So, you’re ready to craft Ultimate Sharen and the new gun introduced in the Season 2 of The First Descendant, but there’s a bit of a grind ahead of you—specifically when it comes to the Heavy Ion Collectors. These are a key material needed to craft Ultimate Sharen, and as you probably already know, you’ll need quite a few of them. Here’s how you can farm Heavy Ion Collectors the fastest way in the game!
FAST Heavy Ion Collector Farm Guide
The Heavy Ion Collectors are dropped from two Infiltration Missions: Mystery’s End and Bio Lab. You can easily check the drop info under Acquisition Info to keep track of these materials and make sure you’re farming the right missions.
Each mission run gives you 7 Heavy Ion Collectors. Since each component requires 63, you’ll need to complete 9 runs per component. That’s 27 runs total to gather everything you need.
I know, doing 27 runs sounds pretty brutal, and trust me, it is the worst part of farming for Ultimate Sharen. But here’s the trick to make your grind for the 63 Heavy Ion Collectors faster:

First things first: For this method, you’ll want to bring along either Bunny or Freyna. Personally, I found Bunny to be much faster, but if you prefer a bit more flexibility, Freyna is a solid choice. With Freyna, you can jump into a public room and help clear some of the rooms that require you to clear 30 of the stuff, which will speed up your progress too. If you’ve got Bunny even partially built, you can actually solo this in Hard Mode, which is pretty sweet!
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Now, head over to Mystery’s End, aiming for 100% completion. I wouldn’t recommend going for the 250% version unless you’re feeling bold, because the boss is a nightmare there. Trust me, you don’t want to waste your time with that extra difficulty.
- For faster clears, I recommend starting a private operation. With a solid room setup, you can finish a run in 1 to 1.5 minutes. I managed to solo it in just 4 minutes and 40 seconds using Bunny.
- If you’re in a room with a full team of 4 Bunnies, you’ll clear the mission even faster. That’s the sweet spot if you want to optimize your time.

Here’s the key takeaway: Now, I know some of you are thinking, “27 runs? That’s a ton of work!” It definitely is, but remember: while each run might not feel like it saves you much time, those minutes really start to add up when you need 27 runs for all the Heavy Ion Collectors. It’s all about efficiency, and if you keep a good pace, you’ll be done before you know it.
If your focus is purely on getting those materials without worrying about extra stuff, running Normal Mode is definitely a solid choice. Personally, I’ve used Normal Mode a few times for that exact reason, and it really does speed things up when you’re in a rush.
If you’re trying to get a smoother and faster run with Bunny, I highly recommend going for a non-crit build with maxed-out range. I gave it a shot myself—it really does make a huge difference. No more worrying about crit hits, and the extra range allows you to clear rooms and bosses much more efficiently. It’s definitely worth trying out if you haven’t already!

Wrapping Up
And there you have it! With these strategies, you should be able to farm the Heavy Ion Collectors a lot faster and make your way to Ultimate Sharen in The First Descendant. It’s definitely a grind, but with the right mindset and a bit of strategy, you’ll have those 63 Heavy Ion Collectors in no time. If you have any other tips or questions, feel free to drop them in the comments. I love hearing from all of you and learning together. Until next time, happy farming, and may your Ion Collectors be plentiful!