There’s a new change in Peroxide that becomes the reason this build can be very good. We’re going to show specifically how Spirit-only stats on Vasto Rage may become the new meta.
Strength has always been the popular choice of build (like the Fullbringer) due to the wide range of skills one can use. The latest nerfs and buffs are encouraging players to experiment again. So, give this build a shot!
Spirit Vasto Rage Build
As the name suggests, the Spirit Vasto Rage meta is about dumping all your points into the Spirit. For the optimum build, 350 Spirit, 220 Vitality, 100 Reiatsu, and 100 Agility. This should be enough to tank hits while you land solid hits with your M1s: 44 per hit.
Do note what this build is about is using your Legendary ability Soukotsu as often as possible and landing as many M1s as you can. But it’s otherwise a really back-to-basic fighting style: land your hits, block their hits, and land your hits again.

Truth to be told, there are still a lot of skills that scale on Strength, making it an easier build to dominate. But this change in the game may just be one of many changes that try to favor Spirit stats in the build.
Because of the lack of power in other skills, however, you may have a problem when facing with a skilled Strength-based, ranged builds. Here’s an example skillset for Spirit Vasto Rage build.

And that’s all for the Spirit Vasto Rage meta build in Peroxide since the recent nerf/buff. Let us know your thoughts about the possibility of having Spirit stats in the mix of meta builds!
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