The Risk of Rain’s DLC: Seekers of the Storm news reveals that there is a secret final boss you encounter with fascinating lore. If you’ve kept up with all the updates, you already know that all the whispers lead to a boss called the False Son.
If you’re wondering how to get to him, we’ll tell you exactly how!
How to Find & Fight False Son Boss | Find Green Portals – Seekers of the Storm
The journey is smooth and you’re destined to reach him eventually. If it is all still confusing to you, we’ll explain how.
Here’s what you need to do to get to the False Son:
- Get through green portals and fight the Halcyonite boss.
- Reach the top of Prime Meridian
We’ve explained each of these steps in detail below so keep reading for a full walkthrough!
Green Portals and Halcyonite Boss
Before you get started, you must ensure that you’ve collected everything to unlock False Son and are using the right methods to defeat him, so check out the guide for that. In short, to acquire and purify the False Son, you’ll need a Halcyon Seed from the Aurelionite in Gilded Coast.
The methods in this guide will help you unlock him as a playable survivor because defeating him in a boss battle is not enough to acquire The False God.
To get to him, you’ll need to activate the green pillar or the Halcyon Shrine from Stage 1. You’ll then need to charge up the shrine with gold, so make sure to have around 200 gold on you.

When the shrine drains you of gold, it’ll activate and spawn the Halcyonite enemy.

Defeat the enemy and it’ll spawn a green portal.

You do not have to get to the portal immediately. You can first defeat some enemies, and loot the place before you decide to head to the next stage.
After entering the portal, you’ll have to pass two regular stages. After those two regular stages and entering some more green portals, you’ll finally reach Prime Meridian.
Prime Meridian
In this stage, you’ll have to reach all the way to the top. All you have to do is fly up and you don’t even have to do the pillars.

All the pillars do is remove the slow debuffs and give you some barriers. Therefore, it’s not a requirement to hit all pillars and you can just scale the mountain all the way to the top of the arena.
Finally, before you head to the final boss, you’ll encounter some cauldrons and then reach the final battle with the False Son!
This way, you’d have found the boss, defeated him and if you’ve followed the steps from the guide at the beginning, you can also unlock him as a playable character in the game! You can also let us know in the comments how challenging fighting the boss was or if it all went smoothly for you!