Getting the highest possible score in video games has always been there since the beginning. From the early days of Pong and Pac-Man to the leaderboards of FPS and MMO games.
Even in games like Ready Or Not, there is a ranking system that you can try to perfect when playing a map. You can get letter ranks at the end of the game and the highest one is the S Rank.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the S Rank in Ready Or Not. On paper, it’s quite simple, but like most plans, it doesn’t survive long after contact with the enemy!
Rank Guide & How To Get Them
With the release of the 1.0 update for Ready Or Not, you might have noticed that it’s a lot harder to get S Rank now.
That’s because they’ve updated the game to be a bit more challenging, so getting a perfect score is a lot harder. It’s still possible though, as long as you know how the ranking system works!
Here are the things you’ll need to do to get an S Rank in Ready Or Not.
Keeping Everyone Alive
It might seem obvious at first but keeping you and your team alive in the game is important. Not only for completing the mission but to get an S Rank as well.
That means no losing any lives on your team.
This also extends to any civilians that may be on the level. So, watch your fire and don’t damage or kill any civilians. Detain them and move on.
Another important thing is that this is also true for suspects! That means any hostiles that have guns can’t be killed or incapacitated.
So, make sure to bring non-lethal loadouts for all of your team including yourself!

Arrest & Restrain Them All
Now that you have to make sure all suspects and civilians are alive you also need to arrest and restrain them.
That includes suspects that fake being dead or suspects that pull a gun when they’re surrendering. It’s a combination of danger and hassle!

Securing Evidence
When you’re trying to fight suspects who are actively shooting you and make them surrender, they’ll drop their guns.
Make sure to not miss any of the guns they drop and secure them as evidence!
One missed gun means losing the S Rank!

Complete All Objectives
This is pretty obvious but completing all objectives in the map will make it so you get an S Rank. Don’t miss any objective at all before doing your Exfil.
This is surprisingly something you might miss when trying to do a big map where it might get hectic, and you forget things.
Complete those objectives!
As for Soft Objectives, we also have a detailed guide on how you’ll able to complete them!

With all of that, you should reach the S Rank without any problem! The main challenge is not killing anyone and securing evidence. Once you get a hang of those, then you’ll get those ranks no problem!
That’s how you can get an S Rank in Ready Or Not. Now, go out there and try these tips out!
ALSO READ: Ready Or Not: No Crack For AI Mod Guide