
Once Human: Best Endgame Icy Rain Build

Take advantage of the Frost Vortex!

Once Human offers players the chance to make a variety of different weapon builds. With so many effects and possibilities, you can make plenty of builds that will deal a lot of damage. One such build is the endgame Icy Rain build.

In this guide, we’ll run you through everything you need to make the build. This includes understanding which stats and effects you want to utilize for maximum effectiveness. Let’s dive in!

Best Endgame Icy Rain Build

The Icy Rain is a great submachine gun whose features you can take advantage of to make a strong endgame build. Keep in mind that this is an Endgame guide, so we’ll be using items and mods that are only accessible later on.

If you would rather use LMGs instead of SMGs, we’ve got you covered too. Check out our best LMG builds guide, to deal over 70,000 DPS!

Feel free to use the Table of Contents if you’re only interested in a specific aspect of the build.

Weapon Features Explained

The main feature of the Icy Rain submachine gun is that it can trigger the Frost Vortex effect. Before we get into the details, it’s handy if we dive into what this effect actually does in Once Human.

If you click on the effect, you’ll get all the details of the Frost Vortex effect.

Frost Vortex is an effect that deals continuous damage and debuff in an AoE manner. The Status DMG that it deals is dependent on the Psi Intensity, dealing 30% of this stat value. By default, only 2 Frost Vortexes can exist at a moment.

We’ll be increasing this limit to 3 in this Icy Rain build so we can take advantage of the effect.

Frost Vortex keyword in Once Human.

Now, let’s turn our attention to the Weapon Features. The first main feature is that Crit grants a 40% chance to trigger Frost Vortex, which we discussed above. 

So, you’ll want to ensure you can trigger this as much as possible and maximize the damage it deals.

Additionally, when Frost Vortex is triggered, you’ll auto reload 15% of your bullets. Keep in mind that the bullets are not the default magazine size. Rather, it’s the maximum magazine size that you can manage to have.

This means you can increase this limit with calibration blueprints and mods in Once Human.

It’s also important to keep in mind that when you deal a fourth Frost Vortex, it will still be triggered. The first one will be removed instead. So, you can keep triggering Frost Vortexes as much as you want. 

You just won’t be able to cross the limit of active Frot Vortexes.

Icy Rain weapon features in Once Human.


It’s also important to take advantage of Calibration Attributes for this Icy Rain Build. You have two options here in Once Human.

The first option is to use an Assault Style attribute along with two Crit Rate boosts. This will allow you to deal more damage. However, you will have to compensate for the reduced magazine capacity and accuracy.

The second option is to use the Heavy Style attribute with two Crit Rate boosts. You won’t have to compensate for anything but you will straight up deal less DPS damage.

So, we recommend you go with the first one. After that, you can use the other aspects of the Icy Rain build further in the guide to compensate for it. It will end up being the better option for you.

Icy Rain Calibration in Once Human.


Next, we’ll be looking at all the Accessories that you need to use for the Icy Rain Build in Once Human. 

You have options here as well, depending on if you prefer to aim Over The Shoulder (OTS) or Aiming Down Sights (ADS).

This is because OTS will benefit more from Accuracy while ADS will benefit from Stability.

With that said, here are the recommended accessories for the Endgame Icy Rain Build:

  • Muzzle
    • OTS: Small Brake
    • ADS: Tactical Flash Hider
  • Optics
    • Tactical Holographic Sight
    • Sealed Reflex Sight
  • Tactics
    • OTS: Cobra Grip
    • OTS: Small Laser Sight
    • ADS: Light Front Grip
    • ADS: Tactical Combine Grip
  • Magazine
    • Weighted SMG Grip

You can definitely switch out some of these for options that suit you more, especially when it comes to Optics in Once Human.

Weapon accessories in Once Human.


Now, we’ll be looking at the key gear items that you’ll be using for the Endgame Icy Rain Build in Once Human. Our goal will be to further boost and take advantage of the Frost Vertex effect.

Keep in mind that Set Effects are important here and can be activated if you wear a specific number of gears in a set. The more gear you wear of a specific set, the more effects you’ll get.

So, be sure to take it into consideration if you decide to switch around some of the Gears here

Here are the Gear items we recommend for the Icy Rain Build along with the key effects:

  • Frost Tactical Vest
    • Frost Vortex generates Ice Spikes that deal Frost DMG of 100% Psi Intensity
    • By procing Frost Vortex consistently, you can get a ton of damage
  • Lonewolf Hat, Lonewolf Gloves, Lonewolf Pants
    • +10% Magazine Capacity, +5% Crit
    • Get 1 stack of Lone Wolf with every 2 weapon crit hits, can be stacked up to 8 times
    • Lone Shadow enables Crit DMG +6% for 30s
    • Since Crit is used to trigger Frost Vortex, we can benefit from this a lot
  • Shelterer Mask, Shelterer Shoes
    • Status DMG Reduction +15%, Element DMG +8%.

You can also go for a three piece Shelterer Set instead of two piece one. If you do not like using the secondary weapon that we’ll discuss later in the guide, you can go for Shelterer.

Otherwise, the Lonewolf Gear we have mentioned is great because of the additional Crit boost that you get.

Gear Key Effect in Once Human.

Mods Substats Priority

Before we get into the Mods, we’ll look at the substats that you want to prioritize for the Endgame Icy Rain Build. This will give you an idea of why we select the Mods we do.

In this way, you can modify the Mods based on your preference. It will help you understand which stats you should target in Once Human.

With that said, here are the Stats that you want to consider for the build:

  • Crit DMG
  • Status DMG / Elemental DMG
  • Weapon DMG
  • Magazine Capacity.

If you’re enjoying this guide, you might also like other powerful Endgame gun builds. Why not check out our Best Power Surge Build Endgame Guide!

Stats in Once Human.

Crit Rate Requirements

You might be wondering why we are prioritizing Magazine Capacity for the Icy Rain Build. As we discussed in the Weapon Features, the Frost Vortex effect can give you a 15% auto reload.

So, the higher the Magazine Capacity, the more bullets you will be able to get without having to worry about reloading. In fact, if you get them above a certain point, depending on the Crit Rate, you won’t have to worry about reloading again.

Otherwise, you’ll want to get the magazine capacity above 40 at least. A great number to target is 45. Otherwise, you will not be able to auto reload enough bullets for this weapon feature of the Icy Rain to be useful.

Now, let’s look at how much Crit Rate you’ll actually need. Obviously, this number will vary since it depends on your exact Magazine Capacity.

Assuming a Magazine Capacity of 45 bullets, you will need a Crit Rate of 42% for you to never have to reload. Of course, this assumes whether you hit all your bullets.

So, you should try to get your Crit Rate above 42%, as much as you can. Doing so will allow you to take the most advantage of the Auto Reload in Once Human!

Shooting dummies in Once Human.

Secondary & Melee Weapon

We’ll also look at secondary and melee weapons that you can get to compliment the Endgame Icy Rain Build. It is up to you whether you use them or not, although we do recommend it.

Having them in hand is always a good option as well.

Starting off, the secondary weapon that you should use is the Recurve Crossbow. This is because landing a hit with this weapon on a target’s weak spot triggers The Bull’s Eye effect. As a result, all your weapons will have +30% Crit Rate for 10s.

Since Crit Rate is really important for the Icy Rain build, you can use the Crossbow once and then switch back to your Icy Rain until the additional Crit Rate lasts.

This additional Crit Rate will not only give you more chances to trigger the Frost Vortex effect but also give you more bullet damage.

We recommend that you use the Vulnerability Amp mod for it.

Recurve Crossbow in Once Human.

The melee weapon that you should run for this build in Once Human is the Long Axe. The Long Axe provides two key benefits. One is the Fortress Warfare buff.

The other is an additional 10% Crit Rate when you use Heavy Attacks for 10s. So you can use this Attack and then switch back to the Icy Rain to take advantage of it. 

The effect can also stack 5 times, which can lead to a significant Crit Rate, although the weapon is slow.

We recommend you use one of the Final Territory, Durable Territory or Portable Territory Mods for it.

Using Long Axe in Once Human.


Next, we’ll be looking at the mods that you’ll be applying to the Icy Rain gun and your key gear items. Be sure to keep the substats in mind we mentioned earlier when you’re selecting the mods.

Here are the Gear Mods we recommend you use for the Endgame Icy Rain Build in Once Human:

  • Deviation Expert <Violent> (Helmet)
    • Range -25%, Fire Rate +10%, Status Damage +20%
  • Targeted Strike <Precision> (Mask)
    • When hitting marked enemies, Crit Rate +10% and Crit DMG +25%
    • Works really well with the secondary crossbow
  • Crit Boost <Violent> (Gloves)
    • Crit Rate +15%
  • Covered Advance <Talents> (Boots)
    • Taking no DMG within 4s grants +20% Melee, Weapon and Status DMG for 30s
  • Munitions Amplifier (Top)
    • Weapon DMG +9%
  • Bullet Siphon <Precision> (Bottoms)
    • Weapon DMG +5%
    • Every 5 bullets consumed in the magazine grants +4% Weapon DMG, capped at 20%
Deadshot Violent Mod in Once Human.

You’ll also need to select the right Weapon Mod for your Icy Rain primary weapon. We recommend that you go for the Vortex Multiplier <Talents> mod.

This is because the Vortex Multiplier will help increase your max number of Frost Vortexes from 2 to 3. At the same time, you will also be able to deal +10% more damage with Frost Vortex.

Since Frost Vortex is a crucial effect for this Endgame build, you should definitely go for it.

There are other effects that can also take advantage of Status DMG to deal a ton of damage. One such effect is Burn. You might want to check out best burn build guide to take full advantage of this effect!

Vortex Multiplier Mod in Once Human.


You should also consider Cradle upgrades when making the Icy Rain Build for Once Human. After all, the Cradle upgrades provide some really important stat boosts that will favor the substats we’re targeting in this build.

Here are the Cradle Upgrades we recommend you use:

  • Automatic Weapon Enhancement
  • Deviation Master (PvP only)
  • Master Tactician
  • Tactical Combo
  • Status Enhancement
  • Sustained Suppression
  • Steady Hand
  • Bounty Hunter.

There are other Cradle upgrades that you can also consider. But they will depend more on your playstyle and the types of enemies that you are fighting.

Cradle Menu in Once Human.

Food & Drink

Last, but not least, we’ll be looking at food and drinks that you can use to further buff the Icy Rain build. Remember you can only have one food and one drink buff activated at a time in Once Human. So, you should consume them just before you expect a fight.

For the drink, you should definitely go for Whimsical Drink. This is because you get a +25% Status DMG Bonus which works really well with the Frost Vortex damage you’ll inflict.

As for the food, the clear winner is Honey Glazed Meat. Consuming it allows you to increase your Crit Rate by 15% when you hit enemies inflicted with Frost Vortex.

Since you’ll be inflicting Frost Vortex a lot, you’ll benefit greatly from this stat.

Honey Glazed Meat in Once Human.

That’s everything you need to know for the Best Endgame Icy Rain Build in Once Human. With this build, you’ll not only deal a lot of DPS but also get potential for crowd control. And of course, we recommend you experiment with it as well as you could make it better.

There is a Frost Vortex build that you can also use for the Abyss Glance Gun that can help you destroy bosses. Check out our best Abyss Glance Frost Vortex build guide to try it out!


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