When it comes to open worlds there’s a high chance that you might miss a few things when exploring them. A missed sight here or a side quest there isn’t so bad but missing out on some good loot can be a problem! We don’t want to miss out on cool gear, weapons, or materials!
In Once Human, they make sure that you get the best crates by giving you a list in every area of the map. Even with a list, it can be a challenge to find all of that loot in complex areas and interiors. That’s why you’ll need to know where to look for!
In this guide, we’ll show you all of the Mystical, Gear, and Weapon crates that you can find in Greywater Industrial Zone. We’ll go through where you can find them as well as what to expect from the loot. Now, let’s clear this area out!
Greywater Industrial Zone All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location
There are a lot of areas that you can explore in Once Human, and they can be complex to traverse. That’s why the game gives you a list of the major loot crates that you can find, so that you know if you’re missing something.
SIDE NOTE: We have a collective and complete guide for all Weapon, Gear & Mystical crates in all the locations of Once Human, make sure to check it out!
In the Greywater Industrial Zone, there are a couple of gear and weapon crates that you’ll want to loot. Below is an image that shows their general vicinity for those who want to find the loot themselves. For those who want the exact areas, then continue reading below!

Rift Anchor
For the first thing on the list, we have the Rift Anchor which is the easiest one to spot since it has a mark on the map. Not only that, but there’s a bright purple line emanating from it, so you can see it from afar.

The Rift Anchor for this area is in the middle where there’s a metal platform. It’s next to a couple of crates and even some minor loot crates as shown below.

Gear Crate #1
For the next one, you’ll need to head to the west and then head up the stairs as shown below. You’ll need to circle the pipes and the big circular structure if you’re coming from the rift anchor.

Once you’ve headed up the stairs, continue going to the south following the walkways. You’ll see the area shown below which is right below the walkways. You can then jump down and then head to the right.

There, you’ll find a long corridor that leads to a dead-end. Right in the center of the dead-end is a Gear crate that you can loot!
Gear crates can give you some nice armor for your character as well as materials and upgrades so don’t skip out on these!

Gear Crate #2
From the previous Gear Crate, go outside the area and then head right. There, you’ll see a staircase that you’ll want to go up to the top.

Once on the top, instead of going straight through the wall, go to the left running around it. Then, go to the area where there are a lot of pipes.

The next gear crate is on top of an elevated platform as shown below to the south.

Weapon Crate #1
For this next crate, you’ll want to head to the north from the previous one. Continue going north until you reach this large building as shown below. Go inside and then head to the very back of the first floor.

There, you’ll find an elevator panel. Interact with it to make the elevator go down and then, ride it to the top.

Once on the top, head to the north side sticking to the walkways until you reach the wall of the building. Then, head to the east where you can drop to this fenced area shown below. Down there, you can find a Weapon crate, and you can use the crates and barrels there to get out!

As the name implies, this crate gives you weapons like grenades and ammunition as well!
Weapon Crate #2 & Mystical Crate
Go back to the entrance of the building you entered before and then face inside. Then, look to the left to see an elevator panel, interact with it to open the elevator, and take it to go down.

You’ll enter this underground area, immediately head left and at the end, you’ll see both a Mystical Crate and a Weapon crate nearby. Mystical crates can give you schematic fragments so make sure to not skip this one!

Those are all of the loot crates that you can find around the Greywater Industrial Zone in Once Human. Now, go out there and start looting! Do you want to loot more crates? Check out our Sutherland Chemical Plant All Loot Crate Location Guide for more details!