Collecting all sorts of loot and materials in survival crafting games is always fun but you can also miss out on them. Especially if the game has a big open world that you can explore, sometimes, you don’t get all the loot in an area. That’s why some games help you out by giving you lists.
In Once Human, every area in the game has a list that you can check that has all the notable loot. Even with the list sometimes it’s just plain difficult to find all of them! That’s why you’ll need to know where to look for these crates.
In this guide, we’ll show you where all the Mystical, Gear, and Weapon crates that you can get in East Blackfell Junction. We’ll go through where you can find all of them and how you can get to them. Now, collect all of that loot!
East Blackfell Junction All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location
There are a lot of notable crates that you can get in East Blackfell Junction, and you can even get two Mystical ones. Not only that, but there are also a lot of weapon crates in this area, so you’ll want to loot all of them!
SIDE NOTE: We have a collective and complete guide for all Weapon, Gear & Mystical crates in all the locations of Once Human, make sure to check it out!
Below are all the crates in the area that you can check out if you want to explore it yourself. For those who want the exact locations, then keep reading below!

Rift Anchor
For the first item on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is easy to spot. All you need to do is go to where the logo is on the map. You can also spot the bright glowing purple light that emits from the anchor as shown below.

Weapon Crate #1
From the right Anchor, head to the northeast towards the large building. On one of the corners to the front of the building is a Weapon Crate. These crates have a chance to spawn weapons, upgrades, items like grenades, and even ammunition.

Stardust Italian Soup Recipe
For the next one, we’ll want to get a Recipe that has a guaranteed spawn in the area. From the large building, head to the row of buildings to the northeast. Go inside the first floor of the southeastern building.

There, you’ll find a bar as shown below where you’ll see the recipe for a Stardust Italian Soup.

Elite Enemy
Go back to the big building where you found the weapon crate and head to the southwest this time or south of the Rift Anchor.

There, you’ll find an Elite enemy that you can fight. Make sure to bring your best weapons and armor for the job!

Mystical Crate #1
For the next crate, you’ll want to go back to where you got the Stardust Italian Soup Recipe and then head to the northeast. There, you’ll find a hedge wall and a gap where you can find a floating blue item as shown below. Go through it to interact with it and it will disappear.

Another one will appear a few steps in front of you on top of a broken-down police car. Go and interact with them again.

The next and last one will appear on top of another vehicle close by as shown below.

Once you’ve interacted with the last one, a Mystical Crate will spawn nearby, and you can open it to get the loot. These crates often give you blueprint fragments so don’t miss this one out!

Gear Crate #1
From the Mystical Crate, you’ll then want to head to the Emergency Room door nearby. Go inside the building and then go to the right through another doorway.

You’ll then see a staircase in front of you, go up the staircase to the third floor until you reach the Nurses Station.

To the right of the sign where the nursing station is a doorway blocked by some debris. You can jump over it and go inside the room where there’s a crashed helicopter. Go to the left and follow the holes through the walls.

You’ll then get to another section of the hospital where there’s a staircase to the right. This will give you access to the roof.

Head to the roof and directly in front of you when you enter is a Gear Crate. These crates can give you pieces of armor as well as upgrades for your character.

Mystical Crate #2
Look to the south of the Gear crate and just below the Helicopter pad is another Mystical crate that you can loot!

Weapon Crate #2
From the Mystical Crate, jump on the ledge of the roof and then go through the section connecting the two buildings. Go through that path and jump down to the roof of the other building.

Then, face the Hospital again and you’ll see the balcony of the second floor. You’ll need to jump and glide there to access it.

Once you get there, you can then go through the open door and into the room where there’s another Weapon Crate!

Gear Crate #2
For the last crate in the crate in this list, you’ll need to head to the south where there are two large buildings. Go inside the west building and then go up the stairs.

There, you’ll find another Gear Crate filled with loot for you!

Those are all of the loot crates that you can find around the East Blackfell Junction in Once Human. Now, go out there and clear this area of loot! Do you want to loot more stuff? Check out our Sunbury Middle School Loot Crate Locations Guide for more details!