
RoBending Online: Complete Main Elements Guide & Skills

Check out your favorite element and what their moves are!

RoBending Online Complete Main Elements Guide Skills

Even though there are only 4 elements in RoBending Online, plus the non-element choice, there are a ton of moves to learn. Each element in the game has 9 moves to master and learning how to use them is key to winning fights.

Of course, not everyone has the time to test out all of the moves in the game. You’ll want to know first what you’re getting into and what moves each element has.

In this guide, we’ll show you all of the moves you can get with the main elements of the game. We’ll go through each one of them and what they do.

Complete Main Elements Guide & Skills

Each element in RoBending Online has its own move set that you can get. They’re all quite flashy, so you’ll want to know what these moves are. Here are all the moves you can get in the game for each element and what their hotkeys are.

If you’re also interested in looking at Non-Element skills, make sure to check out guide for that topic as well.

Obtaining New Skills

When you first pick your element in the game you’ll notice that you only have one move. That’s by design, you need to level up and unlock other moves in the game as you progress.

RoBending Online Master

Besides the level requirements, you’ll also need to get the scrolls for said moves. That’s where most of the quests are in the game. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get all the scrolls in RoBending Online!

Also, you’ll have to beat Elemental bosses for some of the scrolls, so make sure to check out our guide for that topic as well.

RoBending Online Air Sphere

Air Bending

  • Air Punch (Z) – Your first move as an air bender. You shoot out a projectile that you can control when you hold down the Z key.
  • Air Sphere (X) – When you activate this skill you’ll do an AOE attack around you which can knock back enemies.
  • Tornado Punch (C) – When you use this move you jump up into the sky damaging enemies around you.
  • Air Scooter (W + W) – This ability lets you summon a sphere that you ride around. It has infinite duration but you can’t use moves while on it.
  • Air Slash (R) – This is a fast move where you do punches and shoot out air slashes from right to left. This move has a wide range and is great for dealing damage to multiple targets.
  • Air Blast (T) – When you use this ability you shoot out a projectile that deals high damage and stuns enemies. This move can’t be blocked but is hard to aim.
  • Air Pull (G) – This is an AOE attack that pulls enemies around you. Great for crowd control but can be blocked.
  • Air Slice (H) – When you use this move you shoot out multiple Air Blasts dealing massive damage.
  • Air Tornadoes (K) – When you activate this ability you summon multiple tornadoes around you that deal a lot of damage.
RoBending Online Earth Wall

Earth Bending

  • Earth Rock (Z) – This is the first move you get as an Earth Bender. It’s a simple move where you shoot out a rock out of your hand.
  • Earth Knockout (X) – This is a close-range attack where you shoot out a pillar from the ground in front of you.
  • Earth Wall (C) – A defensive and offensive ability. You summon a wall in front of you that can block moves. You can also use the ability again near a wall to shoot it forward.
  • Rock Barrage (U) – This is a fast move where you throw multiple small rocks at an enemy to pressure them.
  • Rock Launch (Double Space) – This is an ability that lets you send yourself up into the sky using a rock pillar. If you instead hold Space you don’t get launched but still summon the pillar.
  • Earth Kick (T) – You stomp the ground summoning a boulder that explodes immediately. You can hold down the key to launch the rock forward controlling it with your cursor.
  • Boulder Kick (G) – This move lets you summon a boulder that damages and stuns enemies.
  • Earth Punch (H) – You stand still and shoot out an earth punch underneath you that travels to the enemy.
  • Earth Smash (K) – You summon multiple boulders that you shoot out in a wide range that deals massive damage and stun enemies.
RoBending Online Fire Punch

Fire Bending

  • Fire Punch (Z) – The first move you can get as a fire bender. You shoot out a fire punch that deals burn damage. You can hold down the key to control the projectile with your cursor.
  • Fire Blast (X) – You shoot out a fire blast forward that knocks enemies back. This move also deals burn damage.
  • Fire Breathing (C) – You hold the key to shoot out flames from your mouth. It can stunlock enemies and you can aim it with your mouse.
  • Fire Slash (V) – This is a long-range move that can’t be blocked. You shoot out a projectile that damages and stuns enemies.
  • Fire Wall (T) – You stand still and summon a wall of fire that knocks back the enemy. You can hold the key to increase the range and you can control it with your cursor.
  • Fire Ring (R) – You summon an AOE fire ring around you that deals damage to enemies.
  • Fire Stream (G) – You shoot out a stream of fire that can stun-lock enemies. You can hold the key to keep the move up.
  • Fire Missiles (H) – You shoot out up to 5 missiles that can stun enemies and deal massive damage.
  • Fire Jet (K) – When you use this move you can fly up to the sky using your fire bending. The duration depends on your element stat.
RoBending Online Water Bending

Water Bending

  • Water Drop (Z) – This is the first move you get as a water bender. You shoot out a water projectile. When you hold down the key you can control the movement with your cursor.
  • Water Knockout (X) – You shoot out a big wave of water that knocks back enemies as well as deal damage to them.
  • Ice Shield (C) – You create a shield in front of you that blocks attacks and projectiles.
  • Water Pull (U) – You summon a water tentacle that pulls enemies towards you.
  • Ice Spears (T) – When you activate this ability you summon 5 spears and shoot them towards the enemy.
  • Water Bullets (R) – When activated create a water sphere around the user as they start shooting water projectiles. You can change the direction of where you’re shooting with the cursor.
  • Ice Surf (G) – You create an ice surface in front of you as you surf on it. A great mobility skill albeit hard to use.
  • Water Wave (H) – You summon a huge wave in front of you dealing high amounts of damage and knocking enemies back.
  • Ice Spikes (K) – You summon a large ice spike that deals high amounts of damage and knockbacks enemies.

Sub-Bending Skills

Have you ever wondered why there are only 9 moves on each element in the game? Why not add another move to make it a nice round number of 10? There’s a reason for that!

Those aren’t all the skills that you can get with each element. There are also special sub-bending skills that you can unlock in the game. Here’s a detailed guide on all the Sub-bending skill you can unlock!

RoBending Online Lightning Attack

Those are all the moves that you can get in RoBending Online for all the main elements. Now, go out there and pick the one you like!

If you are still fairly new to this experience, consider checking out our beginner’s guide for RoBending Online to kickstart your adventure!


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