The Remnant 2 offers a lot of different weapons for players to get to become more powerful in the game. One of those weapons is the Smolder Sword, which is a strong weapon with a unique way of obtainment. In this guide, we are going to explain How to get Smolder in Remnant 2.
How to Get Smolder
The Smolder Sword is one of the best Melee Weapons you can get in Remnant 2. In order to obtain this weapon, you will need to complete the game in either Veteran, Nightmare, or Apocalypse difficulties.
Once you complete the game in one of the mentioned difficulties, you will have the chance to purchase it from Brabus.
There is a chance for the Smolder Sword to not show up after you finish the game. Apparently, there is a bug causing this to happen.

Smolder Sword Stats
The Smolder Sword is a powerful blade imbued with fire. It deals 46 damage points with a 4% Critical Hit Chance and +95% Weak Spot Damage over 5 seconds.

That is everything you need to know about how to get the Smolder in Remnant 2!
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