With the release of the Risk of Rain 2’s expansion Seekers Of The Storm, players are eager to get their hands on the chance to test the combat of the three new survivors: Seeker, The Chef, and a secret survivor called The False Son.
If you’re aiming to claim these for yourself, our guide will help you with just that.
How To Unlock All 3 New Survivors In Seekers Of The Storm
Each survivor comes with their own unique quest to unlock them.
- Seeker is given by default;
- You’ll need to find ingredients to unlock the Chef;
- Defeat the False Son in the final battle with the Halcyon Seed.
For a detailed guide on how to acquire the three survivors, keep reading this guide until the end!
Players unlock Seeker as a little gift for when they buy the new expansion: Seekers of the Storm. There’s no unlocking required at all. All you have to do is head over to the survivor selection menu and try the new survivor out!

Unlocking The Chef is a little trickier. We’ve explained the details of it in our guide so don’t forget to check it out!
For Chef, you’ll need to place three ingredients in the wok next to him. The required items are:
- Bison Steak
- Cautious Slug
- Infusion
It’s not important to collect these items in a single run because after you place an item or two into the wok, the progression does not reset.
To get to the Chef in Reformed Altar, look for the Halcyon Shrine. The shrine is a large green crystal that has smaller green crystals protruding from the ground. You’ll definitely find one of these in the first stage.

Pray to the shrine and feed the altar gold until it spawns the Halcyonite boss, who you’ll have to defeat before you head inside the Green Portal.
Note: It’s important that you stay nearby as the shrine charges up with your gold.
From the Green Portal, head to the Reformed Altar Stage to find the Chef. You’ll find him when you head in the direction of the throne room area and turn left.

When you turn left, you should see a small opening. The opening to the cave should lead you to the Chef.
Placing all three items will unlock the Chef!
The False Son
First, to unlock the False Son, you’ll need to find an Aurelionite in Gilded Coast. You can get there either through the Gold Shrine or through the portal in the Lunaar Bazaar.
We even have a guide dedicated to how you can unlock the False Son, so don’t forget to check it out!
When you defeat the Aurelionite, pick up the Halcyon Seed.

Next, you’ll need to activate the green pillar or the Halcyon Shrine from Stage 1. You’ll then need to charge up the shrine with gold, so make sure to have around 200 gold on you.
When the shrine drains you of gold, it’ll activate and spawn the Halcyonite enemy who you’ll have to defeat before you proceed forward.

After entering the portal, you’ll have to pass two regular stages. After those two regular stages and entering some more green portals, you’ll finally reach Prime Meridian.
During this stage, you’ll have to reach all the way to the top. All you have to do is fly up and you don’t even have to do the pillars. All the pillars do is remove the slow debuffs and give you some barriers. Therefore, it’s not a requirement to hit all pillars and you can just scale the mountain all the way to the top of the arena.
Finally, before you head to the final boss, you’ll encounter some cauldrons and then reach the final battle with the False Son.

Killing the False Son with the Halcyon Seed will enable you to unlock him as a playable character and purify him!
And that’s how you unlock all three survivors! Now you can try out their abilities, moves, and fighting style to learn which survivor suits you the best!