
Roblox Olympia: How To Get More Strength Fast

And how to not lose them!

Roblox Olympia Strength grind
Roblox Olympia Strength grind

Grinding for Strength in Roblox Olympia to become Mr. Olympia? You’re probably stumped as to why you can’t raise your strength anymore or why everything suddenly isn’t even working. We’ve got your back. The server can be buggy, so we’ll show you what to do and the best trainings to do to efficiently max everything out.

How To Get More Strength Fast

At quickslot number 1, you have your energy drink. Remember whatever training you’re doing, you just need to drink that to get your energy back. Now, to solve the bugging server that stops you from getting your strength.

Create a Private Server and play in there on your own. That’s the current best way to get your strength in this game right now and not be bugged out. And then start by using this equipment first for bench press with warmups, don’t use any weights just yet. It trains both your Biceps and Pectoral Strength.

Followed next by the equipment next to it to train your Triceps and Biceps Strength. And then use the equipment near the sea where you lift yourself for your Core Strength, although remember that this one has a long animation. That’s because your core strength is still low.

There’s another weightlifting equipment next to this one, which is the deadlift that boosts your Back and Biceps Strength.

Note that unless mentioned in this article, don’t do any of the other equipment as they’re not giving your strength as effective as the others.

As you repeat these reps, you’ll find yourself doing each act faster and faster. Continue adding weights as you go but the stock weights only go as heavy as 100lbs each. Eventually, you’re going to need heavier ones, so just head out of the beach.

Go into the Buff Store and buy the weights here. Buy heavier ones each time the ones you have stacked can’t be enough for your reps anymore. Each weight cost the amount of Strengths you’ve been grinding so far. And do these consistently so you don’t lose muscle strengths.

Keep grinding those muscles!

ALSO READ: The Storage: Complete Beginner’s Guide | Roblox


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