If you wanted to a very interesting quest that is started in the Marinefore City Area and has a very popular Metallica song name as well as a written novel, you are going to want to find For Whom The Bell Tolls. In this guide, we will go through all of the steps one by one for helping you to easily find and complete all of the objectives in it. Let’s get started.
For Whom The Bell Tolls Side Quest Guide – One Piece Odyssey
Quest Giver Location

You are going to need to walk to Marineford City Area and then proceed to the south side of the town where all the ruins and broken-up part of the town is. Here you will find the NPC that will give you the quest.

The first thing that you will need to do while going through this quest is to find a cat that is very close to the NPC quest giver itself. When you take the quest, just look to the right and you can see the cat standing right there. Once you talk to the quest you’ll take it to another location.
Dog Location

Here next to the water well you can find the dog drinking straight from the water itself that is named Lim and you will need to get with you to complete the quest.
Black Kitty Location

For the next animal that you’ll need to find you will head to the northwestern part of the town and exactly as shown in the picture above. Here you can find the small little kitty just next to the fence overlooking the scenery.
Defeat Enemies

After you have talked to all of the animals and taken them with you, you’ll need to head to the outskirts of the city itself and then proceed to take on a couple of enemies that will be standing there. Defeat all of them in combat.
Once you defeat these enemies, proceed to move back to the Quest Giver Location. Congratulations on completing this quest!
We hope that this guide has helped you out on completing For Whom The Bells Toll in One Piece Odyssey. Have fun doing them yourself!