
Risk of Rain 2: Funniest Bugs Tier List | Seekers of the Storm DLC

It’s pretty busted right now, so why not make fun of it a little?

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm is in a bit of a rough spot right now due to all of the bugs that were introduced in the latest update of the game that was rolled out alongside the DLC’s release. As such, players are reporting all sorts of hilarious harmless or even game-breaking issues on a daily basis. In this tier list, we are going to be ranking some of the most notable ones so far.

Funniest Bugs Tier List

Think of this as a more “fun” way to learn about all of the potential problems that you might encounter in the game in its current state. Some of them are easy to replicate, while others aren’t.

Whether you are a long-time player or are considering getting the game for the first time, this should give you a general idea of how to avoid some of these issues as well! Without further ado, let’s get to our rankings below:

S Tier – “Something Is Seriously Wrong Here”

  • Framerate Affecting Everything – If you have a decent gaming rig like I do, you probably have the game locked at around 120 or 144hz. Well, just know that this will have some very noticeable changes in pretty much everything, from enemy spawns to attack speed, and more.
    • To prevent wonkiness, you can lock it at 60 FPS and everything should feel a little more normal. On the flip side, if your FPS is too low, you might experience too slow gameplay.
  • They’re All Commandos – There is a strange bug that changes all of the survivors in the selection screen into Commando. You still keep your last selected survivor if you have played before, though. On top of that, menus are just broken in general.
    • This is based on reports by PS5 players, so it may be something exclusive to the PS5 upgrade version of the game.
    • Playing the PS4 version seems to be the solution for now if this ever happens to you.
  • Mithrix is Immortal Now – In one of Mithrix’s phases, he will start stealing all of the items from every player present. If he manages to get the new Warped Echo and/or Chronic Expansion item, he just stops taking damage.
    • Until this is fixed, avoid taking the aforementioned items if you plan on ending the run at Mithrix.
  • Rally Point Delta Container – Occasionally, you might find that the teleporter in Rally Point Delta will spawn inside an inaccessible container.There has also been at least one case of a player spawning in there.
Risk of Rain 2 bugged mithrix taking no damage

A Tier – “This Is Kinda Broken, But Manageable”

  • Acrid – Not really much to say here, really. Acrids abilities are just pretty broken right now, making him a lot less effective than he used to be.
  • Damage Non-Indicators – For some reason, damage indicators just seem to be broken right now. Like, they just do not work at all. Pay attention to your HP bar at all times, especially late in a run!
  • Loader Is Zooming – This ties in with the Framerate Affecting Everything bug, as his grapple’s speed is also affected by FPS now. This deserves its own entry due to how it is easily replicable/fixed and actually pretty fun despite being a bug.
  • Warped Echo in General – Warped Echo is currently busted in varying ways.
    • In some cases, it will deal full damage to you twice. Funnily enough, the speed in which the second tick of damage hits is also tied to FPS.
    • In other cases, Warped Echo might just dupe itself infinitely, making you completely invincible.
Risk of Rain 2 demonstration of the infinite warped echo bug

B Tier – “This Is… Fine…”

  • Bolstering Lantern Log – For some reason, the Bolstering Lantern’s entry in the Logbook just refuses to be marked as read even after being opened. Completely harmless, but still a bug.
  • Wimp Overlord – The Imp Overlord’s spike attack, for some reason, just has no hitbox. When this bug occurs, you can literally just walk through them without taking damage.
  • Falling Items – If a chest or a shop is close to an edge, maybe consider not buying or opening. If an item falls off the stage, it might just stay gone forever.
  • Audio Bugs ­– There are a whole lot of audio-related bugs in the game right now, though they are pretty harmless.
  • Clipping Issues – Monsters will occasionally fall through the floor or a wall. Pretty silly, but otherwise harmless.
  • Wandering Vagrant Charged Ball – In the latest update, the charged ball attack of the Wandering Vagrant is suddenly not targetable. For the uninitiated, we used to be able to destroy those, but now we just… can’t.

And those are just some of the more prominent bugs that we have in the game right now, whether or not you own Seekers of the Storm. If you are looking to play an older, more stable version of the game, check out this guide on how to downpatch Risk of Rain 2 and get yourself back into it!


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