
RoboCop Rogue City: Where To Find The Access Card

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RoboCop Rogue City Courtroom

You’ve saved the city before, but now you can do it all over again now that RoboCop: Rogue City is circulating people’s hard drives. Given that our favorite hero still needs a few improvements here and there, you’ll probably have difficulty finding smaller items that don’t require shooting and subduing.

This includes the access card that you need to get during your assault on the courthouse. If you haven’t found it yet and the dust from all the rubble has already settled, then you’re in the right place. We have a quick guide for you down below that shows its exact location!

Where To Find The Access Card

The access card is in the courtroom adjacent to the main hall. It’s sitting on a table next to a fancier table that the judge uses for punishing crime doers. You can access that room by making use of the stairs leading to the second floor.

You can spot smaller items like these easier by levelling a certain skill. Find out which skill that is by reading our guide on the Best Skills to level up first!

RoboCop Rogue City Courtroom Stairs

Make a right turn as you’re going up and turn to the right once more. There’s a couple of OCP doors that are sealed shut, except for one.

That’ll be at the very end of the hallway. Use that one to get inside of the courtroom.

RoboCop Rogue City Courtroom

As you head inside, the courtroom will be filled by people who aren’t really enjoyers of justice and do-gooding.

Convince them that they’re wrong by opening fire on everything that moves so they won’t make the same mistake again.

Go over the railings when you’re done bringing everyone to the great courtroom in the sky for judging.

Meanwhile, the keycard will be on the left side of the judge’s table.

RoboCop Rogue City Courtroom Balcony

And that’s where you can find the access card in RoboCop: Rogue City. Now, go out there and save Detroit from people you don’t like, like tax evasion practitioners!

ALSO READ: RoboCop Rogue City: Where To Find The Secret Area In The Arcade | No Stone Unturned Achievement


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