A new update to Sakura Stand has added plenty of new content to the game – which includes a bunch of new specs. With the Winter 2025 update, we have a new Okarun questline that allows us to get the Okarun Spec. However, there are quite a few steps you’ll need to follow to get it.
Having trouble getting the spec and want to figure out if it is actually worth it? In this guide, we’ll show you all the steps that you need to follow to get it. We’ll also show you a showcase at the end so you know if you want to get it. Let’s get into it!
How To Obtain Okarun Spec & Showcase
The Okarun Spec is one of the five Specs added to the game as part of the Fading Winter update in Sakura Stand. To get it, you’ll need to start and complete the Okarun quest line. We’ll go over all the steps for the obtainment method.
Also, check out the showcase at the end so that you can see what the Okarun Spec offers.
Okarun Spec Obtainment Method
To start the Okarun quest line, you’ll need to make your way to the Cave in Sakura Stand. You can find the Cave near the Sukuna NPC. Once you find it, interact with it to enter inside.

On the other side, you should see a tunnel entrance that has caution signs in front of it. There will be an NPC by the name of Turbo Granny standing there. Interact with her and accept the quest that she gives you.
Doing so will begin the Okarun spec quest line.

As part of this quest, you will need to collect souls from Curses and Hollows. Souls are a new drop that you can get from curses and hollows. Menos, Adjuchas and Space curses all count. Keep in mind that only one person can pick up souls when they drop.
These souls’ only real use it for the Okarun quest line. Be sure to pick them up quickly because they do despawn really quickly! Also, other players can steal the souls from you too so be careful.
Once you complete the quest, return to Turbo Granny so that you can turn in the quest.

After that, you should see another NPC on the left of Turbo Granny by the name of Momo. Talk to Momo and she’ll ask you whether you want to ‘get that Precious thing of yours back.’
Select the ‘i don’t want to be disabled’ option so you can proceed with the quest. Make sure you are ready as you will be transported to another area when you select this option.

Next, you will be transported to the Granny Obby. As part of this Obby, you will need to move forward and dodge falling rocks in the tunnel. The Obby will progressively get tougher and you will begin moving faster.
You need to survive 120 seconds without dying and dodge 200 obstacles so that you can pass the Obby. Make sure you do not get eaten either by tripping on the rocks.
Once you pass the Obby, return to Momo and she will give you the Okarun Spec! Now, let’s take a look at all the moves that the spec offers.

Okarun Spec Showcase
Next, we’ll go through a showcase of all the moves that the Okarun Spec offers. The Okarun Spec comes with two poses that differ a lot from each other. One of them is the normal pose while the other is in the transformed phase.
M1 Combo
Starting off, we have the standard M1s. The user performs 3 punches at the start ending the 4 hit combo with a kick that makes the enemy fly away. In the transformed form, the combo works similarly but deals more damage and has some different VFX.

Q – Turbo Transform
With Turbo Transform, the user taps into Turbo Granny’s powers and transforms into the Yokei form. In this form, the user is granted the 100 KM passive that gives them a running speed buff.
In fact, Okarun has the fastest sprint speed in Sakura Stand because of this.

E – Blow Rampage
Your character will grab the enemy and perform a double uppercut three times. For the last uppercut, the user will charge up the uppercut, causing the enemy to fly away after the hit.

R – Drop Kick
The user will charge up the attack before dashing ahead at speed. They will perform a drop kick on the enemy dealing damage.

T – Roundabout Slam
With this move, your character will perform a somersault and charge up in the air. After that, they will slam down, performing an AoE attack that deals damage to all enemies.

Y – Penta Whirlwind
A pentagram will appear around the user’s location. After that, your character will start dashing around it rapidly, dealing continuous damage to enemies inside the pentagram.

G – Turbo Counter
On activation, your character will enter a stance. If the enemy hits you during this stance, you will counter them which will begin an animation cutscene. Your character will dash behind the opponent, juggle them a few times and human torpedo them at the end.

H – Ayase san
When you hit the opponent with this move, it starts a long animation cutscene. Your character will drop kick the opponent to the ground. After that, Ayase will appear and grab them with their ability, slamming them into the ground.
Your character will then charge up an attack and human torpedo into the enemy while they are still in the air!

B – Granny Rush
On activation, your character will channel the spirit of Turbo Granny and transform into it. You can control the spirit and munch away at enemies dealing continuous damage to anyone in your path.
Keep in mind that this move can be blocked.

That’s everything you need to know about obtaining the Okarun Spec in Sakura Stand. Hopefully, the showcase gave you a good idea of all the moves. The quest line is certainly worth it and at the end you get this spec too which can be pretty powerful!