Roblox Pressure is a brutal horror game that is already hard enough with so many monsters trying to hunt you down. However, there is now a badge that requires you to beat the game solo without hiding in any lockers. How are you even supposed to manage this? In this guide, we will provide you with strategies and hiding spots that you can use to make the No Hiding challenge possible. Even then, this Challenge will test you to the absolute limits. Let’s get into it!
No Hiding Guide
It is important to note that even with the strategy we provide in this guide, the No Hiding challenge still requires a lot of RNG. So, you’ll need to hope for the right rooms to be generated and get lucky. Additionally, you should expect to die a lot when doing this challenge.
Once you finish the Challenge, you’ll be able to get the ‘We Didn’t Playtest To Make Sure This Was Possible’ badge in Roblox Pressure.
Understanding How Monsters Work
Starting off, we will be looking at how the main threats in Roblox Pressure actually work. There are mainly two types of monsters you’ll face:
- Node Monsters (Angler and its variants)
- Pandemonium
Node Monsters follow Nodes which are fixed points all the way to the exit of the room. Typically, they will follow the shortest path between the nodes.
So, as long as you stay away from the path, you will be safe!
However, Pandemonium is the biggest threat and poses a lot more danger. He follows the path similar to how the Node Monsters do. But he has long range sight, and if he sees you he will come after you.
Since you cannot use lockers in this challenge, this basically means death!
So, you will need to use strategies and hiding spots to ensure that you do not come into the path of these monsters. These safe spots should also ensure that Pandemonium cannot see you.
Another important tip is that when there are rooms with equal paths to the exit on either side, the AI will always select the right path. However, this path will depend on the side from which the Angler is coming from.

Firstly, we’ll look at a common and crucial strategy that you will be utilizing throughout the run in Roblox Pressure.
When you’re about to enter a new room, start by opening the door. When you open the door, immediately run back and go to a safe spot you found in one of the two previous rooms.
After the monster has passed, enter the new room. This will give you more room to find another hiding spot and increase your chances of survival.
If there are no hiding spots in the previous two rooms, just keep going further and find more safe spots in your Roblox Pressure run.

Straight Rooms
Starting off, we’ll be looking at hiding spots and strategies for Straight Rooms in Roblox Pressure. These are rooms with straight hallways that do not turn anywhere.
The first safe spot you can find here are rocks. When you find one try to stand at the top of it. Doing so will keep you safe from Anglers. However, this does not work for Pandemonium.

Another safe spot you can find is gaps between two desks. However, for it to work you will need to make sure that it is a small gap. Again, this spot only works for Anglers and not Pandemonium.

If you come across a room with a Pipe Puzzle, it is relatively safe for Anglers. However, you might want to hide in the room so that you can keep away from the Pandemonium.
There is another spot that you can hide in that is behind the crates in the corner of the straight room. But it will only work for Anglers.

Additionally, you can come across a specific type of rock that has a hole on the side. You can actually climb up into this hole and stay in the middle. It will keep you safe from Anglers, but we are not sure yet for Pandemonium.

Finally, there is a great hiding spot which is the angled glass windows. You can get on top of these windows and be safe from Anglers.
To survive Pandemonium in this spot, you should crouch down while on the glass. At the same time, you want to try to hide behind the nearby couch in Roblox Pressure.

L Shaped Rooms
When it comes to L shaped rooms. There are certain specific hiding spots that you might come across in Roblox Pressure.
One such hiding spot consists of shelves with crates next to them. You can hide behind the crate and be safe from Anglers. We have not been able to confirm this for Pandemonium.

Another spot that you can come across is areas with water in L shaped rooms. You can actually hide by diving into the water and hugging the pipe. This will certainly keep you safe from Anglers, but we are not yet sure if it works for Pandemonium.
Going against the wall in the water has also worked for some players attempting the No Hiding challenge. This is because it can hide most of you and your hit boxes inside the wall.

T Shaped Rooms
T Shaped Rooms in Roblox Pressure have one of the most common hiding spots. Typically, you can just hide on the other side of the next room door. This will allow you to survive against Anglers.

However, for Pandemonium, you also want to have some cover here too. This can be anything from Shelves, Boxes and Desks.

Cross Shaped Rooms (Or Plus)
The same hiding spots that you used for T Shaped Rooms can also help you out in Cross Shaped Rooms. That means that you should hide on the opposite side of the door and you’ll be fine against Anglers in Roblox Pressure.
If the door is in the middle, you can hide on either side of the door for the No Hiding challenge.
However, in most cases, you will not be safe against Pandemonium. This is because Cross Shaped Rooms can lack desk, shelves and boxes in the corner near the door.
Another great hiding spot is when the door to the other room is underneath a staircase. The exit ends up forming a type of tunnel.
So, hiding in this spot will keep you safe against Angler and Pandemonium!

Side Rooms
There are plenty of side rooms that you’ll come across in Roblox Pressure. These rooms are typically safe for Anglers in No Hiding challenges as long as you do not stay close to the door.
However, if you’re trying to hide from Pandemonium, you will want to ensure that you are not visible from the side room door. So, try to find a corner that has some kind of box, desk or shelf that will hide you.

At times, you will come across Side Rooms with broken walls in Roblox Pressure. When you come across these rooms, try to go to the furthest corner away from the door.
Again, try to find an object to hide behind if you want to stay safe from Pandemonium.

Finally, you’ll come across checkpoint rooms that have windows on the side. These rooms are safe from Anglers. However, Pandemonium can still see you from the windows so try to stay away from them!

Stair Rooms
Stair Rooms have one of the most reliable safe spots when you’re trying to do the No Hiding challenge in Roblox Pressure.
Typically, the stairs in these rooms will have stairs going down or up to the door. In such cases, you want to stand at the top or the bottom of the stairs.
This position will keep you safe from Pandemonium in most cases. However, you want to make sure that you stay crouched right in the corner. At the same time, look down to maximize your chances of not being spotted by Pandemonium when he spawns.
If there are desks near the Stairs, that can also work when you’re trying to hide from Pandemonium.

Server Farms
Server Farms are the best types of rooms for the No Hiding challenge in Roblox Pressure. This is because almost all of these rooms are safe for Pandemonium if you know the Node Path.
There are plenty of Side Rooms in these Server Farms. So, you can use the hiding spots that we laid out for Side Rooms above in the guide.
You can also find Vents in the Server Farms. However, these are very dangerous hiding spots as Pandemonium can still see you inside them.

Heavy Containment
Heavy Containment rooms are the second best types of rooms for the No Hiding Challenge. They are the rooms with the giant gates.

These rooms have plenty of T shaped rooms and side rooms. So, you can use the hiding spots that we outlined for them in Roblox Pressure.
You will also come across many side rooms with windows on the side. But you must be careful in them and be away from windows. So hide in places where you are not visible to Pandemonium.

Flooded Rooms
You’ll come across Flooded Rooms in Roblox Pressure where you’ll have to swim in. These rooms have plenty of Stair Rooms, T Shaped Rooms and Side Rooms. So, you can try the hiding spots for those rooms although it might be a bit awkward because of the water.
The first room in Flooded Rooms is also for Anglers if you hide at the back of the room. This will work for you about 95% of the time.
There is also a great safe spot you can use if the ceiling of the room is high enough. Go all the way to the top of the flooded room and you will be able to hide from the Angler. It won’t work for Pandemonium.

Oxygen Rooms
The next rooms for the No Hiding Challenge are Oxygen Rooms. These rooms will have plenty of Side Rooms where you can find hiding places in the corners with objects to hide behind.
You can also hide on the other side of exit doors. However, this will not work for Pandemonium.

A risky way to hide in Oxygen Rooms is by going upstairs. After that, you want to go towards the left towards the corner and hide behind a shelf. If you don’t have cover here, you will just have to pray the Angler does not come to your side.
If you can’t find a safe spot, just hug the wall and pray that the Monster does not find you as a last resort!

River Rooms (Waterfall)
The first room that you come across in a River Room, or Waterfall, has a reliable safe spot usually. Look towards the wall and you’ll see a small gap between a desk and box.
However, we are not sure if it works for Pandemonium.

There are also side rooms with windows in this area. So, make sure you are not near the windows as Pandemonium can see you through them in Roblox Pressure.
You’ll also come across rocks in the River Rooms. You can actually hide at the top of the rocks by going in the corner and then climbing up. But we are not sure if this works for Pandemonium either.

Maintenance Tunnels
There are some rooms you’ll come across that have pipes known as Maintenance Tunnels. These rooms will typically have vents if you look towards the wall in Roblox Pressure.
You can go inside these vents and hide in the middle. This area is confirmed safe for Pandemonium.
There are side rooms that you can find here too. So you can use the safe spots there too.

Trench Tunnel
Trench Tunnels are probably the worst types of rooms you can get for the No Hiding challenge in Roblox Pressure. Sewers and Flesh are worse but they are quite rare.
The only somewhat safe spot you can get in this area is the side room shown below.

The Ridge
The Ridge is arguably the most important room for the No Hiding challenge in Roblox Pressure. This is because it signifies the end of the challenge.
If you do manage to get to this point, you want to ensure that you can finish the level and get the badge!
When you arrive in The Ridge, you’ll find a side room near the starting checkpoint. Make sure to go inside the room and hide away from the window.
Wait for the monster to spawn and go away before you leave this room.

The Ridge can also have side rooms so pray that you get one. These rooms will help you survive against the Pandemonium.
Make sure that you go stay near the corner of the side room door when Pandemonium spawns. However, if the door is too close to the speaker then you’ll need to select another corner and improvise.

For the most part, you want to use the same safe spots that we’ve shown you throughout the guide. There is a risky safe spot that you can use if you have no other choice.
It involves hiding in a small corner next to a container. Use it as a last resort as it will not always work. If the Angler’s path is too close it will catch you and this spot will not work for Pandemonium.
Get past The Ridge and you’ll be able to get possibly the hardest badge ever in Roblox Pressure!

That’s everything you need to know for the No Hiding challenge guide for Roblox Pressure. Even with all these tips, expect to die many times. But with practice, experience and a little bit of luck, you’ll be able to get this challenge eventually!
There is a tough badge that you can get in another Roblox game, Slap Battles. Check out our How To Get Nah I’d Win Badge Guide. It will also help you get the Avatar Glove.