Transporting your loot may be a bit tedious in Sea Of Thieves. If you find yourself wishing to be able to sprint while getting your loot around, we’ll be telling you how in this short guide. Please note that this guide is for keyboard and mouse users and is not applicable on controller.
How To Loot Sprint | Sprint With Loot – Sea Of Thieves

For this particular guide, you can do the same thing when you hold loot either on land or on water. It would take some practice but with quick reflexes and understanding of the fundamentals, it should be easy enough to grasp.
The main idea of sprinting with loot is to drop the loot, quickly sprint then pick it back up. The easiest way to do this is practice using the buttons on water first as it’s relatively easier to do than on land. What you need to do is to press the buttons W, X, F and Shift in that order, quickly but with holding the W button all throughout.
Once you get the hang of it, you can now do it on land. It would be a bit different as you would need to look down to your loot as you drop it to be able to pick it back up. It’s the same combination of buttons to press as with the water but you need to tilt your camera down as you press F. Continue practicing and you’ll be zooming through maps with your loot in no time!
That’s all there is to it! This method requires a lot of practice but will give you a lot of mobility especially if you need to go back and forth with multiple loot!
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