Poppy Playtime is a popular horror game that has an on-going story spread across different chapters that are released every year or two. The main gimmick of the series is the use of what is called a GrabPack, which has different colored hands with their own unique mechanics. Here is a quick guide on what they do!
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 – All 6 Color Hands (GrabPack Mechanics & VHS Tapes)
Each of the different colored hands for the GrabPack also have a VHS tape that briefly explains what they do. These are done in the style of a workplace safetyguide, and they are rather amusing to watch!

Chapter 1 – Red and Blue Hands
During the first chapter of the game, you will eventually get the blue and red hands for the GrabPack. These are the very basic attachments to the game’s iconic gadget, and they will be used throughout the rest of the series.
These hands are utilized for the following functions all throughout the series:
- Pushing, pulling, and collecting various objects.
- Connecting electricity sources to activate electronics.
- Activating hand scanners throughout the facility.
- Crossing gaps and traversing various obstacles by sticking to surfaces.

Chapter 2 – Green Hand
In the second chapter of the series, you will eventually receive a green hand for the GrabPack. This one has the same functionality as the red and blue hands, but with an added twist.
This hand can be used to take energy from certain power sources and transfer it to the appropriate green outlets. This electric charge is not permanent, so you’ll need to move fast when solving puzzles with it.

Chapter 3 – Purple and Orange Hands
At the third chapter of the game, you will eventually receive a new GrabPack with a jetpack mechanic and the ability to swap hands. It also has longer reach.
At the same time, you will receive the purple hand. In addition to having the same functions as the red and blue hands, it can also be used to launch you upwards by slapping purple pads.

Orange Hand
Later on, you will also get the orange hand, which is only used for one thing. It is essentially a pistol that shoots flares. It has several uses towards the end of the chapter.
Most notably, you will need this to fend off mini smiling critters. Be careful, however, as you only have a limited number of shots before it has to recharge.

Chapter 4 – Dash Hand (FAN MADE)
Finally, we have the suspected dash hand. As of writing this, the dash hand is an entirely fan made concept, as the third chapter has just released and there is no news for the fourth just yet.
As the name implies, its function is to mainly allow the user to dash across long distances by touching red pads. Again, this is a fan concept and is not officially confirmed to be coming in the future.

And those are all of the hands currently implemented in the game, as well as a well-made fan concept that may or may not show up in the future. While you’re here, check out our article on the Hour of Joy locations in Poppy Playtime for some bonus lore!