Now that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have dropped into release, long-time and new Pokemon fans are scrambling to get their hands on the newly added addition to the Pokemon series.
As such, many are looking to find out how to evolve their new rare pokemon into their badass evolutions.
This includes the chest pokemon, Gimmighoul. Players want to find out how to transform into a Gholdengo.
This is quite possibly one of the most tedious yet exciting evolutions in this game but this guide is going to show you exactly how to achieve this!
How to Catch a Gimmighoul
Before you can even think about evolutions, you must first capture a Gimmighoul. These tricky pokemon creatures can be found on top of the watchtowers all around the map.
They are randomly spawned in this area so you might not find them, but remember to keep trying!

How to Level Up into Gholdengo
You will be able to find them in their chest form in the watchtowers. Once you have them, you need to collect 999 Gimmighoul coins to level them up into Gholdengo. Players can achieve this in a number of ways.
First, you can find a few coins scattered around the map. Simply interact with them once you see them collect the coins. They let out a peculiar sound that indicates it’s from a Gimmighoul.

Second, by fighting against Gimmighouls you find if you defeat or capture them you will be rewarded 50 Gimmighoul coins. So, this is a much better and more efficient method of gathering these coins.

Once you have successfully gathered 999 coins, the next time your Gimmighoul levels up, it will successfully turn into a Gholdengo!
ALSO READ: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Where to Find Gastly | Location Guide