SCUM: Complete Cooking Guide | Everything You Need To Know

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

SCUM challenges your survival skill by pitting you against other players and the environment. Eating food is essential to survival when it comes to playing SCUM. This guide will show you everything you need to know about cooking. 

Cooking Guide – SCUM

One of the best ways to cook is using an improvised barbecue with a campfire underneath it. This can help you manage everything smoothly. To build the improvised barbecue, go to the crafting menu and head to the blueprints tab. 

Select the Improvised barbecue to craft it using the required materials. Once you have the improvised barbecue, make sure to center it as much as you can on the campfire. Make sure the fire is at burning stage 4. You can fuel the fire with a plank and 2 log sticks. 

When storing food, you can store your meats in bulk. Once you are ready to cook, cut them up and you will get higher freshness. To chop the meat, use any knife and hold f over the meat chops to chop the meat. 

Light the fire on the campfire and you are ready to cook. When it comes to cooking, going in the first person can help you see the food better. Lay down the meats on the grill, and try to center it as much as you can. 

While watching over the meat, select Check taste to check its temperature and doneness. Make sure the meat is hot at all times. Make sure that the burning stage of your fire stays at 4 as well. 

Once it says cooked, your meat is ready to go. 

ALSO READ: SCUM: Medical Skill Leveling Guide

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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