The Grappler is finally in Parkour Reborn and after this guide, you can start swinging around in the game. There’s a lot of new possibilities added to the world now and we’re going to show you how to get this equipment. We’re going to show you what the Grappler looks like after that, so keep reading!
How To Get Grappler & Locations
The Grappler is an item that you can craft in the game now. Head to the Menu, open your Inventory, and then click on the Crafting button on your bottom right.

Now for the materials, there are 7 parts that you need to find. For Part #1, you need to hop up to the roof of this building where the Crystal is. Then, look to the left and make the jump to the building across. You’ll find the part on the right side where the solar panels are.

Part #2 is to the building across from the building where you found the first part. Jump the building shown below and then approach the crane on the left. Climb and enter the control room to find the second part.

Part #3 is at Apollo Building. If you don’t know where that is, start from where you found Part #1 and jump to the building across like you did in Part #2. But look to the left now and look for the logo of Apollo.

Once you see the slope, you know you’re at the right place. From the slopes, look straight up and you should see the Apollo Building where the Apollo challenge is. And then, find this plank that lets you jump to the building across. Climb up and the 3rd part should be near the tree.

From here, jump up to the top of the building and look behind you for a zipline for Part #4. Climb up after you zip here until you find the solar panels for the part.

Time for Part #5. From here, head to Dirwik where the rest of the parts are. Dirwik is to the west of the solar panels. Head to the slope roof and climb up the container and then try to reach the crane. From here head to the building blue tarp windows.

Drop down to the terrace that faces southwest where the ads are. Enter the first office room you see and then climb up to the ceiling. Part #5 should be on the pillar.

Part #6 is near Part #5. Just go up the stairs here until you reach this area with several cubicles. The part is in one of these cubicles.

Go down the stairs once and out the door to find Part #7. Look to the south and it’s time for a long journey until you see Dirwik Construction.
Once you see red and blue neon lamps, you know you’re in the right area. Don’t worry, the banner is pretty huge. The 7th part should be around the stacks of boxes near the entrance.

Once you find all the materials, you can craft the Grappler now! And you can start grappling around the city and swinging on the designated swing points in Parkour Reborn.