Games have tutorials to help players understand the game. In Payday 3’s tutorial, you’ll need to find a door code and pass through detection, which you’ll be able to apply onto many other situations as you progress to the game. However, as ironic as it sounds, players seem to need a tutorial, for this tutorial. As it’s hella confusing. Let’s get right into it!
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Tutorial Door Code | Detection
As mentioned before, you’ll be introduced to the variety of mechanics in the game – like detection, and door codes.
However, there are still other stuff left to mention, like sneaking, vents, cameras, taking out NPCs, and many more.
If you’re only looking for the Door Code, it’s 1608. But if you’re stuck on other parts of the tutorial, check this walkthrough below.
Detailed Walkthrough
First, you’ll have to enter the building. Head straight and right. You’ll then come across this electronic lock – Cable Controller.
In order to unlock it, first check the color shown in the screen. In this case, it shows blue.

Next, you’ll have to find where it’s connected. In this tutorial, you can find it on your right from the Cable Controller. Simply flip the blue switch to open the gate.

In this section, you’ll be introduced to Detection, which can be from cameras, security guards, and employees.
Also, they’ll tell you about the Secure Area, where you’ll get cuffed immediately and lose, if you get caught once.
There will be a detection meter, which indicates you how close you are on being caught. Simply go through the boxes and stay out of the camera’s field of vision until you reach the door to the next room.

Next, you’ll be tasked to take out this guard. First, you must wear your mask. Then, you’ll simply have to sneak/crouch behind the guard and press Takedown.
However, you’ll need to hide the body on the Comfort Room to your left. But before you do that, answer the radio. Here are a few important things you must keep in mind:
- Every Security Guard is equipped with a radio, and unanswered radio calls will cause suspicion. Then, another guard will be dispatched to investigate the area.
- You can only answer a limited number of radio calls before security gets suspicious. There’s a counter for this on the middle-left part of the screen. Unanswered calls count as 2.

You’ll then come across this Door, which needs a code to be opened. In this game, door codes will be hidden in different parts of the maps, and you must work to find them.
However, for this tutorial, follow these steps to find the code.

First, make your way back to the Comfort Room, where you hid the security guard from before.

Then, look to your right. You will see this vent. Open it up and head straight.

There you go, that’s the code for this Tutorial’s Door – which is 1608. Turn around and open the door to go back to the door. Proceed with the tutorial.

Next, you must enter this vent to your left. From here, it’s pretty linear so just head straight until you reach the location of the jewel.
However, be careful since there are cameras around. You may even have to shoot them. Though be careful since the security guards may spot them and get suspicious.

In this section, you’ll be introduced to glass cutting, it’s pretty straightforward but it takes a while to finish.
Once that’s done, simply follow the marker shown. This will lead to the tutorial’s “finish line”.

From here, you’ll be using the mechanics taught to you before in order to not raise the alarm. Here’s what the Tutorial Objective looks like, enter this to finish the tutorial!

That’s how you finish the Door Code | Detection Tutorial in Payday 3. Were you able to finish it? If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
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