
RoBending Online: Best Starting Element Guide

What element should you be starting out with in this game?

Although it is still in its early testing phase, the Avatar the Last Airbender-inspired Roblox game RoBending Online continues to be updated with various new and reworked features. As the game gets developed even further, more players are hopping in to try it out for themselves. So, in this guide, we’ll help you choose your starting element if you’re new to the game!

Best Starting Element Guide

Before we begin, it should be noted that the absolute best element will heavily depend on your desired playstyle and what your goals are going to be as you progress through the game.

For example, certain element and subclass combinations are better when it comes to traveling through the map, while others are more suited towards fighting bosses.

With all of that in mind, one thing that hasn’t changed in recent updates is that the non-bending option is just not a good choice by any means. Only choose this if you really want to challenge yourself for whatever reason, because it just isn’t good compared to the actual elements.

Robending Online nonbending player casting an ability

Best Overall Element – Air

In the current state of the game, Air is probably the best option for starters mainly because it is very versatile in terms of having both viable offensive and defensive capabilities.

The Air Scooter ability in particular comes in very handy while grinding, because it allows you to traverse the map very quickly. It also has an infinite duration, so you can just ride that ball of wind for as long as you want, whenever you wish.

Robending Online player using the air scooter skill

The downside to picking Air is that the sub elements, which are Flight and Spiritual Projection, are not really good for anything other than movement.

You don’t need to roll for either of these, but it does seem like a bit of wasted potential in not having a good subclass for combat.

With that said, all of its abilities hit hard. Though we are unsure how great this really is in PVP due to the skill-based nature of that part of the game, Air excels in PVE due to its impactful moves, area of effect potential, and superior range.

Robending Online air user activating spiritual projection

High Damage, Hard to Hit – Fire

On the flip side, you could also choose Fire if you are more confident in your ability to hit your moves. This is because most of its skills are either channeled or projectiles that are tough to land, especially against moving enemies.

Despite being a heavy-hitting element that can rival Air, it requires much more individual skill to effectively use. If you want to have a much easier time grinding and fending off other players, maybe choose Air instead.

However, if you practice a lot and get used to landing the fire-based projectiles, as well as either the Lightning and Combustion sub element moves, this will carry you hard throughout the game.

It has its own flying ability in the form of Fire Jet, making it a good choice for mobility as well. Not as effective as Air’s traversal skills, but definitely a close second.

Robending Online fire user with the lightning subclass

What About the Rest?

Water, unfortunately, is just seemingly completely outclassed by every other element at the moment. All of its moves have better alternatives in the other elements skill sets, and its movement ability isn’t particularly great.

Its Healing sub element has some niche uses, but unless you are grinding through tough content with a group, it really isn’t that great and might be a waste of spins in general.

Earth, on the other hand, is pretty decent and can be great purely for grinding levels. Unfortunately, you will need to have either the Lava or Sand sub element to put this on par with Fire or Air.

The movement skill of Earth is also nowhere near as good as the others. Because of this, it falls in the middle of the pack with only the potential to be great for leveling if you get lucky with spins.

Robending Online water user casting the ice surf ability


As a new player, the general consensus seems to be that Air is the absolute best choice. It will allow you to very quickly get from one place to another as well as provide you with a ton of area of effect attacks for grinding.

Overall, though, it is really just a tossup between Air and Fire, with the deciding factor being whether you value ease of use (Air) or having an element that is strong but hard to master (Fire).

And those are our take on which elements are the best ones to start with and which ones you should avoid. If you’re following our recommendations here, you should also check out our guide on how to get the new Airbending moves in RoBending Online!


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