Once Human is a multiplayer looter shooter game set in a post-apocalyptic world where you encounter various threats and can have your join in to delta the threats together. You can also bring in a deviant to become a good addition to your team. Here’s a detailed guide on how to obtain the Dr. Teddy Deviant for yourself!
How To Get Dr. Teddy Deviant
Deviants are known to be friendly little companions that you take on adventures with you. Before you befriend them, however, you need to find where they’re hiding. Dr. Teddy is tricky to find, but don’t worry, we’ll tell you exactly how to get to him.
You’ll need to do the following steps to get Dr. Teddy Deviant:
- Go to Securement Silo – Theta.
- Navigate the sewers.
- Clear the room.
- Defeat the Bossfight.
Since it can get a little complicated at some points, we’ve made a walkthrough to help you navigate and achieve the steps above.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!
Securement Silo – Theta
Start by heading to the Securement Silo – Theta in the Red Sands. The coordinates to the securement is: Red Sand (5537, -537).

When you head to the location, there will be a glowing door, enter the securement through that door. There will be a loading screen upon pressing Enter.

When you reach the inside of the securement, you’ll enter a rusty area with tanks and engines. Navigate your way through the Dungeon. Start by going through the door that you’ll see straight ahead. There is an A painted right next to the door to help you identify it.

From there, turn left and jump down twice until you reach the ground. Once you’re at the bottom. There should be an opening with a bricked border around it.

Navigate the Sewers
Enter the location and then turn left toward the sewage system. Keep going forward along the path and ensure to defeat any infected coming in your way.

When you reach the option to make a turn, don’t make that turn and instead keep going straight.

Going forward, you should see a black ulcer and trash cans. Destroy the Black Ulcer before it harms you. Similarly, defeat any threat that’s headed your way. When you encounter a pile of zombies and a crossing, you’ll see an option to go left, right and forward. Over here, go left.

During the next turn, keep going straight and go up the set of stairs that’s on the right side to exit the sewers.

NOTE: You can also take other turns to look for more loot because these sewers are filled with loot. The area is not exactly a maze, and you can easily find your way out since the wrong ways are typically obvious dead-ends. This gives you the liberty to explore the sewers and find some loot for yourself.
Clear the Room
When you enter the room at the top, you’ll see that it’s filled with infected zombies, and other threats. You need to clear the room and ensure that all pods are destroyed at all costs to continue.

Killing the pods is imperative because when you defeat them, they open the doors to the side boss that you’ll need to also defeat in order to acquire the Dr. Teddy Deviant.

Don’t forget to climb up the ladders for some more loot! Once the room is cleared head back down to your original position and go over to the room with the caged door and a cloth wrung over it.

Boss Fight
This will lead us to the boss that drops the Dr. Teddy Deviant. In the same room, toward your right, you should find a statue. Interacting with the statue will trigger a boss fight. So, before you do interact, ensure that you’re equipped with all of the necessary items and gear in order to proceed ahead and defeat the boss.

Now, before the boss emerges, you’ll need to complete a quick puzzle. When you interact with the statue, quickly run to the room in the opposite end of the tunnel with the gray atmospheric vibe.

Once you enter the area, you’ll see six statues. You’ll need to rotate these statues a certain number of times. It’s not the same rotation times for every statue so we’ll tell you which one needs to be rotated how many times.
Consider the image below to recognize the label provided in the form of a number. And then, compare it with how many times you’ll need to turn that specific statue (which is also shown in the image below).

- 1st Statue: Two times
- 2nd Statue: Three times
- 3rd statue: Two times
- 4th Statue: Three times
- 5th statue: Two times
- 6th statue: None
After this, the boss will emerge from the water. It’s time to use your skills and strategies to defeat the boss.

When you defeat the boss, it’s time to collect all of your rewards loot and finally the Dr. Teddy Deviant as reward for all of your hard work!

When you wish to exit the dungeon, you’ll have to interact with the same initial statue once again. Along the way, you’ll also encounter another boss fight and many chances to encounter some more loot so heads up.
Exiting the dungeon is a fun challenge itself. Let us know in the comments if the boss to acquire Dr. Teddy was easy to defeat for you! If you’re up for some more challenges, you can go on a hunt for another deviant with the help of our guide called How To Get Growshroom Deviant!
yeah he isn’t dropping the bear