
Once Human: All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Locations

All the Gear, Weapon & Mystical Crates Location in one guide!

In Once Human, there are multiple areas, zones, and locations that you can explore. They all contain lots of loots and crates that you’ll need if you want to make your character stronger and progress further into the game. Not only that, but they’re also necessary if you want to complete exploration quests and such. In this guide, I’ll focus mainly on all of the Mystical, Gear and Weapon crates or chests for every zone and area in the game. Let’s get right into it!

All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Locations

As mentioned above, you’ll go through many locations, areas and zones in Once Human. That may include towns, bases, Monoliths, Hospitals, and a lot more. I’ll pinpoint all the available Weapon, Gear & Mystical Crates for each location, and guide you along the way (with arrows and directions). So, you won’t have to run around in circles and climb ladders to find them. Feel free to use the Table of Contents below if you’re only interested in certain locations.

Refinery Pollution Point

It’s important to note that you won’t have to get all the Crates if you’re just trying to finish the Explore Refinery Pollution Point quest. This means you’ll be able to skip one of the Gear Crates and the secret Mystical Crate.

But we still recommend you get all of them. This is because you can get a lot of valuable loot from these Crates in Once Human. With that said, here are the Crate locations.

Weapon Crate Location

Starting off, we’ll be getting the one and only Weapon Crate in Refinery Pollution Point. Start by heading to the location that we have marked on the Once Human map below.

Refinery Pollution Point on map in Once Human.

When you reach this area, you’ll see a large building towards the top. There are multiple ways to get to it, but the easiest way is to use the stairs on the outside. You can also use the staircase inside.

Going up to building in Once Human.

When you reach the top, go through the open door that you see. The Weapon Crate will be there ready for you to loot.

Weapon Crate near entrance in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

Once you get the Weapon Crate in Once Human, immediately exit through the same door that you got in from. Now make your way to the side of the building.

You should be able to see a ladder against the wall. This ladder leads all the way to the roof of the building. Make sure to climb this ladder to the top.

Ladder next to building in Once Human.

When you reach the roof of the building, go towards the right. Now all you need to do is go around the length of the roof to the other side.

Top of roof in Once Human.

You’ll find the Mystical Crate for Refinery Pollution Point on one end of the roof there.

Refinery Pollution Point Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #1 Location

The first Gear Crate location is also quite close here in Refinery Pollution Point. You can find it by going outside towards the South Side of the building where you found the other crate locations in Once Human.

Any easy way to get there is by going through the giant hole at the bottom of the building. 

Giant hole in wall in Once Human.

From here, you’ll be able to access all the sides of the building. Look through each exit until you see a parking lot with some trucks.

The Gear Crate location will be at the back of one of the trucks there. Jump on the truck and loot the crate.

Gear Crate at back of truck in Once Human.

Secret Mystical Crate Location

There is also an optional secret Mystical Crate that you can loot at the Refinery Pollution Point. You’ll want to head to the location that we’ve shown on the Once Human map below.

Secret Mystical Crate location on map in Once Human.

When you arrive here, you should see a purple floating orb or crystal on top of a wooden crate. Get on top of the crate and touch this floating orb.

Floating purple orb in Once Human.

Touching the floating orb will spawn another orb above you on the yellow platform. You’ll need to touch this one as well. In total, there will be 5 floating orbs that will spawn.

After you touch the last one, the hidden Mystical Crate will appear out of nowhere on the ground. Now you can loot it to get the goodies inside!

Hidden mystical crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2 Location

Last, but not least, we have the final Gear Crate that you can get at Refinery Pollution Point. To get this crate, you’ll need to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Gear Crate 2 location on map in Once Human.

When you get here, you’ll see a variety of trains and containers. You’re looking for a particular yellow train which has some cargo on it.

At the back of this train is the last Gear Crate location. You can loot it to complete all the crates you’ll find at Refinery Pollution Point!

Gear Crate at back of train in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about finding all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crates at Refinery Pollution Point. Be sure to get the Rift Anchor and kill enemies at this location too. So, you’ll also be able to complete the Explore Refinery Pollution Point quest.

Overlook Town

Before we get to the crates, we’ll skip through the rift anchor as that is always marked in the map and will have a large beam of light indicating its location.

In addition to that, some areas will have additional exploration objectives such as killing enemies and elites, but this particular town does not have this. Funnily enough, I missed this town and I’m already at level 15, so we’ll be discovering these crate locations together.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Storage crates do not count towards the map objective. You’ll need to find “Weapon” and “Gear” crates, so let’s get to them!

Overlook Town Crate #1 – Mystical Crate

Starting off, we have the Mystical Crate immediately visible smack dab in the middle of the Panorama Supermarket in the center northern part of the town. You’ll probably see it from a distance, especially if you went for the rift anchor in the middle of town first.

my Once Human character right outside where the mystical crate is

Overlook Town Crate #2 – Gear

Inside the Panorama Supermarket, after you loot the Mystical Crate, head to the back room and go all the way down the stairs past the door with the restricted area sign.

There, you will find a room that may be closed. If it’s closed, use the panel beside it to slide the door open and you should see the gear crate right inside.

my Once Human character near the door and gear crate

Overlook Town Crate #3 – Weapon

For the last one, go to the large open air stage just opposite the Panorama Supermarket. The weapon crate will be sitting right out in the open. That’s literally it, just walk up to it and loot it. I thought it was a mimic, but it wasn’t.

my Once Human character standing near the weapon crate

Watch out, though, as an elite enemy (Glutton) can spawn in this area. It sure did before I took the screenshot above, so always be ready. If it does show up, here are a couple of tips that should help you out:

  • Keep your distance – This goes without saying, but if you’re still a low level (you likely are), this thing will hurt. It occasionally spits projectiles that you can easily dodge.
  • Shoot the glowing weak spots – The Glutton has purple glowing weak spots on its legs, among other parts of its body. Shoot them until they pop.
  • Melee or spray when down – With all of its weak spots popped, the Glutton will fall to its knees for a prolonged period of time. When this happens, rush to its head and start whacking or shooting it for massive damage.
my Once Human character engaging a glutton

And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to clear Overlook Town, which is incredibly small and shouldn’t take you long at all.

Coastside Plaza

Before we begin, it should be noted that the rift anchor for every zone is marked in the map, and they all have long beams of light showing their location. As such, we won’t need to point out the rift anchor here.

Also, be warned, Coastside Plaza will start throwing slightly tougher normal enemies at you compared to the other starting zones. Enemies here typically wear helmets, which block the first headshot every time, so keep that in mind if you’re not meleeing them.

I actually skipped this town as I breezed my way through to level 15+, so we’re essentially discovering these crate locations together!

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Storage crates do not count towards the map objectives. You must loot “Gear” or “Weapon” crates to progress, so let’s get to them!

Coastside Plaza Crate #1 – Gear

The first gear crate is going to be in the BN MART building. This can be found at the northeast part of the town, directly north from where the rift anchor can be found if you look at the map.

There is a side quest inside marked by a blue exclamation point, so you can’t miss it even if you tried. Simply walk in and loot it, and feel free to track or even finish the side quest if you so desire.

my Once Human character standing outside the BN Mart with the crate highlighted

Coastside Plaza Crate #2 – Mystical

In the middle of the town, there is a large tower with purple banners all around it. This is mainly a hospital with some makeshift structures on top of it.

In the first floor of the building, you will find the Mystical Crate completely unobscured and just sitting out in the lobby. You can even spot it from a distance outside, as demonstrated in the image below highlighting its location.

Before approaching the building, make sure you’re ready for a fight. There are potentially a lot of enemies waiting in the building’s lobby if nobody has gone through the area recently.

my Once Human character within eyeshot of the mystical crate

Costside Plaza Crate #3 – Weapon

After looting the Mystical Crate, do not leave the hospital just yet. Go up the stairs all the way until you reach the rooftop, then proceed up the tower.

Along the way, as you ascend the tower, you’ll probably run into a Morphic crate. This doesn’t count for any of the objectives, but kill it anyway for some juicy loot. At the very top of the tower, you will find the sole weapon crate of the zone.

Also, if you haven’t activated the rift anchor by this point (which I didn’t, as you can see from the picture below), then you’ll have a nice view of it from up here. You can easily glide towards it if you have enough stamina.

my Once Human character on top of the tower with the weapon crate

And that is pretty much it for the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crates locations in Coastside Plaza town, as there aren’t a lot of objectives for it compared to the later areas.


Before we begin, it should be noted that every single Rift Anchor in the world map is marked, so you don’t really need any help finding them. It’s also marked by a long beam of light, so you can’t possibly miss them.

Crates, though? Let me tell you, these things can be annoying to find, especially as the zones become larger. So, let’s go through all of them in Throughville.

There may also be other objectives, especially in later areas. These typically include killing normal and elite enemies. If you’re looking to do the zone objectives, stock up on ammunition just in case.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: For the purpose of map completion, “Gear” and “Weaponcrates are the only ones that count. “Storage cratesdo not count, and some of them may even be deviants in disguise. Don’t forget to press Q regularly to highlight all loot within a close radius.

Throughville Crate #1 – Weapon

This weapon crate can be found on the roof of a house under construction in the southeastern part of the town.Simply enter the building and follow the stairs up until you reach a balcony with some boxes in the middle.

Use the boxes to climb up to the roof itself, and you should see the weapon crate just sitting out there in the open. Loot it and move on to the next.

Once Human player approaching the first weapon crate

Throughville Crate #2 – Gear

After looting the first weapon crate, simply turn around and look at the road below. Between the house you’re on and the school bus down there, you should be able to spot a gear crate, highlighted in the image below.

Once Human location of the gear chest, highlighted

Throughville Crates #3 & 4 – Weapon + Mystical

For the last one, turn around from where you looted the gear chest and head to the house to the right of the school bus. This is the building just across the street from where you got the first weapon chest (mini map highlighted for reference).

Simply enter the building and follow the stairs all the way up to the roof and you should stumble into the mystical chest, as well as an extra weapon chest in case you missed one of the previous two.

There are actually several ways to get up here, including some janky parkouring if you came into the town from the north like I did with my first character.

That pretty much sums it up for the Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates locations in Throughville!

Once Human player finding the last 2 chests

Sutherland Family Orchard

Before we begin, it should be noted that the rift anchor for this zone, and every other point of interest, is marked in the map, making them impossible to miss.

For this area in particular, there is a table just to the northeast of the rift anchor that has the Borscht Deluxe recipe on top of it. Feel free to pick it up if you are your hive’s cook, but it isn’t necessary for map completion.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: In order to complete the map objectives, you must loot “Gear” or “Weapon” crates. Storage crates do not count, and some of these might even be deviants in disguise, so stay vigilant!

Sutherland Family Orchard Crate #1 – Gear

Enter the long building directly to the north of the rift anchor. Be warned, there is a deviant posing as a storage crate in the middle of the first floor. If you approach it, walk back before it bursts out to avoid damage.

Once you’re done looting the first floor, make your way up to the second floor and head straight for the last room at the end of the hallway. The first gear crate of the area will be waiting for you in there.

Once Human player looting the first gear crate

Sutherland Family Orchard Crates #2 & #3 – Mystical & Weapon

For the other two crates, there are actually multiple paths to it, some of which you’ve probably passed by depending on where you entered this zone from.

Basically, search for one of the staircases leading down into an ominously dark underground area. There are at least three to four of these entrances, but all of them lead to the same place.

Make sure to press N to activate your flashlight, as you will not be able to see anything down there otherwise. Here is one such staircase:

my Once Human character standing beside one of the staircases

Just keep followingthe corridors down and avoid all of the staircases leading up, as these will just lead you back to one of the other entrances in the surface.

Eventually, you will stumble into a room that contains both a weapon crate and the Mystical Crate of this zone. Simply loot them both and you should be done with all of the objectives here!

Just a side note, but this is also how I discovered that the weapon crates can respawn, as I checked this spot as I was writing this even after having looted the Mystical Crate already (that one does not respawn).

Once Human player looting the two crates

Bonus Tip – Fighting the Glutton

While you are in the Sutherland Family Orchard, you might see a giant enemy roaming in the central part of this zone. This is called a Glutton, and this will likely be the first time many of you will encounter this elite enemy.

I recommend killing this thing for bonus loot, even though it isn’t required for this area’s objectives (it will be in other zones). Here are a few tips on how to deal with it:

  • Shoot the weak spots – The glowing bulbs all around its limbs, particularly in the legs, are its weak points. Shoot them until they pop, and the Glutton should fall to its knees once all have been destroyed.
  • Keep your distance – The Glutton can spit multiple projectiles that move slowly, but they will absolutely hurt if you’re roughly at the same level as it. Be ready to dodge at all times.

Once you have it on its knees, you’re safe to approach it and start whacking its head with your melee weapon or just keep unloading your ammo if that’s faster. It should die before it can get a chance to get back up.

my Once Human character aiming at a glutton's weak spot

And that is everything you need to know in order to complete the exploration objectives of the Sutherland Family Orchard zone.

Monolith of Greed

There are a lot of areas in Once Human that are filled with all sorts of loot chests. From Rift Anchors that are easy to spot to hidden weapon crates. Some of them are so well hidden that you might take too long to find them or even totally miss them.

Here are all the notable loot locations that you can get in the Monolith of Greed Area including an Elite enemy!

Once Human All Treasures Monolith Of Greed

Rift Anchor

The first thing that we’ll cover it’s the Rift Anchor which is easy to find since it’s in the middle of the area. All you need to do is look for the building where the Rift Anchor is and head to the stairs at the side. Use that to go up the building.

Once Human Stairs To Rift Anchor

On the roof, you can find the Rift Anchor as seen below. You can use the minimap on the image as a reference.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Rift Anchor

Elite Enemy

Directly South of the Rift Anchor on the ground below is an Elite enemy. If you have a ranged weapon with a lot of ammo, you can easily defeat this enemy by just staying on the roof. You might need to use the second floor if it ever goes inside the building.

Once Human Elite Enemy

Gear Crate #1

The next area we’ll have to go to is to the north of the Rift Anchor. Follow the road and go through the arch as shown below. This will lead you to a road that goes up, once you’re on top turn left.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed To Gear Crate 1

Keep following the road and go through the truck with the open headlights. There, you’ll find a large building as shown below with an equally large entrance. Go inside and head to the right.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Big Building

You’ll see a door to the right of the heads inside an office. In the corner of that office is a Gear Crate that you can open! These crates can give you materials as well as armor pieces that you can wear for your character!

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Gear Crate 1

Mystical Treasure

For the next one, you’ll need to head to the Southeast of the building where you found the Gear Crate. There, you’ll find a two-story building and you’ll need to follow the stairs going to the top and head inside it.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Mystical Chest Path

There, you’ll find a laboratory, go deeper into the winding path of the laboratory until you reach the middle. Inside you’ll find a Mystical Crate. These crates often give you blueprint fragments, so it’s best to find them!

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Mystical Chest

Gear Crate #2

For the next one, you’ll want to head back to the Rift Anchor and then head to the building south of the one it’s on. You can find a staircase that leads you to the second floor, take that, and then climb the ladder to get to the roof.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed To Gear Crate2

There, you’ll find another Gear Crate on the roof which hopefully gives you some great armor or upgrades!

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Gear Crate 2

Weapon Crate #1

For the last crate in this area, you’ll want to head back to the large building where you found the first gear crate. Head to the southwest sticking to the building’s wall until you find this rocky area shown below.

Get on top of the rocks and continue going to the southwest.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed To Weapon Crate

Follow the rocks until you find a giant rock with blue veins as shown below. You’ll need to use an explosive to clear it out and when you do wait for the rocks to despawn. Once the rocks are gone, a Weapon crate will be revealed!

Those are all the notable chests, treasures, and enemies in Monolith of Greed zone of Once Human.

Once Human Monolith Of Greed Weapon Crate


Like most areas in Once Human, Brookham has multiple crates that you can get open as well as a Rift Anchor. These can give you some great items like materials, ammunition, and even new weapons and gear.

Below is an image that shows all the crates and treasures in the area. You can check these areas out if you still want to manually search for them or you can continue reading to see their exact locations!

Once Human Brookham Loot Locations

Rift Anchor

The first thing that we’ll be covering is the Rift Anchor and this one is easy to spot just like any other anchor in the game. Just look for the bright purple line that goes up to the sky and you can find it.

The Rift Anchor for Brookham is located near a parking lot as shown below.

Once Human Brookham Rift Anchor

Gear Crate #1

From the Rift Anchor, you’ll want to head directly west through a couple of houses until you find a flooded area.

Once Human Brookham To Gear Crate 1

You’ll also see a white fence that you’ll want to hop through and then go to the farthest house as seen below.

Once Human Brookham Flooded Area

At the porch of that building, you’ll see the first chest on this list which is a Gear Crate. These crates often give you pieces of armor as well as some materials or upgrades.

Once Human Brookham Gear Crate 1

Mystical Crate

From the gear crate, you’ll then want to head over to the southwest towards the church building. You’ll see that there are some floating pieces of the area around, it’s because this place has a ripple in spacetime.

Once Human Brookham Church

Go inside the church and head to the very back behind the altar. There, you’ll find what we’re looking for.

Once Human Brookham Church Interior

The chest we’ll get from this building is a Mystical Chest, and they often give you blueprint fragments!

Once Human Brookham Mystical Chest Location

Weapon Crate

Now then, go outside the church and then head to the western side. At the back, you’ll find some scaffolding that you can climb up using a ladder.

Once Human Brookham Side Of Church

Continue going up the ladders and platforms until you reach the top of the church.

Once Human Brookham Church Side Ladder

Once you’re on the rooftop of the church, head to the tower area as shown below.

Once Human Brookham Church Tower

Inside the tower is another chest and this time it’s a Weapon chest. These chests usually give you weapons, ammunition, or tactical items like grenades!

Once Human Brookham Weapon Chest

Graveyard/Statue Puzzle

The next area that we’ll need to go to is the Graveyard to the west of the church where you’ll find these 4 statues in the middle. This is a puzzle and it’s a simple one to solve.

Once Human Brookham Statue Puzzle

All you need to do is walk up to each statue and press the F-key to rotate them. Make sure that each statue is rotated, so that they’re facing away from the center.

Once Human Brookham Statue Rotate

If done correctly, then the statues will glow blue, and a chest will appear in the middle. Interact with it to open it and get the loot inside. These puzzle chests usually give you materials and Energy Links, so it’s good to solve them when you can!

Once Human Brookham Statue Puzzle Solution

Gear Crate #2

To get to this next one, you’ll need to go South from the Rift Anchor and onto the fields. There, you’ll find this small shed as shown below, go inside it.

Once Human Brookham Shed

Inside, you’ll find another Gear chest that can give you pieces of armor as well as other loot!

Once Human Brookham Gear Crate 2

Telephone Booth Puzzle

For this last one, it’s not much of a puzzle but more of just looking for Telephone Booths. You’ll want to go to the southeast of the shed where the Weapon crate is until you find this Telephone booth shown below.

You’ll need to interact with this booth in-between 7 PM and 6 AM on the server. Once you do, messages will be sent to you through the telephone booth, and you’ll need to find the other ones.

Once Human Brookham Telephone Booth

Below is an image that shows where all the Telephone booths are in the area. They’re marked with a black diamond with a telephone icon in the middle.

Once Human Brookham Telephone Booth Locations

You can spot these Telephone booths easily since they glow an eerie red when you need to interact with them as shown below.

Once Human Brookham Telephone Booth Glowing

Once you’ve interacted with all the Telephone Booths, you can then head to the area shown below. It’s in-between all of them and there, you’ll find another chest filled with materials and loot!

Those are all the treasures, puzzles, and crates in the Brookham zone of Once Human.

Once Human Brookham Telephone Booth Reward

Wild Dog Isle Outpost

Wild Dog Isle Outpost is comparatively a smaller location compared to the other locations you’ll come across in Once Human. So, if you want to 100% complete it, you’ll need to collect all of these crates.

You’ll also need to get an Access Card. While it’s not directly related to the objectives, you’ll need it to open a room that has some of the crates. We’ll look at how you can get the locations and the Rosetta V2 access card.

Gear Crate and Access Card Location

Starting off, we’ll be looking at where you can find the Gear Crate and the Rosetta V2 Access Card in Wild Dog Isle Outpost. The exact location of where you want to be is shown below on the Once Human map.

Wild Dog Isle Post is a small location, so it’ll be pretty easy to navigate around.

Wild Dog Isle Outpost on map in Once Human.

When you are in the location, you’ll see a large area with some vehicles and a yellow helicopter. There will also be some enemies nearby. This includes an Elite enemy that you’ll have to kill.

The Gear Crate will be right next to the helicopter as shown below. However, you’ll also want to get rid of the Elite Enemy as he’ll be attacking you the whole time.

This Elite Enemy is known as the Rosetta Bruiser.

Gear Crate near helicopter in Once Human.

Killing the Elite Enemy with the giant shield is also crucial if you want to get the Access Card. Once you kill the Rosetta Bruiser, loot their body.

Doing so will give you the Rosetta V2 Access Card. Make sure you have this access card before you proceed with the other Wild Dog Isle Outpost crate locations in Once Human.

Looting Rosetta Bruiser in Once Human.

Weapon and Mystical Crate Location

The rest of the crates in Wild Dog Isle Outpost can be found together. Once you’ve gotten the Rosetta V2 access card in Once Human, look towards the nearby fence. You should be able to notice a portion of the fence with a hole in it.

Jump through this fence and go towards the left.

Hole in fence in Once Human.

Be careful as there are some enemies in this area, patrolling the entrance of the nearby building. Once you’ve dealt with them go through the large entrance. The building will have the ‘Rosetta Laboratory’ sign on it.

Rosetta Laboratory entrance in Once Human.

When you go through, you’ll see a room with glass walls on the right side on the ground floor. Approach the room and you’ll see a scanner at the locked door. 

This is where you’ll be using the Rosetta V2 access card in Once Human.

Hold F to scan the access card. After the scan, the glass door will open. Now you can go inside and get the Weapon Crate and Mystical Crate. They will be sitting right next to each other, ready to be looted.

Using Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know to get all the Mystical and Gear Crates for the Wild Dog Isle Outpost location in Once Human. This is a relatively small area, so you should be able to find these locations pretty easily.


It’s important to keep in mind that you do not need to get all the crates if you’re just interested in getting 100% completion for Harborside. All you need to do is get the crates for the relevant objectives when you hover your icon above the Harborside icon on the Once Human map.

But there is a lot of great loot that you could be potentially missing out on. So, we recommend that you get all of them.

Mystical Crate Location

Starting off, we’ll be looking at the Mystical Crate you can find in Harborside. You’ll need to go to the location indicated on the map below.

Harborside Mystical Crate Location on map in Once Human.

When you’re here, you’ll notice a crashed ship with some infection growing on it. Additionally, you’ll see some wooden boxes next to it.

Climb on these wooden boxes so that you can get on top of the ship in Once Human.

Wooden crates near ship in Once Human.

Once you’re on the ship, turn to the left. You’ll be going down the left side of the ship’s hull. You’ll be able to see a small set of stairs that lead up to a small door on the side.

Going up ship in Once Human.

Go up these stairs and through the door. You’ll see the Mystical Crate laying on the ground with some more infection growing on top of it.

Mystical crate inside ship in Once Human.

Weapon Crate Location

Next up, we’ll be looking at the Weapon Crate for Harborside in Once Human. You can find it right next to the Mystical Crate location.

Starting off, leave the Mystical Crate room and go down the stairs. After that drop down, as shown in the location below.

Dropping down to ship in Once Human.

Once you drop down, immediately turn around. You’ll see a small doorway in the corner that leads into the interior of the ship.

Entering ship in Once Human.

When you enter inside, you’ll find yourself in a large dark room. Look towards the left and you’ll see a set of stairs leading further down into the bottom of the ship. Follow these stairs down.

Stairs to bottom of ship in Once Human.

Once you reach the bottom, you’ll find yourself in a hallway flooded with water. Go to the end of the hallway and look to the left. You’ll see a small room.

The Weapon Crate for Harborside will be inside this small room.

Weapon Crate in ship in Once Human.

Gear Crate Location #1

Next up, we’ll be trying to get the first of the Gear Crates in Harborside. You’ll be heading to the location shown below on the Once Human map.

Gear Crate 1 Harborside on map in Once Human.

When you arrive here, you’ll find yourself near a building with a red truck at the front. Your goal will be to go the left side of the building as indicated below.

Red Truck in Once Human.

When you go here, you’ll see flooded water with some railings next to it. This flooded water actually leads to a small room underwater. So, you’ll be swimming into it and diving deep inside it.

Flooded Water in Once Human.

After you dive in, navigate through the doorway and you’ll enter a small flooded room. The first Gear Crate for Harborside in Once Human will be floating at the end.

Gear Crate underwater in Once Human.

Hidden Mystical Crate Location

There is an optional Mystical Crate that you can actually find in Harborside in Once Human. It’s quite close to the first Gear Crate location.

After you exit the flooded area for Gear Crate #1, immediately go straight ahead. Look towards the rooftops of the area with the buildings. You’ll be able to make out a floating orb in the air there near some tarps.

Floating orb in Once Human.

Climb up the nearby rooftops and jump towards the rooftop that has the floating orb. After you walk through the orb, you’ll find that the hidden Mystical Crate will appear nearby out of nowhere on one of the tarps.

Harborside hidden Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate Location #2

The second Gear Crate can also be found near the hidden Mystical Crate location. It’s on the rooftop that is right across from the rooftop where you found the previous crate in Once Human.

Alternatively, you can swim in the flooded water nearby in Harborside. You should be able to find a building with a slanted wooden platform. It’ll have some notable graffiti on it.

You can also find a store with the PERCEN sign nearby.

Going up rooftop in Once Human.

Go up this wooden platform all the way to the rooftop. At the end of the rooftop on the left side, you’ll be able to find the second Gear Crate for Harborside.

And there you go, you have all the Crates that you need!

Gear Crate 2 for Harborside in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about all the locations for the Harborside Mystical and Gear Crates in Once Human. While getting all of them is not necessary, we strongly suggest you get them. They’ll provide you with a lot of valuable loot.

Hearst Industries

If you’re a completionist just looking to complete the Explore Hearst Industries quest, you will not need to find all of these locations. The only crates you need to find for this mission in Once Human are the Mystical Crate, and one of the Weapon Crates.

All the other objectives for that mission all relate to killing enemies and the Rift Anchor. Nonetheless, we’ll show you the locations of all the crates so that you can choose which one you’re interested in finding.

Gear Crate Location #1

Starting off, we’ll be looking at the first Gear Crate you can find at Hearst Industries in Once Human. You’ll need to go to the location of the warehouse shown below on the map.

Hearst Industries Gear Crate warehouse on map in Once Human.

This warehouse will have the sign Area 01 at the entrance. Before you go through this entrance, be warned that there is an elite enemy here.

So, be prepared for a fight as you’ll need to kill it so that you can get the Gear Crate. Killing this enemy is also one of the objectives of the Explore Hearst Industries mission.

Area 01 Warehouse in Once Human.

Once you kill it, you’ll be able to find the Gear Crate on the ground floor of the warehouse in the center.

Gear Crate 1 in Once Human.

Gear Crate Location #2

The second Gear Crate that you can find in Hearst Industries is also nearby. In the same warehouse where you found Gear Crate #1, make your way up the stairs that you can find near the entrance.

Going up stairs in Once Human.

After that, go through the doorway at the top of the warehouse. You’ll see an orange box with a switch that you can interact with. Hold F so that you can restore power to Building 1.

Building 1 Switch in Once Human.

Doing so will allow you to go through the door on the right. Be warned as there are some enemies that can pop up here and you’ll need to fight them.

Powered Door in Once Human.

After you go through the door, walk across the platform to the second building of Hearst Industries. Right as you reach the second building, turn to the right and you’ll see another door.

Open the door and you’ll see the second Gear Crate right there in Once Human.

Hearst Industries Gear Crate 2 in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

Next up, we’ll be looking at where you can find the Mystical Crate in Hearst Industries. It is quite close to the warehouse where you found all the Gear Crates.

First off, you’ll need to go to the location shown on the map below in Once Human.

Hearst Industries Mystical Crate on map in Once Human.

Once you’re here, you’ll see a platform for an elevator with a switch. Interact with the switch to call the elevator. After that, get on the elevator and interact with the switch on it to go up.

Elevator Switch in Once Human.

The elevator will take you to a platform with more enemies, so make sure you take them out. Right in the center of the platform, you’ll find the Mystical Crate ready to be looted.

Hearst Industries Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Weapon Crate Location #1

The Weapon Crate as Hearst Industries is also quite close to the Mystical Crate. Once you’re done with the Crate, look towards your left.

You’ll see some stairs leading up, where you found the Mystical Crate.

Going up platform stairs in Once Human.

Follow these stairs all the way up. They will take you to another small platform where you’ll find the first Weapon Crate for the location in Once Human.

You only need one Weapon Crate for the Explore Hearst mission. So you can go for either this one or the one we’ll look at next.

Hearst Industries Weapon Crate 1 in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 Location

For the next Weapon Crate, you’ll be heading to another building. The location of this building on the Once Human map is shown below.

Hearst Industries Weapon Crate 2 map in Once Human.

When you are here, you’ll be looking for the entrance as shown below. Enter this building and go up the stairs that immediately come in front of you, towards the left.

Entering building in Once Human.

Here, you’ll see a doorway that leads into a small room. You’ll find the second Weapon Crate on the table inside the room.

Weapon Crate on table in Once Human.

Hidden Mystical Crate Location

Finally, there is a secret Mystical Crate that you can find at Hearst Industries in Once Human. You’ll need to go to the location marked on the map below.

Hidden Hearst Industries Mystical Crate on map in Once Human.

Once you’re here, you’ll see a tilted platform leading up to a small building. Go up this platform all the way up.

Turn to the right and you’ll come onto a large platform that stretches ahead. You’ll see a floating orb in the air. Make sure to walk through it.

Going up platform in Once Human.

After you walk through it, the hidden Mystical Crate will suddenly appear in front of you on the platform. Go up to it and you’ll be able to loot it.

Now you’ve gotten all the Mystical, Gear and Weapon Crates possible in Hearst Industries!

Hidden Crate and floating orb in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know for all the Mystical and Gear Crates Locations at Hearst Industries in Once Human. There is a lot of great loot that you can possibly get through these crates. So, we recommend that you get all of them!

Dayton Hospital

There are a ton of loot crates that you can find all around the map of Once Human. Some of these areas even have lists that you can use to guide you on what crates are in an area. Sometimes, these lists don’t show everything though so keep that in mind!

Here are all of the notable loot crates and puzzles that you can find in the Dayton Hospital Area. There is even a puzzle that rewards you with another crate if you solve it!

Once Human Dayton Hospital Loot Locations

Rift Anchor

First off, we’ll want to look for the Rift Anchor in the area which is the easiest one to find. It usually has a large purple light emitting from it straight into the sky like in the image below.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Rift Anchor Location

The Rift Anchor for this area is right next to the hospital in the parking lot. Make sure that you clear the area of hostiles first so you don’t get attacked while looting!

Once Human Dayton Hospital Rift Anchor

Gear Crate #1

From the Rift Anchor, head towards the southeastern parts of the area. There, you’ll find a statue as shown below.

Once Human Dayton Hospital To Gear Crate 1

Go behind the statue and you can find a Gear Crate just at the base. These crates can give you armor pieces or upgrades, so let’s hope you get something good!

Once Human Dayton Hospital Gear Crate 1

Gear Crate #2

For the next crate, you’ll need to go inside the hospital proper. To do this, go to the parking lot and then head up the stairs as shown below. When you turn left, you’ll see an open door that lets you inside the hospital.

Once Human Dayton Hospital To Inside Hospital

Once inside, head to the back and then go up the staircase shown below.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Staircase

Once you’re on the second floor, go to the left and then follow the hallway as shown below.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Go To Hallway

Keep going left past the other staircase and then continue down the hallway. Then, turn left to a door that leads to a balcony.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Head To Balcony

Follow the balcony to the very end where there’s a door to the left that leads to another room.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Balcony

Inside that room is another Gear Crate that you can loot!

Once Human Dayton Hospital Gear Crate 2

Mystical Crate

For the next one, you’ll need to backtrack going back to the balcony and into the hospital again. Go to the left where you’ll need to head up the stairs.

Once Human Dayton Hospital To Rooftop

Once up the stairs, head straight to where it says Nurses Station and then, head to the right. You’ll go through a room that has a crashed helicopter. Follow the hallway of rooms as you go through two holes in the wall.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Nurse Area

You’ll then emerge to another hallway where you can see a staircase. Use that to go up to the roof.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Stairs To Rooftop

Once on the roof, look to the right where you can find the helicopter landing pad. At the base is a Mystical Crate. These crates often give you blueprint fragments, so it’s a good idea to get them.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Rooftop Crate

Billboard Puzzle

For the last point of interest, we’ll have to go far to the east of the hospital on the road. Head over to where two roads meet as shown on the map below.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Billboard Puzzle Location

There, you’ll find these 4 traffic cones that you’ll want to investigate by interacting with it. This is a start to a puzzle and you’ll need to stay in the square to solve it.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Traffic Cones

When you investigate the square, the camera will pan to a billboard broken into two. You’ll need to move around the square while you position your camera, so that the billboard looks like it’s fixed. You can use the image below as a reference for what the billboard should look like.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Billboard Puzzle Solution

The billboard should glow purple when it’s in the right spot. Once you’ve done the puzzle, a chest will appear in front of you and then you can loot it!

Those are all of the treasures and loot crates in the Dayton Hospital zone of Once Human.

Once Human Dayton Hospital Billboard Puzzle Prize

Eastern Railway Junction

In the Eastern Railway Junction, you can find 3 Weapon Crates, 2 Mystical Crates and 2 Gear Crates. Of course, they’re not really easy to find considering the loot value they give out. While some are located close to each other, it might cost you your time and lots of running around to find all of them. Follow the guide for a quick pinpoint and to save yourself some time!

NOTE: For the Exploration quest alone, you won’t have to acquire the Mystical Crates to complete it.

Rift Anchor Location

First up, here’s the location for the Rift Anchor in the Eastern Railway Junction as shown in the image below. It’s out in the open and is surrounded by multiple roads and railways.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Rift Anchor location.

Weapon Crate 1/3 Location

From the Rift Anchor location, scan the area around and look for the structure shown in the image below. Head inside the said structure from the left doorway to proceed.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Weapon Crate 1/3 location.

There, you’ll see a couple stairs, and for the Weapon Crate 1/3, go up the steel stairs on the right side as shown in the image below.

You’ll then arrive at the building’s rooftop area where you’ll see the Weapon Crate 1/3 next to a door. Also, there’s a storage chest on the right side of the rooftop area that you don’t want to miss either!

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Weapon Crate 1/3 location.

Gear Crate 1/2 Location

From the Weapon Crate 1/3 location (rooftop), look to your left and jump down to the ground level.

From there, keep heading straight and you’ll arrive in a railway junction which should look like the location shown in the image below.

From the junction, head towards a bit to your right. Then, go up the maroon-colored train trailer and scan the area around. You’ll eventually spot the Gear Crate 1/2 on your right.

Also, you can refer to the minimap image in the upper right side of the screen.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Gear Crate 1/2 location.

Mystical Crate 1/2 & Gear Crate 2/2 Locations

From the Gear Crate 1/2 Location, just go a bit straight and you’ll spot yet another maroon-colored train trailer. But this time, you’ll see a purple light glowing on top of it. Go up the trailer, and you’ll be able to spot the Mystical Crate 1/2 and Gear Crate 2/2 almost next to each other.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Mystical Crate 1/2 and Gear Crate 2/2 locations.

Weapon Crate 2/3 Location

Now, you’ll need your bike if you want to reach the next location much faster. Refer to the image below. But from the previous location, you’ll want to make your way towards the other side of the junction. You’ll arrive in a factory-like area, and it’s the location of the following crates.

Basically, you’ll have to make your way to the highest point of the factory area. It’s pretty simple but you might have a hard time climbing up. You may have to use your fly or glide skill, as well as your creativity to jump up the tubes and platforms. For that, follow the image below.

You’ll be able to spot the Weapon Crate 2/3 next to some railings as shown in the image below.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Weapon Crate 2/3 location.

Mystical Crate 2/2 Location

Again, use your bike since it’s a long way from the previous location. But anyway, let’s proceed. Refer to the image below for the next location. It’s a wide storage area, so refer to that if you’re having a hard time locating it.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Mystical Crate 2/2 location.

Upon entering, look around the area for the Mystical Crate 2/2 on top of another maroon-colored train trailer on the left side of the building.

Weapon Crate 3/3 Location

From the Mystical Crate 2/2 location, you can easily reach the upper level of the storage building by using your glide/fly skill through the railings. Follow the image below for instructions, and you’ll see the Weapon Crate 3/3 on the end of the path.

And that’s all the location for the Mystical & Gear Crates as well as the Rift Anchor for the Eastern Railway Junction in Once Human.

Once Human: Eastern Railway Junction Weapon Crate 3/3 location.

Citrus County

Before we begin, as I always say, rift anchors are always marked in the map and are also highlighted by a beam of light extending up into the sky. As such, you won’t need directions finding it, especially here, where it’s literally out in the field.

Citrus County is a low level area and was one of the first places I completed when I started a few days ago. My only tip here is to watch out for scarecrows, as there is a couple of these that are actually enemies in disguise and will start making a lot of noise if you’re close.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: “Storage” crates do not count towards the map objectives. You must find “Weapon” and “Gear” crates, which we will be showing in the following sections:

Citrus County Crate #1 – Gear

In the northernmost house straight up from the rift anchor, you will find a gear crate in the bedroom. I don’t know if the gear changes on respawn, but it contained a Raid Helmet (tier 1) when I opened it again. Shoutout to the guy who ran in to loot it while I was taking a screenshot.

my Once Human character standing in the room with the gear crate

Citrus County Crate #2 – Mystical

For the Mystical crate, you have to go the opposite direction from the last one. Basically, run south towards the small Vultures outpost. Fight your way to the roof and the Mystical crate of this area will be waiting there for you.

For reference, the image below will show you where the crate can be found in relation to the rift anchor (highlighted in yellow):

Once Human rift anchor and mystical crate highlighted for reference

Citrus County Crate #3 – Weapon

Finally, there is also a weapon crate in the house across the street from where the Mystical crate was, directly southwest from the rift anchor. Simply head through the back door (front is locked) and climb up the ladder.

In the second floor, you will find the weapon crate in the kid’s room with the hole in it. This is also where you will find the Janitor deviation if you have started one of Lowe’s side quests.

As you can see in the image below, he’s still there for me because I already got a Janitor elsewhere and never bothered to finish this quest. To get it, you have to use the Wave emote in front before you can capture him.

my Once Human character standing beside the room with the weapon crate

BONUS TIP – Secret Mystical Crate

Citrus County, just like many areas in the game, has a secret Mystical crate that doesn’t count for the objectives but will contain some nice loot either way.

From the weapon crate location, run out of the hole in the wall and make your way to the rooftop of the house. There, you will find a purple anomaly floating in the air. What you need to do is jump into it (you might have to glide).

After that, a Mystical crate should appear on the ground below. Take note that this is just a simpler version of this, and some areas will have you find and run through multiple anomalies before the chest appears.

And that is everything you need to know in order to fully clear the Citrus County area of the game.

my Once Human character standing in front of the secret trigger

Rotten Manor

The Rotten Manor is actually the place where you fight your first actual boss, assuming you’ve been following the main questline (you should). You’ll even be taught how to set up your temporary camp right before it!

With that said, we won’t be covering the rift anchor as that is always marked in the map even in later levels, plus a beam of light extending to the sky shows where it is. If I recall correctly, the quest that brings you here even makes you activate it, so that’s another mark in the map.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: “Storage crates” do not count towards the objective, they have to be “Weapon” or “Gear” crates. Higher level areas can have way more than what the objective asks for, and funnily enough, this one does too.

Rotten Manor Crate #1 – Weapon

Before you head up to the manor itself, go to the small house at the southwestern corner of the area. Clear out the enemies inside and go to the bathroom, where you will find a weapon crate.

That should be all you need to get for the objective, but there will be a gear crate coming up in the next part as well.

my Once Human character standing beside the weapon crate

Rotten Manor Crate #2 – Gear

Next, head to the manor up north. As you approach the doorway, you should be able to spot the gear crate sitting in the middle of the living room. Get it and then you can check the rest of the building.

my Once Human character standing beside a gear crate

Rotten Manor Crate #3 – Weapon

We’re way past the exploration objective requirement by now, but if you want more loot, there is an extra weapon crate on the second floor. As you go up the staircase, turn right and you should be able to see it in the room.

my Once Human standing outside the room with the weapon crate

Rotten Manor Crate #4 – Mystical

After grabbing the previous weapon crate, all you need to do now is go to the attic via the one staircase leading up, directly to the right once you leave that room. The Mystical Crate of this area should be waiting for you there.

I already looted it ages ago as I’m way too overleveled for this area now, but here is what it looks like without the corruption blocking it if you aren’t aware:

And that’s pretty much it for all the crates locations in the Rotten Manor area, which is a place you’re practically forced to visit if you want to continue progressing.

my Once Human character standing beside an open crate

High Banks

As always, I’ll be skipping the rift anchor as this is always shown in the map for every area that has one. One thing to keep in mind though is that the one in High Banks will be tucked into the town, and you’ll need to fight your way to it.

Since this is already in the level 11 to 15 region, I’m going to assume you already know the basics such as which crates do and don’t count by now. With that said, let’s get to their locations!

High Banks Crate #1 – Mystical + Ede Fight

The Mystical crate in this location is in the center of the town, where there are a lot of tents and a big stage. It isn’t exactly hidden since it’s sitting on the stage itself with a distinct red glow that you can see from a distance.

my Once Human standing in front of the mystical crate location

There’s a catch, though. This is where this zone’s one elite enemy spawns, and it’s a giant balloon monster known only as Ede. It’s actually pretty easy to deal with, so here are a few tips on how to fight it:

  • Aim for the glowing balloon – Its weak spot is whichever balloon is currently glowing. All you have to do is shoot it until it pops, and another will eventually start glowing after a brief moment.
  • Fireworks attack – If Ede extends its arm forward and starts sparking, it’s about to shoot fireworks at you. Run behind something large enough to block its hits, as they will be rapid and painful. (I learned that the hard way, lol)
  • Hammer attack – If a red circle appears on your feet, dodge away. After a brief moment, a hammer will drop on that location, dealing massive damage.
  • Keep your distance – Whenever he is not doing either of these special attacks, Ede will try to block its face and charge towards you, so stay mobile.
my Once Human character fighting Ede

High Banks Crate #2 – Weapon

After this, the next crate is going to be in one of the big houses in the upscale part of town down south. Head up the road leading to the hills and enter the first house along the way there.

Once you enter the main building, head up to the second floor and the weapon crate will be sitting there waiting for you. Mini map is highlighted for reference, and you can’t miss this house as it’s directly to the south of town.

my Once Human character standing beside the weapon crate

High Banks Crate #3 – Gear

Finally, head to the westernmost villa all the way to the highest point of the hill at the very end of the road leading up. As soon as you approach the gate, you should be able to spot the gear crate on the balcony of the house.

Simply go in and fight your way to the second floor to get it. Watch out for the strange mouth thing at the stairs, as it will periodically start vomiting to block the way. I have no idea how to get rid of it permanently.

my Once Human character standing outside the villa with the crate highlighted

BONUS TIP – Side Quest Crate Code

If you entered the hotel lobby after the Mystical crate, you might have started the Boy Just Wanna Have Fun side quest. It’s relatively straightforward, and the hints are very easy to understand.

In the unlikely event that you’re confused, though, like all the people in my server’s chat, the code to the crate at the café is 325. You’ll still need to find the hints before you can open it, so just follow the blue quest markers if you’re doing it.

And that is pretty much everything you need to know for the High Banks’s exploration objectives.

Gaia Research Center Ruins

There are a lot of areas in Once Human that have all sorts of loot crates for players to find. It’s a way for the developers to let players explore as well as get some great gear. Below is an image of all of the loot crates that you can get in Gaia Research Center Ruins as well as an Elite enemy!

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins All Loot

Rift Anchor

For the first one on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is easy to spot since it usually has a purple light emitting from it. You can find the Rift Anchor on top of a rock near the road that leads to the giant radio dish in the northwestern parts of the area.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Rift Anchor Location

Elite Enemy

For the next one, you’ll want to continue going west from the Rift Anchor. Follow the road going up to the Giant Radar Dish, and you’ll find a couple of enemies there. One of the enemies is an Elite one, so make sure you bring your best gear to deal with it!

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Elite Enemy Location

Gear Crate

Once you’ve cleared the Radar Dish area of enemies, go inside and head to the right. On top of an elevated platform with barrels is a Gear Crate that you can loot as shown below. These crates often give you armor or upgrades for your character.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Gear Crate Location

Weapon Crate #1

The next crate that we’ll be going to is in the center of the Gaia Research Center Ruins. On top of the shipping containers in that area is a Weapon Crate that you can loot. As the name implies, these crates often give you stuff like weapons, grenades, or ammunition.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Weapon Crate 1 Location

Weapon Crate #2

When you face to the west of the Shipping crates, you’ll see this building as shown below. Go up the stairs and then enter the building, then go straight until you see a doorway to the left.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Into Building

Go through the doorway as shown below and then head downstairs until you reach the bottom. Go through the door and head right to get to another area.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins To Weapon Crate 2

When you see the area with some railings, jump over the railings and go down. There, you’ll see this chamber as shown below that has another Weapon Crate that you can loot!

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Weapon Crate 2 Location

Weapon Crate #3

For this next one, you’ll need to go back to the Shipping Containers where you found the first weapon crate. This time, head to the west where you’ll see this long tent. Go inside the tent and you’ll find another Weapon Crate inside!

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Weapon Crate 3 Location

Mystical Crate

From the long tent, go south and then west through a gate until you find this building as shown below. Go inside the building and head left.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Mystical Crate Building

You’ll find this small glass room where you’ll need to activate the blue console next to the door. Once you activate that, the door will open and inside you’ll find a Mystical Crate! These crates often give you blueprint fragments so make sure to get this one!

Those are all of the loot crates in the Gaia Research Center Ruins zone of Once Human.

Once Human Gaia Research Center Ruins Mystical Crate Location

Mirage Monolith Danger Zone

I won’t bother telling you the basics at this point, since Mirage Monolith is typically done by people approaching level 30. By now, you should be very familiar with the exploration mechanics, as well as the fact that you’ll be fighting Rosetta soldiers.

Before we begin, I will warn you about something important in advance. The zone you’ll be clearing after this is likely going to be Holt Town as you make your way to Tall Grass Inn.

Depending on your server’s age, this might not be something you can do yet as the rest of the map will not open up until the next part of the season. In my case, as seen in the image below, this won’t be until the next roughly three days.

Because of this, Mirage Monolith Danger Zone might be the current last area you will be exploring for the time being. If your server is already in the Tame the Staroid phase, lucky you!

Once Human server seasonal phases with the time limit highlighted

Mirage Monolith Danger Zone Crate #1 – Weapon

For this first one, if you entered the compound through the main gate up north, approach the building after the monolith, right before the ramp leading down.

Inside, you will find a long staircase going down past a sign labeled “Rosetta Laboratory”. As you walk down and clear the area of enemies, you should be able to see the weapon crate in the small section covered with plastic curtains.

TIP: If you entered from the other entrance, then you should skip to the bottom of this article and follow the guide in reverse to get a more efficient path.

my Once Human character standing beside the lab staircase and crate

Mirage Monolith Danger Zone Crate #2 – Mystical

After grabbing the weapon crate from earlier, proceed to the hallway down south, where you should be able to see the rift anchor of this zone. The Mystical crate of this area is right behind the rift anchor, so just clear the room and loot it.

my Once Human character beside the rift anchor, w/ mystical crate highlighted

Mirage Monolith Danger Zone Crate #3 – Weapon + Elite Enemy

Once you’re done with the rift anchor and Mystical crate, backtrack a couple of steps and call the elevator to the east. This will take you to the upper level, which will lead to a linear hallway.

Go through the hallway and fight the group of enemies outside, if they spawned. Among them should be an elite, which is going to be a Rosetta Heavy. This should clear up the objective for it as well.

When you are done fighting the enemies in this room, you are free to loot the weapon crate behind the counter nearby, right beside a microwave and water dispenser.

my Once Human character looting an elite enemy + the crate behind it

Mirage Monolith Danger Zone Crate #4 – Gear + Elite Enemy

Proceed up the stairs and then follow the ramp leading up to the east. This will lead you to an open area with clumps of enemy spawns and another elite, this time a Rosetta Bruiser.

Clear out the enemies and check the large stack of boxes in the middle of the area to find a gear crate. If you entered the zone from this entrance, feel free to follow in reverse to reach all the crates.

my Once Human character highlighting the elite enemy + standing beside the crate

Mirage Monolith Gear Crate

I’m not sure if this counts towards the area’s objectives as I already cleared it way before entering this building, but there is also a gear crate inside the Mirage Monolith itself.

It can be found in the Office Room to the right as you enter. This is the same layout as all the other monoliths so far, so you’ll hardly get lost finding it.

my Once Human character standing in front of a gear crate

And that is pretty much it for this zone. Once you’re done clearing the exploration objectives for the Mirage Monolith Danger Zone, hop on into the monolith and take on the level 30 spider boss to progress the story!

Again, depending on your server’s age, this may be the last area you will be fully exploring before you can access places like Holt Town or the Gaia Military Base in the Chalk Peak region, which is still locked off until phase 2 of season 1.


Highland is a town in the border between Iron River and Chalk Peak, the latter of which is locked off until the second phase of the season. Depending on your server’s age, you might want to be careful with your pathing so you don’t accidentally get killed by going out of bounds.

This area is occupied by the Vultures faction, so be prepared for a firefight at all times! Also, watch out for their suicide bombers, as they can potentially one shot you. Don’t ask me why I know that, I don’t want to talk about it.

Highland Crate #1 – Gear

For reference, I’ll be entering the town from the southeast, so if you want to follow along in the order shown here, start from there too.

The first gear crate can be found on top of the first building to the right as you drive into the town proper. It is right across the street from the bookstore, and there are a few janky ways to get up there via gliding.

The “proper” way to get up here is to go to the side of the “Coffee & Eatery” store right beside the building with the crate on it. There, you’ll find a ladder leading up to the rooftops, allowing you to parkour your way down here.

my Once Human character standing beside the gear crate

Highland Crate #2 – Weapon

Next up, enter the Panorama Supermarket just straight ahead from the previous crate. Clear out the enemies nearby and make your way to the Urban Food bakery section near the back room. A weapon crate can be found on top of the counter.

BONUS TIP: The diner across the street contains the recipe for the Stargazy Pie, which you will probably see from a distance due to its distinct red glow. Feel free to pick it up if you are the hive’s cook (or if you’re solo, I guess).

my Once Human character standing beside the weapon crate

Highland Crate #3 – Mystical

Finally, go behind the line of buildings across the street from the Panorama Supermarket. There, you’ll find a single staircase leading to the second floor. For the next part, I’ll let this rather helpful note left behind by a random player in the Southeast Asian servers tell you what to do next:

Once Human whisper left behind by a player in my region

So yeah, climb up the door and start jumping across the rooftops to reach the “BIG BOY CRATE” (Mystical crate) at the end. Make sure to kill the Vulture snipers along the way too, and that should be all for this place.

my Once Human character bowing beside the mystical crate

That’s pretty much it for the entire town of Highland, which, again, is on the border between this region and the significantly higher leveled one. If your server is still in phase 1 (such as mine), then you will not have access to the neighboring region yet!


Alkirk is a bit tricky to clear because a couple of crates are just placed on seemingly random rooftops. I was banging my head against the wall in my free time trying to figure out where some of them were, and luckily for you, I documented this so you don’t have to do the same.

Alkirk Crate #1 – Weapon

The first one, as you enter the town from the west, is a weapon crate on the roof of the building to the right, just before the rift anchor. There is a ladder to the side that leads you to the roof, and you’ll have to climb up the HVAC units to reach the very top.

Be warned, an elite enemy spawns right outside the parking lot leading to the ladder. It’s a Rainfall Reaper, which I usually just call the “umbrella girl”. Shouldn’t be much of an issue as it’s one of the easier elite deviants to kill.

my Once Human character waving beside the weapon crate, w/ rift anchor in the distance

Alkirk Crate #2 – Mystical

This one is at the east end of the town, right above the Panorama Supermarket. You will have to run all the way around and climb the hill behind it to reach the roof of the supermarket.

There will be an elite Star Walker floating right above it, and I’ll shamefully admit that it took me a long time to find the crate up here even with that giant thing guarding it.

Just kill the elite and glide towards the Mystical crate so we can proceed to the next one. By the way, a Paper Figurine deviation with a decent level spawns inside the supermarket itself, so feel free to capture it if you want.

my Once Human character standing beside the mystical crate + ground view of the panorama supermarket

Alkirk Crate #3 – Gear

Funnily enough, this one I accidentally found the first time I explored this town while looking for the Mystical crate. Basically, across the street from the Panorama Supermarket, you’ll find a gear crate on the roof of one of the buildings.

All you have to do is climb up the cliff behind the line of buildings here and you should be able to see a gear crate hiding behind a billboard.

my Once Human character standing beside the first gear crate

Alkirk Crate #4 – Gear

The next one is directly to the southwest of the Panorama Supermarket. Once again, this gear crate is hiding behind a billboard on the roof of the building beside the “Coffee & Eatery” store.

You can go back to the cliffside that you used to reach the Mystical crate as well. Just follow the edge along to the southwest and you should see the glowing crate (assuming you are furiously spamming Q).

my Once Human character standing beside a gear crate

Alkirk Crate #5 – Gear

Finally, the last gear crate you can find in the zone is located at the small farm at the west end of the town. It’s in the one house in the area, right behind the little crop field with the scarecrow on it.

The crate can be found in the bedroom. Just clear out the area first, as approaching the house will likely aggro all of the flying enemies nearby.

my Once Human character driving up to the house + gear crate spot

Once you’re done here, you can proceed straight to the Mirage Monolith Danger Zone nearby, where you can also unlock a teleportation tower. That is likely the last place you’ll go to until your server starts the next phase of the season!

And that’s pretty much it when it comes to clearing the entirety of Alkirk town.


It’s important to note that if you’re trying to 100% the Explore Rippleby Town quest, you do not need to find all the crates. You only need the Crates that are mentioned in the objectives in Once Human.

However, getting all of them will allow you to get all the loot. Ideally, we encourage you to get all of the Rippleby Town crates.

Gear Crate #1 Location

Starting off, we’ll be looking at how you can get the first Gear crate in Rippleby Town. You’ll want to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Rippleby Gear Crate 1 on map in Once Human.

When you reach here, you’ll see a large white warehouse. Your goal is to get inside it. There is an entrance in the back of the warehouse that you can reach via the alley on the side. 

It’s right next to the dumpster.

Going to back of warehouse in Once Human.

Make your way to the back of the warehouse and move forward. Eventually, you should be able to find an entrance inside. After that, simply go up the stairs that you see inside.

Entering warehouse in Once Human.

When you reach the platform at the top of the warehouse, go to the end. You should be able to find the first Gear Crate location there.

Gear Crate 1 at Rippleby in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2 Location

For the next Gear Crate, you’ll be heading a bit towards the center of the Rippleby Town map. The location of this area is shown on the Once Human map below.

Rippleby Gear Crate 2 location on map in Once Human.

When you reach here, you’ll see some construction equipment next to some red containers. Jump over the red container and head towards the construction area.

Red Container in Once Human.

Right in the center of the construction area, will be a broken red container. The second Gear Crate location is right on top of it. 

Make sure you get a good running jump towards it so that you can avoid the spikes.

Rippleby Gear Crate 2 in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #1 Location

After that, we’ll start looking at the first of the Weapon Crates in Rippleby Town. You’ll want to head towards the Northern End of the area. 

Here, there will be another warehouse, similar to the one where you found the first Gear Crate in Once Human. The location of this warehouse is shown on the map below.

Rippleby Weapon Crate 1 location on map in Once Human.

Enter the warehouse and go up the stairs.

Going up stairs in Once Human.

When you do so, go to the end of the platform. You’ll find the Weapon Crate location tucked next to a wall.

Weapon Crate on platform in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 Location

Next, we’ll be going for the second Weapon Crate. You’ll want to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below. It is the giant structure that you can find in Ripplyby Town.

Rippleby Weapon Crate 2 on map in Once Human.

Start by heading underneath this structure, as shown below.

Near a wrecked car in Once Human.

Here, you’ll find a platform that will lead you up to. Go all the way up until you arrive at a ship.

Going up platform in Once Human.

Climb on to the ship and head towards the left, making your way to the back. Keep to the right of the ship instead of going up the stairs.

Going right of Rippleby ship in Once Human.

Eventually, you’ll see a small stairway leading to a small doorway on the left. Go through this doorway.

Entering ship in Once Human.

The second Weapon Crate location for Ripplyby Town will be here, ready for you to be looted. You’ll also see some red symbols and candles in the room.

Weapon Crate in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

The Mystical Crate can actually be found near the ship as well. Leave the room where you found the second Weapon Crate and go back to where you saw the staircase heading up.

This time you’ll be going up the staircase.

Going up ship in Once Human.

When you reach the top of this staircase, immediately turn around. You’ll see a green container with an opening hovering here. Jump onto this green container.

Green Container in Once Human.

Near this green container, you’ll see a ladder. This is the first of the set of ladders that you’ll see leading all the way to the top of the Rippleby Town structure. Make sure to climb up every single one of them.

Be warned that there are several enemies that you’ll encounter. So be sure to get rid of them or they’ll start damaging you while you climb.

Climbing ladder in Once Human.

When you reach the top, look to the left at the final green container. You should be able to see the Mystical Crate location right on top of it. 

Simply jump up and get the big score from the crate.

Rippleby Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #3 Location

There is a final Gear Crate that you can also get in Rippleby Town. It is really close to the Mystical Crate location. Once you’ve looted this Crate, simply look towards your left

You’ll see a yellow crane there.

The Gear Crate will be on its upper platform. All you need to do is jump from the green container and glide to the platform. There, you can loot the final crate.

In this way, you will be able to get all the Crates in Rippleby Town, including the Gear and Mystical Crates!

Gear Crate near crane in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about all the Mystical and Gear Crates locations for Rippleby Town in Once Human. Quite a good loot to be found here, even if there is a lot of climbing to be done. But the effort will be more than worth it!


There are two weapon crates and one mystical crate you can find in this area.

Once Human: Sunbury Town All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations shown on the map.

Weapon Crate

The weapon crate you can find in this area is located at the coordinates 4960 and -6859. Once you reach this exact coordinate, you are going to see an abandoned hospital in front of you. Get inside that building by using the entrance.

Once Human: Sunbury Town All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations

Then, take the stairs to go to the upper floor. After you reach the upper floor, turn left and go straight. Do not get inside any of the rooms along your way. Turn right when you reach to the corner and you will see the weapon crate right there.

Weapon crate number one in Sunbury in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2

Now, to find this crate, go to the coordinates 4820 and –6770. There, you are going to find yourself in front of a house. Go inside and use the stairs right at the entrance of the building. Once you reach the second floor, go into the room on the left and you are going to find the second weapon crate there.

Weapon crate number rwo in Sunbury in Once Human.

Mystical Crate

In order to find the Mystical Crate in this area, go to the coordinates 4796 and –6903. There, get inside the abandoned building and use the ice cream fridge to climb to the top from the hole in the ceiling.

After climbing to the rooftop, go left and follow the path. Eventually, you will see a ladder. Use it and when you reach the top, you will see the mystical crate there.

Finding the Mystical Crate in Sunbury in Once Human.

Mystical crate location in Sunbury.

We hope that this Once Human: Sunbury Town All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations guide helped you find all the crates in this area with no problem.

Sunbury Middle School

Sunbury Middle School is located at coordinates 5346, and -7008, on the south side of the Broken Delta, and it has a suggested grade level of 15. However, if you already have a precisely calibrated weapon, you might not have any problems exploring this area. Even if you want to go there just to find the crates and not complete the quest, you need to be very careful about the enemies you encounter on your way.

Once Human: Sunbury Middle School All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations

Mystical Crate

  • Possibly Contains: Scout Set FRAG x 10 (Blueprint Fragment).

Once you arrive at the entrance of Sunbury Middle School, you are going to see a wooden ramp on the right side. You need to climb that ramp and go all the way up to find the mystical crate in this area. While doing that, pay attention to your surroundings as enemies will try to shoot you.

Finding mystical crate in Once Human, following the wooden ramp to reach the rooftop.

After you go up, you are going to reach a rooftop. If you take a look around, you can see that there is a wooden tower there. This tower has an upper floor that you can go to. To go there, get inside the small hole located next to the ventilators. Then, climb all the way to the top.

Player sees enemy on the rooftop while trying to find the mystical crate in Sunbury Middle School in Once Human.

Climbing the wooden tower to find the mystical crate in Once Human.

Once you reach the top of the wooden tower, you will see the mystical crate. It is easy to locate as it has a glowing red marker on it too.

Mystical Crate location in Sunbury High School in Once Human.

Weapon Crate

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Crit DMG Boost (Gear Mod), Weapon Mod Parts, Beryllium Crystal, Staroid, Molotov Cocktail, Copper Pistol Ammo.

Now, you are pretty lucky in this area, because the first gear crate you can find is located in the same area as the mystical crate. You can see it if you look a little to the left of the mystical crate you have just found.

Weapon crate location in Sunbury High School in Once Human.

Weapon crate location in Sunbury High School in Once Human.

Gear Crate

  • Possibly Contains; Falcon Mask, Melee Amplifier, Armor Mod Parts, Staroid, Beryllium Crystal, Lifeforce Boost, Energy Link.

Now, the second gear crate is pretty close to this location as well. Go to the west side of the rooftop, and you will see that there is a basketball court below. The crate is located at the center of that court.

Gear crate location in Sunbury High School in Once Human.

Finding Gear crate location in Sunbury High School in Once Human.

These are all Sunbury Middle School mystical & gear crate locations in Once Human! We hope that this guide helped you find all these crates. Hurry up and get your rewards, but do not forget to be very careful as you walk through this dangerous area.

Sutherland Chemical Plant

The Sutherland Chemical Plant area is located at the coordinates 5060, -6271. Once you arrive at this destination, you are going to see that a quest named “Explore Sutherland Chemical Plant” gets activated. In order to complete this quest, you need to find all the crates in the area, along with a couple of other objectives.

You are going to find three crates in the Sutherland Chemical Plant.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations

Gear Crate #1

  • Possibly Contains; Armor Mod Parts, Staroid, Beryllium Crystal, Harpoon, Crit DMG Boost, Rustic Gloves, Energy Link.

In order to find the first gear crate in this area, arrive at the location we marked below. Here, use the platform on the right to get into the building.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant first gear crate location.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant first gear crate location, following the platform.

Once inside, turn left and you are going to see the crate lying in the corner of the room.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant first gear crate.

Gear Crate #2

  • Possibly Contains; Armor Mod Parts, Staroid, Beryllium Crystal, Raid Gloves, Weakspot DMG Boost, Energy Link, Battle Pass EXP, Cortex Level, Acid, Rain Man.

All the crates in this area are pretty close to each other. In order to locate the second gear crate, exit the building by using the exit door behind the stairs. Then, go straight ahead and climb the stairs until you arrive at the top.

If you are trying to find more crates in this game, do not forget to check out our Once Human: Rotten Manor All Mystical & Gear Crates Location guide too.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant second gear crate location.

There, you are going to find the second gear crate. Be careful though, there is an elite enemy right next to it. So, make sure that you defeat it before trying to open the crate.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant second gear crate.

Mystical Crate

  • Possibly Contains; Scout Set Fragment.

From the exit of the first building you explored, take a turn to the left and climb to the backside of the building on your right. After walking straight for a couple of seconds, you are going to see the entrance of that building as well.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant mystical crate location.

Go on the platform there and use the elevator to go up. Then, follow the path and use the ladder on the right to go down.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant using the elevator to find the mystical crate location.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant finding the mystical crate location.

Once you are down, you are going to see the mystical crate right there.

Once Human Sutherland Chemical Plant the mystical crate location.

These are Sutherland Chemical Plant All Mystical & Gear Crate Locations in Once Human! Be careful as you are trying to find these precious crates in this area, there are a lot of enemies that will try to take you down.

Ricci Securement Point

It is important to note that you do not need to get all the crates if you’re just looking to 100% complete this location in Once Human. All you’ll need to do is simply get the crates that are required by the objectives of the Explore Ricci Securement Point quest.

However, we strongly encourage you to get all the crates. After all, this will give you the best chance of obtaining the best loot. You’ll also need the Rosetta V2 Access Card for this.

Mystical and Weapon Crate #1 Location (Rosetta V2 Access Card)

The Mystical and first of the Weapon Crates in Ricci Securement Point can be found right next to each other in Once Human. However, before you can get them, you’ll need to get a Rosetta V2 Access Card.

This is because these crates are locked behind a locked door.

To get a Rosetta V2 Card , you’ll need to face off against one of the Elite enemies in Ricci Securement Point. You can find two Elite enemies if you explore this location.

You’ll need to kill these Elites anyways if you want to complete the Explore Ricci Securement Point quest.

However, if you’re having trouble, we’ll show you the location for where we found one of them. Start by going to the location on the Once Human map shown below.

Rosetta Bruiser location on map in Once Human.

Here, you’ll find a bunch of tents with some enemies nearby. The Elite enemy that you’ll be facing off is the Rosetta Bruiser. They can be tough, so be prepared for a fight.

After you kill the Bruiser, loot their body. This will give you the Rosetta V2 Access Card. You only need one of these for the Ricci Securement Point crates.

Rosetta Bruiser in Once Human.

With that access card in hand, make your way to the location shown below on the Once Human map.

Ricci Mystical Crate on map in Once Human.

Here, you’ll find an entrance that leads inside a facility. You’ll find a lot of enemies near this location too so be careful.

Entering Rosetta building in Once Human.

When you enter the facility, look towards your right. You’ll see a locked glass room that has the Mystical and Weapon Crate side by side. Additionally, there will be an access panel.

Hold F and interact with the access panel to use the Rosetta V2 Access Card. Doing so will open the glass door. Now, you can loot both the Mystical and Weapon Crate in Ricci Securement Point.

Using Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human.

Hidden Mystical Crate Location

You can also find the secret Mystical Crate location at Ricci Securement Point nearby the previous area where you found the Mystical and Weapon Crate. Start by exiting the facility from the same door that you entered from.

Right across from you, there will be a large wall. There will be a long ladder against this wall, leading all the way up. Make your way up this big ladder.

Make sure to clear the Once Human enemies nearby as they’ll start damaging you when you’re going up.

Going towards large ladder in Once Human.

Once you reach the top, turn around and look towards the left. You should be able to make out a purple floating orb in the air. Your goal will be to touch this orb.

You can do this by taking a running jump towards it, followed by gliding into it.

Jumping towards floating orb in Once Human.

After you touch it, the hidden Mystical Crate will appear on the ground. Now all you need to do is loot it when you hit the ground.

Secret Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #1 Location

Next, we’ll be trying to get the first Gear Crate at Ricci Securement Point. Make your way to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Ricci Gear Crate location on map in Once Human.

Here, you’ll find yourself at the entrance of yet another facility. Go through the front entrance and walk to the back of the room.

Entering Rosetta facility in Once Human.

You’ll find another door that leads to a staircase. Follow this staircase all the way down.

Going down stairs in Once Human.

Eventually, you’ll arrive at the top of a large open room. For the Gear Crate, jump down to the ground floor from the railing.

You’ll be able to see the first Gear Crate location near an open door, ready for you to loot.

Jumping towards Gear Crate room in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 Location

The second Weapon Crate location can also be found nearby in Ricci Securement Point. Once you get the Gear Crate look towards the side of the room. You’ll see a doorway that leads to another room.

Enter this room.

Entering Lab Door in Once Human.

At the end of the room, you’ll find the Weapon Crate location. Loot it to finish up collecting all the Weapon Crates in this area.

Ricci Weapon Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2 Location

There is another optional Gear Crate that you can find at Ricci Securement Point. The location you want to head to is shown on the Once Human map below.

Ricci Gear Crate 2 location in Once Human.

Once you’re here, make your way ahead. Eventually, you’ll see a large steel roof, underneath which there is some equipment.

Turn to the left underneath this roof.

Going towards equipment in Once Human.

Here, you’ll be able to find the final Gear Crate location. Simply loot it and you’re done with all the Crates at Ricci Securement Point. Hopefully, you ended up with some worthwhile loot!

Ricci Gear Crate 2 in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about getting the Mystical and Gear Crate locations at Ricci Securement Point in Once Human. We strongly suggest you get all these crates, for the best loot possible.

Greywater Industrial Zone

There are a lot of areas that you can explore in Once Human, and they can be complex to traverse. That’s why the game gives you a list of the major loot crates that you can find, so that you know if you’re missing something.

In the Greywater Industrial Zone, there are a couple of gear and weapon crates that you’ll want to loot. Below is an image that shows their general vicinity for those who want to find the loot themselves. For those who want the exact areas, then continue reading below!

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone All Loot Crates

Rift Anchor

For the first thing on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is the easiest one to spot since it has a mark on the map. Not only that, but there’s a bright purple line emanating from it, so you can see it from afar.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone To Rift Anchor

The Rift Anchor for this area is in the middle where there’s a metal platform. It’s next to a couple of crates and even some minor loot crates as shown below.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Rift Anchor Location

Gear Crate #1

For the next one, you’ll need to head to the west and then head up the stairs as shown below. You’ll need to circle the pipes and the big circular structure if you’re coming from the rift anchor.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Go Up The Stairs

Once you’ve headed up the stairs, continue going to the south following the walkways. You’ll see the area shown below which is right below the walkways. You can then jump down and then head to the right.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Go To The Right

There, you’ll find a long corridor that leads to a dead-end. Right in the center of the dead-end is a Gear crate that you can loot!

Gear crates can give you some nice armor for your character as well as materials and upgrades so don’t skip out on these!

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Gear Crate 1 Location

Gear Crate #2

From the previous Gear Crate, go outside the area and then head right. There, you’ll see a staircase that you’ll want to go up to the top.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Go Up

Once on the top, instead of going straight through the wall, go to the left running around it. Then, go to the area where there are a lot of pipes.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Pipe Area

The next gear crate is on top of an elevated platform as shown below to the south.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Gear Crate 2 Location

Weapon Crate #1

For this next crate, you’ll want to head to the north from the previous one. Continue going north until you reach this large building as shown below. Go inside and then head to the very back of the first floor.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Large Building

There, you’ll find an elevator panel. Interact with it to make the elevator go down and then, ride it to the top.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Elevator

Once on the top, head to the north side sticking to the walkways until you reach the wall of the building. Then, head to the east where you can drop to this fenced area shown below. Down there, you can find a Weapon crate, and you can use the crates and barrels there to get out!

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Weapon Crate Location

As the name implies, this crate gives you weapons like grenades and ammunition as well!

Weapon Crate #2 & Mystical Crate

Go back to the entrance of the building you entered before and then face inside. Then, look to the left to see an elevator panel, interact with it to open the elevator, and take it to go down.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone To Underground

You’ll enter this underground area, immediately head left and at the end, you’ll see both a Mystical Crate and a Weapon crate nearby. Mystical crates can give you schematic fragments so make sure to not skip this one!

Those are all of the loot crates that you can find around the Greywater Industrial Zone in Once Human.

Once Human Greywater Industrial Zone Mystical Crate Location

East Blackfell Junction

There are a lot of notable crates that you can get in East Blackfell Junction, and you can even get two Mystical ones. Not only that, but there are also a lot of weapon crates in this area, so you’ll want to loot all of them!

Below are all the crates in the area that you can check out if you want to explore it yourself. For those who want the exact locations, then keep reading below!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction All Loot Crates

Rift Anchor

For the first item on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is easy to spot. All you need to do is go to where the logo is on the map. You can also spot the bright glowing purple light that emits from the anchor as shown below.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Rift Anchor Location

Weapon Crate #1

From the right Anchor, head to the northeast towards the large building. On one of the corners to the front of the building is a Weapon Crate. These crates have a chance to spawn weapons, upgrades, items like grenades, and even ammunition.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Weapon Crate 1 Location

Stardust Italian Soup Recipe

For the next one, we’ll want to get a Recipe that has a guaranteed spawn in the area. From the large building, head to the row of buildings to the northeast. Go inside the first floor of the southeastern building.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Stardust Italian Soup Recipe Building

There, you’ll find a bar as shown below where you’ll see the recipe for a Stardust Italian Soup.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Stardust Italian Soup Recipe Location

Elite Enemy

Go back to the big building where you found the weapon crate and head to the southwest this time or south of the Rift Anchor.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Elite Enemy Location

There, you’ll find an Elite enemy that you can fight. Make sure to bring your best weapons and armor for the job!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Elite Enemy Fight

Mystical Crate #1

For the next crate, you’ll want to go back to where you got the Stardust Italian Soup Recipe and then head to the northeast. There, you’ll find a hedge wall and a gap where you can find a floating blue item as shown below. Go through it to interact with it and it will disappear.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Mystical Crate Path 1

Another one will appear a few steps in front of you on top of a broken-down police car. Go and interact with them again.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Mystical Crate Path 2

The next and last one will appear on top of another vehicle close by as shown below.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Mystical Crate Path 3

Once you’ve interacted with the last one, a Mystical Crate will spawn nearby, and you can open it to get the loot. These crates often give you blueprint fragments so don’t miss this one out!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Mystical Crate 1 Location

Gear Crate #1

From the Mystical Crate, you’ll then want to head to the Emergency Room door nearby. Go inside the building and then go to the right through another doorway.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Emergency Room

You’ll then see a staircase in front of you, go up the staircase to the third floor until you reach the Nurses Station.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Hospital Staircase

To the right of the sign where the nursing station is a doorway blocked by some debris. You can jump over it and go inside the room where there’s a crashed helicopter. Go to the left and follow the holes through the walls.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Nurses Station

You’ll then get to another section of the hospital where there’s a staircase to the right. This will give you access to the roof.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction To Hospital Rooftop

Head to the roof and directly in front of you when you enter is a Gear Crate. These crates can give you pieces of armor as well as upgrades for your character.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Gear Crate

Mystical Crate #2

Look to the south of the Gear crate and just below the Helicopter pad is another Mystical crate that you can loot!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Mystical Crate 2 Location

Weapon Crate #2

From the Mystical Crate, jump on the ledge of the roof and then go through the section connecting the two buildings. Go through that path and jump down to the roof of the other building.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction To Weapon Crate 2

Then, face the Hospital again and you’ll see the balcony of the second floor. You’ll need to jump and glide there to access it.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Hospital Second Floor Balcony

Once you get there, you can then go through the open door and into the room where there’s another Weapon Crate!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Weapon Crate 2 Location

Gear Crate #2

For the last crate in the crate in this list, you’ll need to head to the south where there are two large buildings. Go inside the west building and then go up the stairs.

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Gear Crate Map Location

There, you’ll find another Gear Crate filled with loot for you!

Once Human East Blackfell Junction Gear Crate Location

Those are all of the loot crates that you can find around the East Blackfell Junction in Once Human. Now, go out there and clear this area of loot!


Mythical crates are scattered all over Holt Town, but we’ve found them, and we can tell you exactly where to find each one. 

Holt town has: 

  • 1 Gear Crate 
  • 2 Mythical Crates 
  • 2 Weapon Crates

We’ll also give you exact locations on the map so you know where to go and don’t panic about having to search all over town, since it can get a little confusing. But we’ve got you covered, so let’s get started.

Crate #1 (Weapon Crate)

The map below shows where you’ll need to be for the first crate. The Coordinates are: Chalk Peak (3744, -4427)

Holt Town in Once Human

The spot shown in the map is directly inside a building. Once you get there on the exact location, you’ll see the first crate in the corner.

Crate in Holt Town in Once Human

Crate #2 (Mystical crate)

From the previous spot, go to your left and look for an elevator. Take this elevator to the upper levels.

Elevator Holt Town in Once Human

Once you reach the top, take a right and follow the arrows shown in the image below.

Holt Town in Once Human

That’s where you should find a table. On top of the table is a Rosetta V2 access card sitting on it. You’ll need this card in order to access a closed room that contains the crate we’re searching for.

Rosetta V2 access card Holt Town in Once Human

Once you collect the card, go back and go into the yellow decontaminated room.

Holt Town in Once Human

At the end of the room, you’ll see a locked door with a terminal that allows you access if you have the Rossetta V2 access card, which we already collected before. Use the card on the terminal to gain access to the next room.

Rosetta V2 card terminal Holt Town in Once Human

In this room, you’ll see various biological experiments taking place. Go to the other end of the room to find the crate!

Crate Holt Town in Once Human

Crate # 3 (Weapon Crate)

Marked on the map below is the next exact location where you need to be to find the next crate. The Coordinates are: Chalk Peak (3784, -4530)

Holt Town in Once Human

This is a residential area. You should be on the front porch of a big mansion. You’ll find the crate where the empty pool is, on top of a stair inside the pool. 

Crate in Holt Town in Once Human

Crate #4 (Mystical Crate)

The exact location for the 4th crate is marked on the map below. The Coordinates are: Chalk Peak (3737, -4516)

Holt Town in Once Human

You’ll find yourself in another residential area with houses smaller than the last one. The place also has more greenery. Go down the hill toward the wooden house at the bottom.

Crate location in Holt Town in Once Human

The doorstep of this house will have the crate, so go over there and collect it.

Crate #5 (Gear Crate)

Marked on the map below is the next exact location where you need to be to find the next crate. The Coordinates are: Chalk Peak (3986, -4370)

Holt Town in Once Human

This place is the backside of a barn-like structure. Near the wired fence, in the corner, you’ll see the last crate. 

Crate in Holt Town in Once Human

So, go over there and collect the last crate of the location. If you collected all five then congratulations, you’ve collected all the mystical and gear crates in Holt town in Once Human.

Gaia Military Base

This time we’re searching for all the gear and Mystical crates one can find in Gaia Military Base. You can use this guide to collect every crate in the area and obtain as much loot as you can get your hands on. 

This location is also one of the shorter ones so you best believe you can easily collect all of the crates in the area. The location has one gear crate and two weapon crates, making it a total of three crates that this base has to offer you. 

The map below shows our starting so we’ll look around for crates from there. 

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Now let’s get started!

Crate #1

Start by entering into the gates and then also into the inside area of the base itself by continuing to go straight.

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Right when you enter the inside of the base, toward your very right, you’ll see a crate on the other side of the enclosed space with a transparent glass door.

Use your Rossetta V2 access card for access into the closed space, allowing the glass doors to open so you can collect the Gear crate.

Terminal for Rossetta V2 access card in Once human

Loot the gear crate and the loot box that’s sitting in the same room and then get out of there before you’re blown into bits by all of the gunshots!

Crate #2

Now, exit the enclosed space and this part of the base by heading outside through the pathway just ahead when you leave the room.

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

When you exit the area, you’ll see tents and big storage boxes just ahead, a little toward the right.

Storage boxes in Once Human

Use these storage boxes to climb over to the other side. You’re essentially exiting the base to safely go to another entrance of the base where you can access another crate.. 

So, turn right, take a vehicle or simply walk up the roaded hill. 

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

The entrance should be on the left when you reach the top. 

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

From here, what you need to do is enter and jump down the containers you’d be standing on as you enter. Then turn left, and you’ll see two buildings in front of you. One with stairs and one without.

Enter the building that’s on the left.

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

When you enter, you should see a staircase inside. Go up these stairs and then head outside through the door that will be right in front of you.

Gaia Military Base building connector in Once Human

Walk all the way toward the other side until you see another set of stairs. You’ll need to go up these as well. And then after that, two more sets of stairs until you reach the top: in a room with the gear crate you’re looking for!

Crate in Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Crate #3

Now, head back all the way down the three sets of stairs, until you’re back to the pathway that leads to the next building.

Connector in Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Before heading to the other side, however, you’ll need to actually jump down to your left side on this connector. 

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

After that, try going right and you’ll see a generator you can climb on to get to the other side. 

Generator Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Here, you’ll glide to the other side of the base.

Gaia Military Base in Once Human

Enter into this base while trying your best to evade incoming gunshots and fire from your enemies. Once you enter, go to the other side where you’ll see a ramp that leads to the top of a flat platform in the shape of a circle.

Crate location in Gaia Military Base in Once Human

And that is how you find the 3rd and last weapon crate in Gaia Military Base! You’re not done yet until you’ve collected all the loot you can find in the game.

Crate in Gaia Military Base in Once Human

The Junkyard

First off, you will need to find where The Junkyard is. It can be found on the lower left portion of the map. But if you are still having trouble, use the coordinates 3432, -7098 to find your way there.

The Junkyard's location and coordinates in Once Human.

Inside the warehouse with trains in it, you can find one Gear Crate in the middle next to some boxes and such.

Grabbing the first Gear Crate located inside the train yard in Once Human.

Once you have opened the Gear Crate, make your way to the rooftop. Look over the edge of the roof until you find one of the train cars with the Mystical Crate in it. You will have to drop down and land inside the train car to grab the Mystical Crate inside.

The Mystical Crate located in one of the train cars that can only be accessed by jumping down from the rooftop in Once Human.

Exit the trainyard and head to the facility that’s located on the right side of The Junkyard. You can find a couple of Gear Crates here.

The buildings next to the train yard in The Junkyard in Once Human.

The first one can be found in the building inside here. Make your way inside and be sure to avoid enemies. They are prowling around the area.

Gear Crate 2 location in this building next to the train yard in Once Human.

Inside, you will find a Gear Crate that you can open up and grab. Once that’s done, head outside and move to the more populated area.

Gear Crate 2 inside the building in Once Human.

Go inside the building here to get the last Gear Crate. Be warned that there are enemies in this area now, and they will shoot on sight. There is also a big enemy inside, so you need to maneuver around them.

Gear Crate 3 location inside the building filled with enemies with gun in Once Human.

Rush inside and grab the Gear Crate located in this room. You will have officially gotten all of the Gear Crates and Mystical Crate in The Junkyard.

Gear Crate 3 located inside the building in Once Human.

That’s all you need to know on how to get all of the Mystical Crate and Gear Crates in Once Human.

Gaia Cliff Monolith

First off, you will need to go to Gaia Cliff Monolith in the game. Check out the map and you should be able to find it here. If you need the exact coordinates, it should be 4602, -5999.

The location and coordinates of the Gaia Cliff Monolith Danger Zone in Once Human.

The location on the map and the coordinates will lead you to a cliff that overlooks the building. You will be able to spot the Mystical Crate from up here. Simply jump off the cliff and glide down towards the roof of the building.

Jumping off the cliff to glide to the rooftop with the Mystical Crate on top in Once Human.

You can then grab the Mystical Crate and whatever is inside it. Once you do, look over across the street and you will find another building. There, you can find one Gear Crate inside.

Landing on the rooftop and opening the Mystical Crate to grab the loot in Once Human.

You can find the Gear Crate on the left side of the building (when facing it from where the Mystical Crate was). You can grab whatever is inside the Gear Crate and continue on your merry way.

Grabbing the Gear Crate in the location before leaving in Once Human.

That’s all you need to know on how to get the Mystical Crate and Gear Crate in Gaia Cliff Monolith in Once Human.

Alpha Institute

The Alpha Institute in Once Human is one of the high-level areas in the game, but luckily, it’s an easy place to traverse. Not only that, but 3 of the main loot crates in the area are in the same place! All you need to know is where to find them.

Here are all of the general areas where you can find all the loot crates in Alpha Institute. If you want to exact locations of these crates, then keep reading below!

Once Human Alpha Institute All Loot Crate Location

Rift Anchor

For the first item on the list, we have the easiest thing to spot, and it’s the Rift Anchor. It’s in the northern parts of the area on top of a Helicopter landing pad as shown below. Be careful though since it’s usually guarded by enemies!

Once Human Alpha Institute Rift Anchor Location

Elite Enemy

Once you’re finished with the Rift Anchor, go to the south and head over to the large building in the center of the Institute. Go through the entrance and keep an eye out for enemies.

Once Human Alpha Institute To Elite Enemy

That’s because inside you can find one of the Elite enemies in this area. Fighting this one in close quarters can be tricky, so watch out!

Once Human Alpha Institute Elite Enemy Location

Weapon Crate #1

After you defeat the Elite enemy, go outside the large building and in front of the entrance is a stack of crates. On top of those crates is a Weapon Crate that you can loot!

These crates will often give you a weapon as well as some ammunition and materials depending on your luck. Make sure to get this one since it gives a ton of ammo!

Once Human Alpha Institute Weapon Crate 1 Location

Mystical Crate, Gear Crate #1, and Weapon Crate #2

The next 3 crates on this list are in one area. Go to the southeast of the large building until you find a black car with a gun on top. Behind it is a building with an “02” on top of the entrance. Go inside and look for the glass room.

Once Human Alpha Institute To Loot Crates

You’ll find a glass room where there’s a whopping 3 crates inside. You’ll need to interact with the controls next to the door to enter. Inside is a Weapon Crate, a Gear Crate, and a Mystical Crate.

Gear crates can give you pieces of armor as well as upgrades while Mystical Crates often have blueprint fragments!

Once Human Alpha Institute Mystical Crate Location

Gear Crate #2

For the last crate on the list, we’ll need to head southeast of the previous building. You’ll need to take some stairs to go up and towards another large building as shown below. Go inside the large entrance while clearing the enemies.

Once Human Alpha Institute To Gear Crate

Inside of that building just in the middle is another Gear Crate! Make sure to clear the enemies inside and outside the building first before you start looting!

Those are all of the loot crates in the Alpha Institute area of Once Human.

Once Human Alpha Institute Gear Crate Location

Evergreen Vineyard

When going through the different areas of Once Human, the game gives you a list of some notable loot crates in the area. They don’t show you everything so it’s up to you to explore the rest. That’s why you’ll want to know in advance where they are so you don’t waste any time!

These are all the loot crates that you can find in Evergreen Vineyard and there are a lot of weapon crates! If you still want to search for them, then use the image below and if you want the exact locations then continue reading!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard All Loot Crates

Rift Anchor

For the first one on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is the easiest one to find. That’s because you can see the logo of the anchor on the map, and it has a bright purple line emitting from it. Make sure to clear the area of enemies first before interacting with it!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Rift Anchor Location

Gear Crate

For the first crate on the list, we’ll need to go to the large building that is west of the Rift Anchor. Go through the main entrance and then head to the very back where you’ll find a button.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard To Gear Crate

At the back of the building is a button you can interact with to call the Elevator. Use that to go to the metal walkways above.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Elevator

Once you’re up the metal walkways, go to the northern side of the building and then head east. You’ll need to drop down to the area shown below that has a metal fence around it. Inside is a Gear Crate that you can loot!

Gear crates often give you pieces of armor for your character as well as some other items, so make sure to get them.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Gear Crate Location

You can get out of the fenced area by jumping over the barrels and crates in the corner to get out.

Weapon Crate #1

For the next crate, you’ll want to go south of the large building you were just in. There, you’ll find a group of houses, and you’ll need to go to the one to the west and then head inside.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Weapon Crate House

Go to the living room and in the Study area, you’ll find a Weapon Crate next to a couch. Weapon crates can give you weapons, ammunition, and even grenades so make sure to get them!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Weapon Crate 1 Location

Gourmet Recipe

The next one isn’t a crate but a recipe that you can use to cook a dish. Go to the house next to the one you were just in the southeast. Go inside, and you’ll see a bar, and on the counter is the recipe. This is the recipe location for the Signature Ice Brew.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Signature Ice Brew Location

Mystical Crate

In the same house where you found the recipe, just on the second floor is a Mystical Crate that you can loot. These crates can give you a blueprint fragment, so it’s best to not miss this one. There’s usually only one Mystical Crate per area!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Mystical Crate Location

Weapon Crate #2

From the building where you find the mystical crate, go to the southeast again to the next house. At the back of that house to the southwest is a staircase that goes underground. Head down there and then go to the right.

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard To Underground

At the very end of the hall look to the right, and you’ll see another Weapon Crate as shown below!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Weapon Crate 2 Location

Weapon Crate #3

For the next one, you’ll need to go back to the surface and then head to the northeast. You’ll see the last building that is made out of mostly glass. Go inside and to the left you’ll see the last Weapon Crate. This place sure does have a lot of Weapon crates!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Weapon Crate 3 Location

Morphic Crate

For the last crate on the list, you’ll want to head to the northeast of the building you were in and follow the road. You’ll get to the Grape fields and where the road intersects with another one look in the fields.

What you’re looking for is this monster as shown below which is a Morphic Chest. Kill it, and it will drop a chest for you to loot!

Once Human Evergreen Vineyard Morphic Chest

Those are all of the notable loot crates that you can find around Evergreen Vineyard in Once Human.

Blackfell Fallen Zone

Blackfell Fallen Zone is tucked in at the center of Red Sands, which you can only access once phase 2 has started in your server. If you get attacked by butterflies and have Mitsuko screaming into your ears every 2 seconds while trying to go here, that means you’re still locked out for the time being.

In this guide, we will be covering all of the significant loot crates that you can find in this area. The number of crates far exceed the requirement for the exploration objectives, but it’s nice to loot them for mods anyway.

Below is a preview of the Blackfell Fallen Zone map indicating the location of every single crate, as well as the rift anchor (grey icon). We’ll be using this as a general reference before going into more detail for each entry.

Once Human blackfell fallen zone map with all notable loot crates marked

Weapon Crate #1 + Elite Enemy

The first weapon crate in this area can be found in the northwesternmost house from the rift anchor. Along the way, you will also encounter an elite enemy, specifically an Ede, which you are probably already familiar with as you fight one in Highbanks.

Go ahead and kill it by shooting the glowing balloon, which changes after a few seconds when you pop the previous weak spot. This counts towards the exploration objectives here, so you may as well engage.

Once Human map and directions to weapon crate 1

Gear Crate #1

Directly south of the rift anchor is a basketball court where you can find a gear crate out in the open. Just follow the road down and loot it before proceeding to the next one. Kill some normal enemies along the way for the objectives if you feel like it.

Once Human map and directions to gear crate 1

Weapon Crate #2

Next, from the previous crate, proceed to the town hall directly to the west of your current position. Enter the first room to the left and turn to the next entryway to the right and you’ll find the next weapon crate sitting on top of a table.

Once Human map and directions to weapon crate 2

Gear Crate #2

From the town hall, go outside and make your way to the supermarket directly to the northwest. There should be a gear crate spawn smack dab in the middle of it. Nice and easy.

Once Human map and directions to gear crate 2

Weapon Crate #3 + Mystical Crate

For the next one, you will be heading to the parking garage to the southwest of the previous location. Enter the building and keep running through it until you see a makeshift living space, where a weapon crate will be waiting for you.

Once Human map and directions to weapon crate 3

For the Mystical crate, head to the area right above the parking garage, which can be reached through varying means. One way is to head back outside and run to the southernmost building, where there is a staircase leading up.

Once you’re above the parking garage, you should be able to spot the Mystical crate sitting out in the open. It’s guarded by an elite enemy known as a Weather Forecast, which should be relatively easy to kill.

Once Human player climbing up the building + mystical chest highlighted

Gear Crate #3

Next, from the previous crate, head to the hospital directly to the northwest. Rather than entering the building, go up the staircase on the side of the building. The next gear crate can be found on the roof.

Once Human map and directions to gear crate 3

Weapon Crate #4

Next up, the last weapon crate of this zone can be found in the gas station directly to the southwest of the hospital. Simply enter through the front door and check behind the counter, where the crate will be waiting for you to loot it.

Once Human map and directions to weapon crate 4

Gear Crate #4

Before getting the last one in the town itself, head up north to the isolated farm area on the hill. Inside the barn, right behind the red pickup truck, you will find yet another gear crate ripe for looting.

It is highly recommended to summon your vehicle to get here, unless you really like walking. Hopefully you’re already rocking an all-terrain car by now, cause if you’re still using the motorcycle, well, you do you man.

Once Human map and directions to gear crate 4

Gear Crate #5

Finally, head back down to the town and go to the diner at the western edge of the area. In the room behind the counter, you’ll find the last gear crate waiting there. It’s the exact same building layout as the other diners in the game, so this will probably look very familiar to you.

Once Human map and directions to the last gear crate

And those are all of the significant crates you can find in the Blackfell Fallen zone, so get out there and get those weapon or armor mods!

Evergreen Town

Depending on where your base is set up by the tail end of phase 1 of this season, Evergreen is likely to be the very first town you visit in Red Sands once it opens up (assuming you aren’t following the main quest yet).

It is a relatively small town, making it incredibly easy to find all of the crates. With that said, we’re here to give you some detailed instructions on how to find each of them!

Gear Crate #1

This area is a bit odd compared to everything else you’ve encountered in the first phase of the season, as it has two rift anchors despite being an incredibly small zone.

For reference, this guide will be starting in the western rift anchor, and for the first gear crate of the zone, you’ll want to head directly east from there. It can be found just beside the large statue in the middle of the whole zone.

Once Human map and directions to a gear crate

Weapon Crate #1 + Mystical Crate

Next, you will want to head to the large building down south from your current position. You’ll find the only weapon crate in this area to the right as soon as you enter through the front door. Take it and then get ready to go back outside.

Once Human map and directions to the weapon crate

At the southeastern part of the building (outside), you’ll find a ladder leading up to the roof. Climb it and head over to the steeple on the other end of the roof, which has another ladder leading up to it.

Once you get up on the steeple, you can safely jump down into a small pit, where the Mystical crate of this zone will be waiting. Take it before climbing back up via the small ladder in the room.

Once Human player approaching the mystical crate

Gear Crate #2 + Secret Mystical Crate

Finally, head over to the cul-de-sac in the northeastern edge of the small town. You’ll find the last gear crate sitting beside the tree in the center of the whole street. Just loot it and climb back out of the brick wall surrounding this little area.

Right beside the brick wall in the middle of the cul-de-sac is also a secret Mystical crate, which, as usual, you have to follow and touch the glowing entities until it reveals itself. In this case, you just have to walk around the road for a few steps to get it.

Once Human player looting the last gear crate

Optional Loot: Morphic Crate & Accessory Puzzle

There are a few optional one-time bits of loot to get just outside the town. Check the map image below to see where these are located in relation to the previous gear crate.

The first one, directly south of the first rift anchor is a vine cage that you have to hit with a molotov cocktail to open. This will reward you with an accessory that you can use for certain weapons. A little bit to the southeast of it is a morphic crate that you can kill for some valuable goodies.

Once Human interactive map showing directions to the optional stuff

And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to fully explore the Evergreen town, as well as some free stuff nearby that you may as well get.

Fort Eyrie

Located somewhere near the middle of the Red Sands region, Fort Eyrie is a small point of interest that has its own set of exploration objectives, which means some respawning (and not) crates of note to loot!

The rift anchor in this area, which you can see in the map, is actually past most of the crates here, so let’s get to all of the stuff you can loot before you head over there and activate it!

Gear Crate #1 + Mystical Crate

As you enter Fort Eyrie, head to the first building you see in the west. Upon entering, you’ll find the first gear crate right beside the counter. Loot it and get ready to go back outside, because the next step will have you climbing up the building.

Once Human directions to a gear crate, highlighted

Once you’re done looting the building, go to the back and climb up the tower attached to it. There is no alternative path here, so you can’t get lost. Just fight the few cultists along the way and you’ll eventually find the Mystical crate sitting at the very top of the tower.

Once Human player looting the mystical chest

Weapon Crate #1

Once you’re done with the Mystical crate, turn to the south and glide down to the Panorama building. Go inside and run to the second floor, where you’ll find a weapon crate just sitting there in an unusually empty room.

Beside the vending machines, you’ll also find an additional loot crate that will only appear if you are doing a particular side quest. If not, it won’t show up for you.

Once you’re done with this crate, head out to the back of the building to activate the rift anchor in this area. Following that, we’ll be using the anchor itself as our starting point to get to the last crate.

Once Human player approaching the marked weapon crate

Gear Crate #2

From the rift anchor, turn to the northwest and look down at the wooden structures leading down the cliff. You will want to proceed down these structures until you reach a wide open space with a few normal enemy spawns nearby.

Once Human directions to the gear crate

All you have to do is glide all the way down and clear out the enemies. You should be able to see the final gear crate of this area in the middle of the entire wooden structure down there. Be careful not to fall to the ground below, cause you’ll need to find a way back up if you do.

Once Human player gliding to the highlighted gear crate

And that is pretty much it for the Fort Eyrie area, which is relatively small and probably not all that worth returning to afterwards unless you really want some more mods from the crates.

Furnace Lair

In order to find the mystical and gear crates in this area, you need to go to the coordinates: 2377, and -4078. Here, you are going to be able to find one mystical crate, two gear crates, and one weapon crate.

Once Human Furnace Lair All Mystical & Gear Crates Location

Mystical Crate

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Stellar Planula, Blue Signal Arrow Sign, Stardust Source.

Once you arrive at the coordinates we have talked about (2377, and -4078), you will find yourself in front of the location below. Here, you need to use the platform to get on the abandoned wagons.

Once Human Furnace Lair mystical crate location.

Once you climb the platform, walk on the wagon on the right. Then, at the end of the wagon, climb to the rooftop on your right. You are going to see the mystical crate right there.

Once Human Furnace Lair mystical crate.

Gear Crate #1

  • Possibly Contains; Raid Top, Energy Link, Armor Mod Parts, Iridium Crystal, Staroid, Elemental Amplifier.

From the mystical chest location, turn right and walk until you arrive at the end of the rooftop. There, you are going to see that there is an opening with a platform that will lead you inside the building.

Once Human Furnace Lair mystical crate location.

Just follow the platform and turn left. There, you are going to find a basic chest that you can loot on your way to the gear crate. This crate possibly contains Black Panther FRAG.

Now, from the chest, turn back and go back to the plank you used after getting the mystical crate. Jump down into the red abandoned wagon there.

Once Human Furnace Lair gear crate location.

You are going to find the first gear crate there.

Opening the gear crate in Furnace Lair in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Head-Guard Precision, Armor Mod Parts, Iridium Crystal, Staroid.

For the second crate in the area, go to the coordinates 2352, and -4135. There, take the stairs to get inside the building.

Finding the second gear crate in Furnace Lair in Once Human.

Once you are inside, go to the left and you are going to find the second crate in the small room there.

Opening the second gear crate in Furnace Lair in Once Human.

Weapon Crate

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Blaze Blessing Talents, Iridium Crystal, Staroid, Improved Grenade, Copper Shotgun Bullet.

For the weapon crate in the area, go to the coordinates: 2424, and -3827. There, you will see stairs that will lead you down. Follow the path, turn left and you will find the weapon crate there.

Locating weapon crate in Furnace Lair in Once Human.

This is it for our Once Human: Furnace Lair All Mystical & Gear Crates Location guide.

Rotten Saddle

First things first. Arrive at the coordinates 1666, and -5996 to start your crate hunt in Rotten Saddle. In this area, you can find two gear crates, two weapon crates, and one mystical crate.

Once Human: Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location

Weapon Crate #1

  • Possibly Contains; Final Territory Precision, Weapon Mod Parts, Improved Grenade.

From the coordinates we talked about, kill the enemies on your way and get inside the building. There, use the stairs to go up one floor, turn left and you will see the first weapon crate.

Once Human Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location weapon crate

Gear Crate #1

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Armor Mod Parts, Iridium Crystal.

Go to 1779 – and 5965. Then, follow the path and turn right to arrive at the front of a green house. Get inside, turn left, and use the ladder to climb to the second floor of the house. Once you are up, go left and you will see the chest.

Once Human Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location gear crate

Weapon Crate #2

  • Possibly Contains; Energy Link, Weapon Mod Parts, Iridium Crystal, Copper SR Ammo, Copper Riffle Bullet.

Go to the coordinates: 1835, and 5918. You are going to see it lying on the counter of your right.

Once Human Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location weapon crate

Mystical Crate

  • Possibly Contains; The Boots, Fusion Explosion Talents, Armor Mod Parts, Iridium Crystal.

Go to the coordinates 1672, and – 5946. From that point, go straight ahead, and use the stairs to reach the second floor. On this floor, go right to see the mystical crate.

Once Human Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location mystical crate

Gear Crate #2

In the same building, take the stairs to reach the rooftop. Then, simply follow the path and go right. You will see the second gear crate towards to right side of the rooftop.

These are Rotten Saddle All Mystical & Gear Crates Location in Once Human!

Monolith of Thirst

Mystical Crate

Mystical Crate platform

The Mystical Crate for this area is on the bottom platform surrounding the Monolith of Thirst itself. You can either glide down there from the top part of the area or use the scaffolding on the western side if you’re already at the bottom.

Mystical Crate location

Either way, you just need to get onto the platform and check the southeastern corner. You’ll find the Mystical Crate out in the open, directly below the scaffolding that has one of the Rift Anchors for the Monolith of Thirst location.

Gear Crate

Gear Crate facility entrance

There’s only one Gear Crate at the Monolith of Thirst and it’s found right before you face the area boss. If you’re doing the “In The Tall Grass” main quest still, you just have to follow the quest marker until you encounter Klein. Otherwise, you can enter the facility surrounding the Monolith of Thirst by gliding to the ground level and checking the southwestern part of the Monolith.

Gear Crate facility entrance corner

Once you enter the facility surrounding the Monolith of Thirst, take a corner to the right as soon as you enter.

Gear Crate room

Then, enter the room closest to you on the right.

Gear Crate location

Check the back wall of the officer room to find the Gear Crate in front of some drawers.

Despite being a key location, the Monolith of Thirst turned out to not have all that many crates for you to loot in Once Human. After all, they’re saving most of the rewards in the area for when you defeat the boss inside the Monolith.

Silvershore Resort

Mystical Crate

Mystical Crate Map | Once Human: Silvershore Resort All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

The only Mystical Crate here is in the building that’s directly southeast of the Silvershore Resort marker on your map. We’ve marked its exact location with a red diamond on the map above. Once in the building, you’ll need to go up a few floors to reach the balcony on one of the top floors.

Stairs from the lobby

To start, enter the building and take the stairs up from the lobby. Go up the stairs while dealing with any enemies in the area until you reach the second floor.

Room entrance

Once you reach the second floor, turn around and go through the farthest door to your right.

Balcony entrance

Go straight through the room dealing with any annoying enemies you encounter on your way and you’ll come out onto a balcony.

Mystical Crate | Once Human: Silvershore Resort All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

Turn right once you exit into the balcony and you’ll spot the Mystical Crate. It’s almost like it’s just chilling there, watching over the Silvershore Resort from the balcony…

Gear Crate

Gear Crate Start | Once Human: Silvershore Resort All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

After collecting the Mystical Crate, backtrack by leaving the balcony through the same room you entered. Then get in front of the stairs going down and look toward the north to find a flight of stairs going up.

Gear crate room

Go up the stairs and then go through the doorway to the left in front of you.

It leads to a room that seems to have been some sort of fancy home theater in times long past. There are also likely to be tough enemies in this room, so be ready to deal with them!

Gear crate room

After dealing with the enemies in the room, take the southern exit leading to a smaller room.

Gear Crate location

You’ll see the Gear Crate right in front of you as you enter the smaller room. It’s between a pair of couches next to the windows.

Weapon Crate

Weapon Crate Map | Once Human: Silvershore Resort All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

The one Weapon Crate in this area is out in the open. You just have to check out the pool southwest of the Silvershore Resort location marker on your map.

Weapon crate pool

Check the western edge of the pool to find the Weapon Crate submerged in the water. But do be warned that there are usually strong monsters near the pool. Try to be careful if you haven’t cleared out the area already!

Weapon crate up close

Once you open up the Weapon Crate, you’ll have officially looted all of the crates in the Silvershore Resort location in Once Human.

Greenlake Hill

Gear Crate

Gear Crate Location | Once Human: Greenlake Hill All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

You can find the Gear Crate in the camping area north of the Greenlake Hill marker on the map. It’s southeast of the nearby Rift Anchor, for reference. We’ve marked it on the map above for you.

Gear Crate

It’s out in the open, sitting on top of a table in the center of the camping area so it should be easy to spot. Do watch out for the tough enemies in the area, though!

Mystical Crate

Mystical Crate Location | Once Human: Greenlake Hill All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

To find the Mystical Crate for this area, you want to go to the residential area southwest of the Greenlake Hill marker on your map. Get to the spot encircled in the map above.

For reference, the building is south of where you can find the Weapon Crate in the area. If you haven’t picked that up yet, we recommend doing so after collecting the Mystical Crate!

Mystical Crate Building

Once there, you should see a small white building. You should also be able to spot the telltale red glow marking the Mystical Crate’s location on the building’s rooftop. Just check the southern side of the building to find the stairs and ladders leading up to the rooftop.

Mystical Crate looting

Climb up and collect your sweet Mystical Crate loot!

Weapon Crate

Weapon Crate Location | Once Human: Greenlake Hill All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location

You can find the Weapon Crate on a house directly southwest of the Greenlake Hill marker on your map. The map above shows the house’s exact location.

As we mentioned previously, this house is directly north of the white building where you pick up the Mystical Crate. It should be trivial to find if you’ve been following this guide in order.

Weapon Crate

Check the eastern porch of the house and you’ll spot the Weapon Crate out in the open. Finder’s keepers, so loot the box and get some sweet rewards!

Blackfell Oil Fields

It is likely that you are trying to get all the Crate locations as part of the Explore Blackfell Oil Field quest. In such a case, you will not have to go through all the crate locations. You only need the ones necessary to complete the objectives.

However, we recommend getting all of them so that you can get the best loot in Once Human. You can also get the Blackfell Refinery Permit IV from one of the Weapon Crates too!

Gear Crate #1 Location

Starting off, we’ll be looking at where you can find the first Gear Crate at Blackfell Oil Fields. The location you want to head to is shown on the Once Human map below.

Blackfell Oil Fields Gear Crate 1 location in Once Human.

This location is the platform that you can find above the Oil Fields facility. Once you reach the platform here, your goal is to run along the pipes shown below.

Use the pipes to go to the platform on the other side.

Walking along pipes in Once Human.

Walk along the platform all the way to the end. You’ll be able to find the Gear Crate location here.

Gear Crate at Blackfell in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

The Mystical Crate for Blackfell Oil Fields can also be found nearby. Once you get the first Gear Crate in Once Human, immediately turn around and go to the back of the platform. 

At the end of the platform, you’ll see a small black pipe heading in another direction.

Jump onto this pipe. The exact location is shown below.

Black pipe in Once Human.

Once you are on this pipe, follow it to the left. Follow the path indicated below.

Walking on black pipe in Once Human.

Now all you need to do is further follow this pipe all the way to the end. The pipe will lead to a large storage tanker.

Going toward storage container in Once Human.

Jump onto the top of this storage container. You should see the Mystical Crate location there behind some pipes.

Mystical Crate behind pipe in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2 Location

Next, we’ll be getting the second Gear Crate at Blackfell Oil Fields. You want to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Gear Crate 2 at Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human.

At this location, you’ll find a small building with some stairs on the left. Start by going up the stairs.

Going up stairs in Once Human.

When you reach the top of the stairs, immediately turn around towards the roof of the building. You should be able to see the second Gear Crate ready to be looted.

Gear Crate on roof in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #1 Location (Blackfell Refinery Permit IV)

Now, we’ll turn our attention to the first Weapon Crate at Blackfell Oil Fields. Alongside some great loot, you can also get the Blackfell Refinery Permit IV in Once Human here.

Start by heading to the location shown on the map below.

Blackfell Weapon Crate 1 on map in Once Human.

Here, you’ll find a small warehouse or storage building. Enter inside this building and you’ll find the Weapon Crate against the wall.

You’ll also be able to get the Blackfell Refinery Permit IV among the loot. After obtaining it, you can use it at Production Facilities. This will give you the opportunity to unlock some Premium Barreled Fuel after defeating waves of enemies.

Weapon Crate in building in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 Location

Next, we’ll be getting the final Weapon Crate at Blackfell Oil Fields. Make your way to the location shown below on the map in Once Human.

Blackfell Weapon Crate on map in Once Human.

You’ll find yourself near an area with a lot of platforms and stairs. Make your way up the stairs and follow the path as indicated to the top.

Going up platforms in Once Human.

Once you reach the top platform, you should be able to see the second Weapon Crate there.

Did you know that there is a Deviant you can actually get through Weapon Crates as a random drop. This is the Zeno Purifier Deviant. Our Where To Get Zeno Purifier Deviant Guide will show you all the methods you can use to get it!

Weapon Crate on platform in Once Human.

Hidden Mystical Crate Location

There is an optional Mystical Crate that is hidden at Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human. Start by heading to the location shown on the map below.

Hidden Mystical Crate at Blackfell in Once Human.

When you reach here, you should see a large truck here. Additionally, there will be a purple floating orb near the back of the truck. Go and touch this floating orb.

Floating orb at back of truck in Once Human.

Doing so will summon another floating orb towards the right. Walk into it followed by the next floating orb that appears after it.

Touching floating orbs in Once Human.

When you touch the final orb, the secret Mystical Crate will appear on top of a fuel tank. Walk up the small staircase to it and loot it.

And now you know where to find all the locations for the crate!

Blackfell secret Mystical Crate in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about finding all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crate locations at Blackfell Oil Fields in Once Human. You’ll want to get all of this loot, especially the Blackfell Refinery Permit IV. It will enable you to get even more valuable loot!

73 Source Extraction Point

If you’re trying to 100% complete this location for the Explore 73 Source Extraction Point quest, you won’t have to get all the crates. You’ll only need to get the ones that are part of the objective. However, we recommend you get all the crates for the best loot possible.

You’ll also need to obtain a Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human at this location for some crates too. We’ll look at how you can get that too.

Weapon Crate #1 Location

Starting off, we’ll be getting the first Weapon Crate at 73 Source Extraction Point. You’ll want to head to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

73 Source Weapon Crate 1 location in Once Human.

Once you arrive here, you’ll see a large entrance to a warehouse or facility inside. Enter through the building.

Entering Rosetta warehouse in Once Human.

When you do so, immediately turn to the right. You’ll find the first Weapon Crate location here.

Weapon Crate near Broken Sight in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 Location (Rosetta V2 Access Card)

Next, we’ll be getting the second Weapon Crate. However, to get to its location in 73 Source Extraction Point, you’ll also need the Rosetta V2 Access Card. Luckily, you can get it pretty easily when you are on the way to the location.

Start by heading to the location shown on the map below.

Weapon Crate 2 location at 73 Source in Once Human.

Here, you’ll see an elevator that goes all the way up. Interact with the panel and take the elevator all the way up. 

Elevator in Once Human.

When you reach the top, head to the left and then straight. You’ll see some enemies here, which includes the Rosetta Bruiser elite. Make sure that you kill this Elite enemy.

After that, loot the Rosetta Bruiser’s body, and you’ll find the Rosetta V2 Access Card. It’ll also help you tick off objectives for the Explore 73 Source Extraction Point quest.

Looting Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human.

Once you have the card, make your way up the long set of stairs nearby.

Going up large stairs in Once Human.

At the top of the stairs, turn to the right and go up another set of stairs. After that, enter the facility there and go to the back.

Entering Rosetta Facility in Once Human.

Here, you’ll come across a door that leads to a staircase going down. Go all the way down and you’ll arrive in a large room.

Going downstairs in Once Human.

Jump down to the bottom floor and head to the closed off room in the middle.

Locked Rosetta Room in Once Human.

There will be an access panel at the front of this room, which will require the Rosetta V2 Access Card. Hold F to use the access card to open the room.

Using Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human.

After you do so, the room will open. The Weapon Crate location will be inside.

Weapon Crate in locked Rosetta room in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

The Mystical Crate for 73 Source Extraction Point is actually really close by. It’s right next to the Weapon Crate #2 Location.

Look towards the side of the room and you’ll see an open doorway leading into a small room; The Mystical Crate will be inside. You can even make it out from the window if you look closely.

Mystical Crate in Rosetta building in Once Human.

Hidden Mystical Crate Location

There is another optional secret Mystical Crate that you can find in 73 Source Extraction Point too. You’ll need to make your way to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Hidden mystical crate location in Once Human.

You’ll see a bunch of platforms and stairs here. Additionally, you should be able to make out a floating orb near one of the ladders that goes up to the platform.

Touch this purple floating orb by walking into it.

Purple floating orb near ladder in Once Human.

After you do so, there will be another floating orb that will appear. You can find its location right above the ladder at the top.

Climbing ladder to floating orb in Once Human.

Doing so will produce a final floating orb. Interact with it too and the hidden Mystical Crate will appear right in front of you.

Hidden Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate Location

Finally, there is a Gear Crate that you can also get at 73 Source Extraction Point. Head to the location shown on the map below in Once Human.

Gear Crate at 73 Source in Once Human.

You’ll find yourself in front of another large entrance that leads into a facility. Head inside and follow the hallways all the way to the end.

Entering Rosetta Facility door in Once Human.

Eventually, you’ll come across a stairway leading down. Follow it down until you arrive at the middle floor. You do not want to go all the way down.

Going down set of stairs in Once Human.

On this floor, go to the end of the large room. You should be able to find the Gear Crate location there.

And now you have all the Crates at 73 Source Extraction Point!

Gear Crate in large room in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know about getting all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crate locations at 73 Source Extraction Point in Once Human. Hopefully, you were able to get some really good loot. At the same time, you should also be able to 100% complete it.

Forsaken Monolith

There is a Settlement Exploration quest for the Forsaken Monolith area in Once Human. To be able to complete this quest, you will not have to get all the Crates. You only really need to get the Weapon and Mystical Crate for it.

But the Gear Crates can potentially have a lot of good loot. It’s also quite nearby, so we recommend you get it as well.

You’ll also need the Rosetta V2 Access Card for the Mystical Crate. We’ll show you how you can get it from the Elite enemy here too.

Weapon Crate Location (Rosetta V2 Access Card)

Starting off, we’ll be showing you the location for the Weapon Crate at Forsaken Monolith. However, we recommend that you get the Rosetta V2 Access Card first in this area.

This is because there are a lot of enemies near it, including the Elite enemy. Clearing them out will allow you to get the access card and be able to peacefully loot the Weapon Crate.

So, to clear both these objectives, make your way to the location shown on the Once Human map below.

Forsaken Monolith on map in Once Human.

You’ll find yourself in a large courtyard in front of a large building with the ‘ROSETTA’ sign on it. Here, there will be a bunch of enemies attacking you.

The enemy you’re looking for is the Rosetta Heavy elite. Defeat this elite enemy and loot the body. 

You should be able to find the Rosetta V2 Access Card on it. Additionally, it will also help you with the Settlement Exploration quest.

Looting Rosetta V2 Access Card in Once Human.

After that, you can get the Weapon Crate location. It’s on one of the platforms nearby, and you’ll need to climb to it. 

Climbing up platform in Once Human.

You can climb there pretty quickly using some tarps that are covering some equipment. You can find them on the side of these platforms. Climb on them and then jump to the platforms.

Tarp near platform in Once Human.

When you get to the platforms, you should be able to find the Weapon Crate at the end.

Weapon crate on platform in Once Human.

Mystical Crate Location

Next, we’ll be getting the Mystical Crate at Forsaken Monolith. For this part, you’ll need to head into the large facility with the ROSETTA sign. So, make your way through the entrance and to the back of the lobby.

Entering Rosetta building in Once Human.

As you cross the back of the lobby, turn towards the right.

Turn right in lobby in Once Human.

Go to the end and you should see some stairs heading up on the left.

Go up these stairs to the middle floor of the facility in Once Human. Do not go all the way to the top.

Climbing up left stairs in Once Human.

When you reach the middle floor, turn towards the right. You should be able to see a glass door that is locked by an access panel.

Turning right in Rosetta building in Once Human.

Interact with the panel and Hold F to use the Rosetta Access V2 Card that you obtained earlier from the elite enemy. Doing so will open it.

Rosetta V2 Access Card Panel in Once Human.

After it opens, enter inside and go to the left. You’ll find the Mystical Crate at Forsaken Monolith there at the end.

Forsaken Monolith Mystical Crate in Once Human.

Gear Crate #1 Location

The location for the first Gear Crate at Forsaken Monolith can also be found nearby. We have the location labeled on the Once Human map below too.

Forsaken Monolith Facility on map in Once Human.

All you need to do is leave the access panel room where you found the Mystical Crate. When you do so, you’ll see some stairs ahead that lead to a central platform.

Climb the stairs and make your way to the platform.

Going up double stairs in Once Human.

Keep walking ahead and you should spot the first Gear Crate at the center there.

There are plenty of other Crates you can get in other larger locations in the game. Some of these locations are listed out in our All Blackfell Oil Fields Crate Locations Guide!

Gear Crate on glass platform in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2 Location

The second Gear Crate can also be found nearby. Once you get the first one, you’ll need to return to the area behind the lobby, where you found the first set of stairs for the Mystical Crate.

You can get here easily by gliding down.

Jumping from platform in Once Human.

When you get here, you should see the stairs on the left. Ignore these stairs and instead turn to the hallway on the right.

Gliding towards hallway in Once Human.

At the end of this hallway, you’ll see another set of stairs. Go up these stairs to the middle floor of the facility. Do not go all the way up.

Going up stairs in Once Human.

When you arrive at the middle floor, turn to the right. You’ll find yourself in a large blue hallway.

Turning in blue hallway in Once Human.

Follow this hallway all the way to the end. You’ll see a doorway here that you should go through.

Doorway near blue hallways in Once Human.

When you enter through this hallway, turn to the left and immediately right. You should be able to find the final Gear Crate here at the end, ready for you to loot it!

And doing so will give you all the Crate Locations for the Forsaken Monolith area!

Gear Crate near blue hallways in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know for all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear Crate locations at the Forsaken Monolith in Once Human. A relatively smaller location compared to the others you can find in the game. Hopefully, you managed to get some amazing loot!

The Sunshine Farm

The Sunshine Farm in Once Human may contain all the Mystical, Weapon and Gear crates that you need (and much more). Fortunately for you, we can tell you the exact location of where to find every crate in the area. 

From the Sunshine farm, you’ll find the following number of crates:

  • 3 Gear Crates
  • 1 Mystical Crate
  • 1 Weapon crate

Making it a total of 5 Crates. If your plan is to find all 5 crates, then keep reading till the end! Let’s begin with their exact locations.

Crate #1 (Weapon Crate)

The map below shows exactly where you’ll need to be to find the first crate. The Coordinates are: BlackHeart Region (3090, -267).

Map of sunshine farm in Once Human

When you enter the facility, take a right to get to the entrance of the building that’s on your right. The entrance to that space is on the other side.

sunshine farm in Once Human

The door is open, and you should have easy and smooth access in getting in and acquiring this first crate The Weapon crate should be sitting in the corner of the room, go over there and collect it. 

Crate in sunshine farm in Once Human

Crate # 2 (Gear Crate)

Exit the space from the door that you entered with and go over to the building that’s next to the current one, but this time from the back. 

sunshine farm in Once Human

In the corner, you should see sacks of bulletproof leather, use the sacks to jump on them and get to the very top of the building (the roof).

Leather sacks sunshine farm in Once Human

Once you’re on the roof, you will come across flooring made of planks and wood. The roof will have tires, traffic cones, big storage boxes and a ramp that will take you higher up. Follow the ramp all the way to the top. 

Ramp sunshine farm in Once Human

You’ll encounter a ramp or two more, make sure to take all of them and let them lead you as high up as possible through them. Next, you’ll know you’ve reached when you see a large campfire in the middle.

sunshine farm in Once Human

Go to the other side and you’ll also see a hut. Enter this hut through the stairs and you should see an entrance on the side.

Hut in sunshine farm in Once Human

The gear crate will be sitting inside the hut. The hut is small and contains nothing but the crate you’re looking for making it much easier to spot. 

Crate # 3 (Gear Crate)

The map below shows where you’ll need to be to find the third crate. The Coordinates are: BlackHeart Region (2858, -246).

Map of sunshine farm in Once Human

Here, you’ll be somewhere in the middle of the facility and there should be yellow stairs next to you.

sunshine farm in Once Human

Go up these stairs and then up two more similar looking stairs. When you reach the area shown in the image below, take a left turn.  

sunshine farm in Once Human

Don’t go all the way left and instead stop until you see a ladder that would lead you to the top. The ladder will lead you on to a floor that has another ladder right in front of you. 

Ladder sunshine farm in Once Human

This ladder will lead you to the crate that’s sitting on a small metal platform, very easy to spot. Go ahead and collect your Gear Crate!

Crate # 4 (Mystical Crate)

The next crate is also very nearby and very close to get to. All you have to do is take the ladder that’s behind you and it will lead you higher to the top. 

Mystical crate sunshine farm in Once Human

Go over there and collect your mystical crate for yourself!

Crate # 5 (Gear Crate)

For the final crate in The Sunshine Farm, all you have to do is jump down from where you found the previous crate. Land on top of the building that has another entrance to a room on top of it. The exact spot is explained in the image below.

sunshine farm in Once Human

You might need to watch out in this location as there are guards that will try to attack and shoot you. Stay on guard and maneuver through all the bullets and gunfire. When you enter the facility, you’ll encounter more enemies with guns. The only way through, this time, is to defend yourself and shoot at them back.

Enemies in sunshine farm in Once Human

The final gear crate is in the same room with the enemies shown in the image above (the one at the left when you enter the facility). 

Gear crate sunshine farm in Once Human

You can collect your final crate and dash out of there or you can simply defeat enemies before you collect the gear crate as your reward!

This way, you’ve collected all the crates in The Sunshine Farm in Once Human.

Alternate Reality Research

First off, you’re going to need to head to the Alternate Reality Research area that is located in the Red Sands. If you need help looking for the area, simply refer to the coordinates 6864, -1603 to find the location on the map.

The location and exact coordinates to the Alternate Reality Research area in the Red Sands in Once Human.

Gear Crate #1

Once here, make sure you glide down to this building first. You can find a Gear Crate inside the building.

Gliding to the first building to enter and grab the first Gear Crate in Once Human.

Inside the building, you can find the first Gear Crate located here inside the room.

The first Gear Crate located in the room in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #1

For the next set of crates, exit the building and jump off the edge to glide over to the building on the other side of the area.

Gliding over to the building across the water in Once Human.

There’s going to be a lot of enemies waiting for you here, so make sure to either take them down or just run past them. Either way, make your way inside the building by using these stairs.

Entering the building after dodging enemy attacks in Once Human.

The building here is massive, so you will need to keep going up. Again, watch out for enemies because they will shoot on sight if they spot you.

Going up the stairs to the lab area to find the Weapon Crate in Once Human.

Once you are at the top and you are in the lab area, go behind the wall here and you can find your first Weapon Crate.

Approaching the first Weapon Crate in the lab area in Once Human.

Weapon Crate #2 & Mystical Crate #1

For the second Weapon Crate and the Mystical Crate, head back down and look for the dark room that is next to the stairs that goes up to the lab. Here, you can find the Weapon Crate and the Mystical Crate in a room.

Entering the dark room to find the Weapon and Mystical Crates in Once Human.

Simply take out the enemies that are lingering around and you can grab the crates and their contents before moving onto the last crate of the area.

Grabbing the contents of the Mystical and Weapon Crates in Once Human.

Gear Crate #2

Leave the dark room and keep taking the stairs up some more. This will lead you to the second Gear Crate that is located on the helipad.

Going up the stairs to head to the helipad for the second Gear Crate in Once Human.

The second Gear Crate is located next to the helicopter on the helipad. Grab the contents of the loot and you are done with the area.

The second Gear Crate located next to the helicopter on the helipad in Once Human.

That’s all you need to know on how to get all of the crates located in the Alternate Reality Research area in Once Human.

White Cliff

The White Cliff in Once Human has Mystical, Weapon and Gear crates that may be of good use to you in your adventures and the game storylines so it’s essential that you stay as equipped as possible. Fortunately for you, we have the exact locations of each crate in the area, and we’ll show you where you can find them too. 

From the White Cliff, you’ll find the following number of crates:

  • 1 Gear Crate
  • 1 Mystical Crate
  • 1 Weapon crate

Making it a total of 3 Crates. If you wish to find all 3 crates, then keep reading till the end! Each crate will be found one after the other so you can either stop when you found the crate you want or go through with the whole journey till the last crate of the location.

Let’s begin with the first crate and its exact location.

Crate # 1 (Gear Crate)

We are starting at the exact entrance of the facility. You can look at the map below to see exactly where you’ll need to be to find the first crate. The Coordinates are: BlackHeart Region (3338, -1242)

Map of White Cliff in Once Human

Start y taking your vehicle and riding all the way to the bottom of the road ramp.

White Cliff in Once Human

When you reach the bottom, take a swift right and then straight.

White Cliff in Once Human

Park next to the elevator in the parking left that’s to your left. Take the elevator and go up. You should eventually reach a floor that has two rooms, one to your left and one to your right. Enter the room that’s on your right.

White Cliff in Once Human

When you enter, go into the room that’s on your left this time. The room will look like it is a dimly lit room with red lights. The room has the gear crate so it won’t be too long before you get your crate!

Room in White Cliff in Once Human

The gear crate should be sitting on a table in that room with sofas around the table. Go over there and collect the first crate!

gear crate in White Cliff in Once Human

Crate # 2 (Mystical crate)

Luckily, the next crate is very nearby, it may even be visible to you as you collect the first one. You can find the Mystical crate on the upper floor of the one you are currently on. All you have to do is go up the stairs. And follow the platform by taking a right.

Mystical crate in White Cliff in Once Human

The mystical crate should be sitting inside a bedroom behind an opened glass door. Time to go over and collect your loot.

Mystical crate White Cliff in Once Human

Crate #3 (Weapon crate)

Exit the bedroom and take the stairs to the top. 

Stairs in White Cliff in Once Human

When you go upstairs, take a left, go up a set of marble stairs and go outside.

White Cliff in Once Human

Outside, you’ll see a lot of big containers.When you take a right turn, you should see the door to the facility straight ahead at the end of the path. Beside the doors, there is a narrow ramp that you can use to go up. 

Ramp in White Cliff in Once Human

When you use the ramp to reach the top, go toward the road that has grass patches. 

Roof in White Cliff in Once Human

Keep going straight and when you reach the end with grass, jump over the patch of grass.

White Cliff in Once Human

Jumping over should reveal a very narrow pathway to the other side.

White Cliff in Once Human

Take this route to go to the other side and then turn left. Continue following the road until you see an open door. 

White Cliff in Once Human

When you enter the area, you’ll see a reception desk on the other end of the room. Behind the desk should be the weapon crate you’re looking for. 

Weapon crate in White Cliff in Once Human

Head over to behind the desk and collect your loot! And that’s it for all the crate boxes available in White Cliff!

Summing things up

That’s pretty much all the Mystical, Gear & Weapon crates location in Once Human. I’m aware that the locations are not yet complete, but I’ll make sure to complete them as soon as I can. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.


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