm or damage to you.

Once on top of Dagon’s head go and aim for the middle and spam C. Observe how the Dagon will be going crazy!

Meanwhile, other players are taking advantage of the Jetray Bug. They use and transform to Jetray ultimate to leave the combat zone.

In this bug they try cross the floor with Jetray until they have been able to exit the bubble. Try this trick before they patch it soon!

After killing Dagon and completing the raid, you have two options to locate and get the drops but either way you can only take one sword home. The drop rewards are two rare swords which are Ascalon with a drop rate of 1% and Dark Ascalon with a drop rate of 5%.

1. Near the Vault
You can go back to the area where you started, which is the little cave where the vault is located. Outside of the vault you can see the raid drop there.

2. Ascalon Temple
Another option is to go to the Ascalon Temple. Inside the temple you can see both swords on a pedestal, but just like I mentioned you can only get one depending and it all depends on your luck for which sword you can get.

And that’s it! A quick and complete guide to how to successfully do the Dagon raid. Follow it and receive your own sword. By the way, don´t forget to hit /save or else you will lose your drop reward and we don´t like that to happened!

Drones Raid
You need to first make your way to the Drones Raid location. After that, I’ll provide details, tips and tricks on how you can complete the raid with ease!
Drones Raid Location
To get to the Drones Raid location, move straight in the direction of the red building which can be easily spotted from the starting city spawn area.

Keep moving forward until you reach the edge of the map. Once you get close to the edge, you will notice the Drones Raid location to your left as shown in the image below.

Go down there and start the Drones Raid.

Clearing The Drones Raid
To clear the Drones Raid, you need to defeat a few waves of enemies and in the end defeat the boss. But the enemies you will face can not fly or attack anything in the air.
So to easily defeat them, use a flying alien or a hoverboard to attack them. They will not be able to cause you any damage this way.

Once you defeat the small enemy waves, the Giant Vilgax Drone boss will come out. Just like the other enemies, it can also not attack you while you are in the air. Defeat the boss and the Drones Raid will be completed.

DNA Aliens Raid
First up, what you have to do is switch over to a character that can fly. This way, you can very quickly travel over to the entrance of the raid itself, which is pretty high up.
With a flying character equipped, head over to the large tower with strange rings and spherical shapes stuck to it just slightly past the farm area.

Once you get there, go somewhere near the middle part of the tower. There, you will see a green circle platform connected to one of the large rings.
This is the entrance to the DNA Aliens raid, so just stand on top of it and hold down the E button to go in the instance. This will immediately start the raid, so ensure that you are ready with a plan before you begin!
There are two different ways to beat the raid, with both of them being pretty cheesy and can trivialize the entire fight. We’ll quickly go through both of these methods in the next couple of sections.

Method #1. Soaring Through the Air
One way to complete the raid without taking a single point of damage is by simply using a character that can attack while flying in the air.
Any airborne alien can make the whole instance a breeze, since pretty much none of the enemies can hit you while you’re flying. Depending on how much damage you deal, this can make the whole fight last a hilariously short amount of time.
This is actually a pretty funny way of dealing with the actual raid boss, as it will simply stand still under you, completely helpless as you chip away at its health.
Just make sure not to fly too close to the boss (or any of the other enemies for that matter), as you will still take damage if you do.

Method #2. Getting the Boss Stuck
This next one is equally cheesy, though there is a slight element of risk as enemies can still reach you if you don’t move fast enough. Because of that, you should pick a character that can run very quickly.
Once only the boss is left in the arena, what you have to do is kite it around by running in circles until it gets stuck in the pillar in the middle. This may take a bit of time, so just keep your distance.
Eventually, you will know that you did it correctly if the boss just suddenly comes to a complete stop while standing beside the pillar. It is essentially helpless at this point, as it can’t move or fight back.

Once the boss is stuck in this position and refuses to move, you are free to use any character you want and just start chipping away at its health.
To be a bit on the safe side, keep your distance while you are attacking it. Getting right beside it may reactivate its AI and deal damage to you. With that said, you can still hit it with close–range attacks.
Also, it should be noted that you can use the hoverboard in the arena so that you can get away from enemies and transform safely. This is especially helpful if you enter the raid with the wrong alien!
Just in case you don’t have the hoverboard yet, you should check out our guide on how to get the hoverboard in Omini X. It is incredibly useful even outside of the raid, so get it as soon as you can!

Are There Rewards?
Unfortunately, as far as we know, the DNA Aliens raid only gives you levels and a few thousand in-game currency as a reward. Because of this, don’t expect any valuable tangible drops from beating this challenge.
With that said, it is a relatively easy instance to beat, especially if you choose to cheese it with the two aforementioned methods. This makes it a great way to grind levels quickly if you still need to do so.
Animal Raid
First of all, in order to find the raid, simply head over to the museum-like structure in the city. It’s on the border of the city, and it has a large dinosaur skeleton inside, so you can’t miss it.

The doorway at the front is the entrance to the Animal Raid, so just approach it and press the E button to begin the activity.
Be ready with your alien of choice before you do, as you’ll be thrown immediately into the fight if the Intermission timer in the middle of the building is almost down to zero!
Once the raid starts, you will have to deal with several waves of enemies that will show up from the black doorway at the other side of the building.
These enemies are fairly easy to kill, so just pick a character with some area of effect attacks. This will allow you to breeze through the waves and get to the boss as fast as possible.

At the final wave, the raid boss, which is reminiscent of the show’s Dr. Animo, will show up. Unlike in the show, however, this boss is a complete pushover and shouldn’t be an issue if you’re the right level for the raid.
All you really have to do is run around and drop your area of effect abilities every now and then until the aptly named Doctor Animal gets down to zero health.
If your character runs fast enough, he pretty much won’t be able to deal any damage to you as he will struggle to catch up as you kite him.
Funnily enough, he may even trip over and faceplant on the ground as he chases you. When this happens, he is even more helpless until he gets back up.

Does the Raid Have Meaningful Rewards?
Unfortunately for enthusiastic grinders, the Doctor Animal raid is a fairly low level instance, and as such, has pretty lackluster rewards. Basically, all you get is a few level ups and a couple thousand in-game currency.
This is a good way to grind some levels and money early on, but you should definitely move on to different raids once you get stronger.
Fistrick Raid

As usual for the Raids in Omini X, you should first meet some criteria before you can start the Raid. They are as follows:
- You should be Level 1200. The best way to reach that level is to clear the DNA Aliens Raid, which becomes available at Level 750. It’s going to be a bit of a grind, but that’s the fastest leveling spot!
- You should, ideally, have already obtained the Ultimatrix. It becomes available at Level 500, long before you can even start the Fistrick Raid. It will give you access to the best Aliens in Omini X, too!
Mind you, the Fistrick Raid is surprisingly simple, at least in its current state. Having powerful Aliens like Supreme Goop might be a little overkill, but you have no reason to not get the Ultimatrix before the Raid.
With all that setup out of the way, it’s time to dive into how to start and complete this unique Raid.
How to Complete the Fistrick Raid

To start the Fistrick Raid, fly up into the sky until you can see the planets in space. Find the planet that is highest up and furthest away from your view, as shown above.
You’ll now have to transform into an Alien with the ability to fly. Jetray and Supreme Jetray are your best bets at this point, thanks to their extremely high speeds.

Also, we highly recommend that you make sure your Omnitrix has a full battery before you try flying to the planet.
It’s extremely far away, so make sure you have enough juice to make the trip!

Once you reach the planet, look for a circular arena like the one shown above. You’ll get the prompt to start the Raid as soon as you land on it, but make sure to recharge your battery first.
Just like other similar Raids, the Fistrick Raid consists of 5 waves. The first 4 waves will pit you against groups of Muroids, which honestly pose very little threat.
Your best bet here is to use strong Area of Effect attacks, such as Supreme Goop’s X and C powers.

As of this writing, the Muroids are extremely slow and barely try to attack you. This means you don’t even need to fly around to dodge them, just jump over them when they do attack and you’ll avoid them.
Once you reach the 5th wave, Fistrick himself will appear alongside another group of Muroids!

Despite being the boss for this high-level Raid, though, Fistrick behaves exactly like the weak Muroids before him.
You don’t need to change your strategy at all to defeat him; just keep spamming your strongest powers and jumping over him when he charges at you!
Somewhat of a disappointing Raid when it comes to challenge, at least right now…
Fistrick Raid Rewards

Despite being so easy right now, though, the Fistrick Raid is actually one of the most rewarding Raids in Omini X. You’ll get the following each time you beat it:
- About 15 levels or so per completion.
- 20,000 in-game currency.
- Sword-14 (4% drop chance).
- Sword-13 (3% drop chance).
- Sword-12 (2% drop chance).

You have a very low chance of getting any of the exclusive swords, as you can see, but they’re the main unique reward for the raid.
Additionally, it’s worth noting the number of levels you get for how easy the Fistrick Raid is. That makes it, by far, the best way to grind levels beyond 1200!
Vilgax Raid Pre-Requisites

There are two basic pre-requisites for the Vilgax Raid, as follows:
- You need to be at least Level 400. Feel free to check out our guide on how to level up fast if you need help! Alternatively, you can just complete other lower-level Raids until you reach 400.
- You’ll need to have access to an Alien Transformation with the ability to fly. The easiest one to get is Jetray, which you unlock by leveling up after acquiring the Recalibrated Omnitrix.
If you’ve already gone beyond Level 400 and reached Level 500, it’s also a good idea to unlock the Ultimatrix and use Ultimate Jetray.
It’ll give you access to the extremely powerful Supreme Goop, which makes the Raid a lot easier! Though it’s not necessary to complete it, it really helps.
When you’re ready, with the setup and prerequisites, read on and we’ll dive into how to start and complete the Vilgrax Raid itself!
Vilgax Raid

To start the Raid, take up to the skies. Fly above the city and turn your camera until you spot a unique ship in space. Its exact position changes, since it moves, but it’s easy to spot.

Once you spot the ship, fly close to it and land on its midsection. You should see the prompt to start the Vilgax Raid.

Steel yourself and press E when you’re ready!

The Raid itself consists of 5 waves. The first 4 waves will spawn a bunch of Vilgax Drones that will attempt to chase you down and will damage you once they are close.
To your advantage, the Vilgax Drones tend to stick close together. It’s a good idea to use Aliens with strong Area of Effect attacks, such as Goop Supreme’s C and X powers.

Also, the Vilgax Drones are incapable of flying! So, using an Alien form that can attack while flying will make the Raid extremely easy. Just stay out of reach and you’ll have nothing to worry about!
Once you defeat the first 4 waves of drones, the Raid Boss will appear: Vilgax himself!
Just like the drones, though, Vilgax is incapable of flying and has no ranged attacks. As before, the best strategy is to stay in flight as you attack.

Make sure to keep an eye on your Omnitrix’s battery during the fight, however!
You will get about 12 levels and 15,000 in-game currency as your reward when you defeat Vilgax. That’s how you complete the Vilgax Raid!
Summing things up
There you have it! That’s how you clear all 7 (so far) raids in Omini X. We’ll make sure to update the guide accordingly if a new update, or raid comes up. If you’re interested in reading more about Omini X, you can check out our guide on all the classes & abilities in the game! Also, let us know in the comments section below if there’s a topic that you’d like us to cover, or if you have questions/concerns in general.